
Finding the positive

I am realizing that I have a sort of internal thermostat that seeks out negativity whenever I start feeling too good.

This is one of the main places I place that negativity.

Ergo, I am going to try and either blog less, or blog more positively.

It’s funny, though: I just took a Personality Strengths inventory–the Martin Seligman thing–and my top two are Bravery and Creativity, followed closely by Spirituality.  Dead last is Self Regulation.  They got that right.

I will add too that I don’t think Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is bullshit either.  Learned Optimism is one of the best books I ever read, and I have often used his tools dealing with Explanatory Style (Permanence, Pervasiveness, and Personalization) with success.

Finally, I will note that my seeming need to save the world seems to stem from a primitive fusion when I was quite young between me and the world, which seemed dangerous to me.  Some unconscious part of me has been unable to fully separate from this fusion until recently, perhaps as recently as today.  It is a terrible burden waking up every day carrying the weight of the world, and feeling like I have to do something to change it, even when that something is confined to writing a blog I don’t even know if anybody reads.  This completes another cycle I have been through before, but every iteration is a bit different, and my sincerity a bit more sincere (to quote an old Sales Manager).

I need to live in my  house, in my skin, and let the world carry on its operation for a time without feeling it is or even could be my job to change its course.  I have plans, and they will get done quicker if I do this.

I always have more to say, so I’m sure I won’t remain silent, but if I do post less, that is the reason.