
End Game

Conservatives are up in arms about attempted leftist take-overs of the nation, which have been underway in earnest since AT LEAST the 1960’s, and in my view the 1930’s (Hell: 1920’s, since Hoover started the New Deal). This is all to the good. It’s good to be awake and not asleep.

At the same time, I think we need to begin reframing this conflict from opposing leftists, to restoring sanity and recovering a free 21st century from those who would oppose it. We need to be thinking not just about winning, but WINNING.

We need to remember that these academics who support the wholesale murder of women and children without using those images: they are lunatics, driven mad by inaccurate abstractions and simple COWARDICE. They can’t figure out a way forward, so they assume the rest of us can’t. Let me ask you this, though: if I pitted a group of academics against a group of people selected at random from a phone book and asked them to build a home, who would finish it first? In my view, there would be no contest. Academics simply do not, as a rule, have practical intelligence. They claim to speak for workers, but they sure as hell do not hang out at their bars.

What people of good will need to remember is that most of the suffering of the last century was completely unnecessary. Given the actual use of reason, good instead of bad decisions would have been made. We would have won the Vietnam War, and frankly Kennedy should have, in my view, invaded Cuba after they tried to install the SS-whatever missiles. It would have saved a great deal of suffering, and Americans would have a great alternative to Las Vegas.

When you ponder, really ponder, how most of the people spouting the most idiotic ideas are in fact intelligent, IQ-wise, capable of reading and understanding books, and possessed of reasonably developed moral sentiments, it becomes clear that if actual facts are allowed to intrude on their sacred narrativess, the change will be quick and complete.

Obviously, this is hard to do: the door is locked. But “persistence prevails when all else fails”. Our task is one requiring patience, but nothing beyond this but understanding. Everyone–EVERYONE–who is currrently espousing ideas which damage the poor and hopeless most, can be shown, over time, to see that better ideas are possible; that most conservatives actually care as much or more about people hurting in this world as they do, and merely differ in their approaches to fixing that suffering.

As it seems to me, the conservative ideal is individual perfectability. The Leftist ideal is SOCIAL perfectability; but if they really analyze what is being proposed, it is the rule by an oligarchy of some sort, which itself will be composed of individuals not required to answer for their actions. This is not perfection at all: it is tyranny.

Give hope; Do hope; Perform hope: all through the filter of a better understanding that can be communicated.

We live in interesting times. Everything we have hoped for remains possible.