
Epidemiological “science”

 I would suggest that to the extent honest science remains viable and some degree of free speech possible over the next couple of years that it will become undeniable that nearly the entirety of this present clusterfuck—the masks, the lock downs, school closings, restaurant curtailments and closings, and even the vaccinations—was misguided and on balance harmful.

Among professionsls there will be a curve of adoption. You have the people who never stopped talking science, like John Ionnidis, Harvey Risch and Simone Gold, but soon you will have more and more people leaving their fear induced stupefaction and scientific incoegence and saying the same obvious things. Early treatment with zinc and HCQ and Ivervectin works. Everyone should have been supplementing Vitamin D from the get-go. Our hospital capacity was never at serious risk, and would have been at even lower risk if we had encouraged people to take Vitamin D and do early treatment. 2-3 people are dying from the stress from the lockdown for every COVID death, and most of the COVID deaths are either not COVID, prinarily or AT ALL, and most of the COVID deaths were unnecessary. The disease could not be stopped but it never amounted to more than a bad flu. None of the measures taken were needed or helpful and on balance made everything WORSE in all ways.

In my view all people who claim to be professionals need to start admitting the obvious. No person on the back end of this curve will have any credible claim to be considered honest.