Race is rarely something that pops to my mind in evaluating issues, since–even though it is invoked continually, on a loop, by the Left–it is rarely relevant.
I wonder, though, in the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn. He gets out of the shower, and sees a black, African, woman, and his first thought is that he can have his way with her with impunity, get on a plane, then attend some meeting dedicated to the demolition of the American and global economies.
Was it because she was black? I mentioned this earlier, but it literally seems like he emerged not from the shower, but from another age, when the man of the manor could do what he wanted with the “negro” slaves.
This from a man whose professed political beliefs reject all hatred but that of the wealthy (himself excluded, obviously), including explicit rejections of racism.
Socialists do not want “Justice”. They can’t even define it, other than “we are in power”. Power is what they really want, and the words they utter are purely cynically pragmatic towards achieving that aim. They want the world to be turned into whores, pimps, and a ruling class which uses them. DSK just jumped the gun. We aren’t quite there yet.
But what is the top cash economic activity in Cuba? Prostitution. This is the outcome of a revolution that aimed to “free” the Cuban people, and which has turned them into slaves and whores. North Korea, no doubt, would be a whore mecca, if they were not so worried about letting people in and out. Prostitution thrived in the old Soviet Union. You have to make money somehow, and if the economic system won’t feed you, then you have to figure something out.
Socialism, pure socialism, is a doctrine of evil. DSK merely drew the curtain back for a brief moment.