Believe it or not, I do actually like to laugh. Believe it or not, I’m not actually a downer to be around. I’m not sad or shy.
But particularly NOW I am keyed to any number of possibly bad things. As I continue to believe, if this global COVID tyranny is possible when we have good early treatments, which our doctors are prevented from providing by the same people pushing the tyranny, then ANYTHING is possible. Anything.
So I think this Facebook thing was a test. A test for what?
Well, think about it: if some major event started to go down, like mass arrests of those who are ACTUALLY following the science on these experimental medical treatments, which is to say those of labeled as domestic terrorists by our own government, how would people get the word out? What would be the first thing? Social media, obviously.
And Big Government controls Big Tech. They will do whatever they are asked.
Here is my suggestion: create an email distribution list of ten people you personally know, ideally from several different regions in the country, and optimally in other countries as well, so that if some shit does go down, you can send that email out, if social media is down.
In the email, which I would suggest you create and test now, suggest to each recipient they do the same thing. Send it to people you trust. If a network like that existed, it would serve to get news out widely and quickly. A digital age Paul Revere.
And obviously the NSA and other agencies can jack with all this. But here is what I would suggest: the more people they have to involve, the more steps in the process, the less likely it becomes.
The “for want of a nail” analogy applies on all sides. Some small thing can sometimes prevent some large thing. The goal is always to take from those afflicting you things they value, and which make their job easier. This is basic strategy. You protect what is valuable to you, and take from they what is valuable to them. Large things begin as small things. Things like lack of gasoline or bad weather have often influenced, sometimes decisively, even large conflicts.
Make a plan for communication if the SHTF. This is one idea.
And again, I don’t think EVERYONE in our government is corrupt. That is a step too far. Many people are doing what they are told to keep their jobs. Many are completely deluded. They believe fairy tales about the inevitability of freedom and goodness in the United States. Maybe many are sympathetic to those railing against the dying of the law in this nation. The more people who have to be in on any scheme, the less likely it is to succeed.
And for those of you capable of it, particularize these ideas to your circumstances. Do whatever you can within the realm of the legal to make the bastards job harder.