

It occurred to me another way to put these lockdowns and following hunger, privation, other death and other disease, in the poor world, is that Medical Faucism has damaged the lives of a large proportion of HUMANITY.  All of it.  All living people on the planet Earth.  A very large chunk of 7 BILLION people.  No single person has ever been ABLE to be that destructive, and certainly NEVER outside of war time.  Fauci is a front man, obviously, and an enabler with many hidden sponsors and employers, but he was the guy who said the words that led to so much pain and misery that the Cubans are in the streets KNOWING they will most likely be tortured and if need be killed.  They know this.  They grew up there.

But when you have nothing left, you have nothing left to lose.  These protests are abject desperation brought on by hunger and incipient death in any event.

And I was enumerating the ways in which these lockdowns have harmed the world.  I started with families.  These lockdowns have clearly caused many divorces, child abuse, and trauma in countless individuals that will get expressed as family tension.

Then it hit me: the Left wants to DESTROY families anyway.  Families are one more intermediate institution.  They are one more screen from the gaze of the All Seeing Eye.

And you know this is REALLY what they want: they want the power and relative omniscience of Sauron.  The light they want is the inability for any of us have personal lives, personal thoughts, deviations from their psychopathic demands.  That is all Big Brother was in 1984: a continual reminder to everyone that they were alone, and the All Seeing Eye alone mattered.

Animal rage, horrendous wounds, horror, and profound dissociation underlie all this emotionally.  Obviously, it is sick.  Obviously, it is evil.  Obviously, we have to fight it.

But we need to recognize that in the hearts of those pushing all this there is no more connection or caring than a lion feels for an antelope when hungry.  It is all latent, all rage couched in socially connected sounding words.

It is plague.  It comes and goes.  I have tried to understand why, but of course parts of this may always be a mystery.

We do need to develop inoculations, though, against this evil.  We are at present doing the opposite, which is spread it consciously, in a manner not dissimilar to that of the smallpox blankets supposedly given to the Indians (which most likely never happened, or at least not intentionally).

Put another way the plague warriors are Plague Warriors.  They are pushing demonism, pain, misery, lies and death, using a not-very-dangerous disease and an absolutely and sickeningly corrupt “scientific” establishment willing to lie, cheat and steal in the service of this wicked anti-humanism.