Further, given that Assad KNOWS already that use of chemical weapons will bring the U.S. in, he would have to be suicidal to do it in all but the most extreme circumstances, which are not there yet.
These are evil times. I watched the Hobbit tonight, and was thinking about the homology of a regime–ours–seemingly willing to tolerate up to millions of deaths in order to install a fascist regime, and the various evils in Middle Earth. Orcs are just a metaphor. The evil behind them is quite real: real bodies, real rapes, real torture,. children blown to pieces, communities destroyed, starvation.
We must resist this evil with all our power, forever, until we are dead, mad, or confined. That in my view is the law of life.
I will say again that is my sincere hope that we can find a whistleblower, someone with the courage to risk condemnation, death, and jail to save millions of lives. People out there know what time it is. Tell us.
Or possibly the Russians will weigh in. Candidly, if they want to come down on the side of Assad at this point, I’m with them. We have NO strategic interest in overthrowing him. On the contrary, given the likelihood of an anti-American Islamofascist regime getting installed, it is CONTRARY to our interest.
Fuck Barack Obama, and fuck all the evil human beings he surrounds himself with.
Edit: I will add, look at the timing. Christmas Eve. Everyone is home for the holidays, and has the TV turned on. If we see images of mass misery tomorrow, that will not have been by accident.
For a psychologically normal person, it is virtually impossible to conceive of being able to issue orders like this.
Finally, of course none of this is proven. It is speculative. But often that is all you get. I may be wrong. That would make me very, very happy. I sincerely hope I am. But I don’t think I am. The Benghazi-Syrian and false flag scenarios just make too much sense.
Edit two: we have to consider, too, the possibility that Stephens was murdered with the cooperation of our government, because he knew too much. That actually makes sense too.