
Drawing Conclusions

 Steve Pieczcenik–aka Jack Ryan–was full of shit.  Certainly, he was wrong.

His writing partner, Tom Clancy, may well have been murdered, as quite possibly were Andrew Breitbart, Antonin Scalia, and Michael Hastings, among others.

John Durham’s job–which he is performing faithfully–was to run out the clock, then disappear.  Whenever he surfaces for a brief moment to say no charges will be filed the story will not even be covered by most of the media.

President Trump is being treated by Washington like the guy who showed up in boots at their black tie affair and who they have spent four years pretending badly to tolerate–most Republicans–and attacking continually otherwise. They are trying to give him the bum’s rush over entirely justified outrage at being swindled out of his victory–OUR victory, as Americans–and mob violence which he did not control, which was almost certainly manipulated, and which in any event was dwarfed by nearly everything BLM did everywhere.

NONE of our institutions are functioning correctly, and after four years of seeing how easy generalized success and well being actually is, we are being ushered into a managed disaster of global proportions.

If Congress had murdered a child on a ritual altar it would have been less evil than what they in fact did do, which is certify a fraudulent election.  Millions will die of this, in the long run.  

All these lockdowns, all these overreactions to an undangerous virus which can be managed easily with sunlight, Vitamin D, zinc, and most likely Ivervectin and Hydrosxychloroquine, are killing people.   They are killing them by the millions, if you look at the whole planet.

And it is INTERESTING, is it not, that the Nobel Peace Prize was given to UN Food Relief, and that I can’t find one report on global hunger?  Here is one report from last May:

Well, 2020 ended.  What happened?  What IS happening?  I don’t think the elites want us to know.

All this, in the main, to destroy Donald Trump and any hope at an American rebirth.  Certainly, they want their hooks in everyone everywhere, but Trump was the main target.

No: if every member of Congress had stabbed a child in the heart with an obsidian knife they would have done a less evil thing than what they in fact did.  Numerically, millions of children are likely to die.  Numerically, BILLIONS of them are being subjected to horrific emotional stress.

This is a crime of a magnitude that I cannot wrap my mind around.