
Donald Trump, the children who called “racist”, and the cult of niceness

I have to say, I am really enjoying how much the Donald is pissing off the professionally pissed off.  Their experience is that when they say they are pissed off, this threat of being offended in public is enough to get people to understand the bullying implied by this threat, and back off.

Most people don’t want to seem ungenteel, even when speaking obvious truths, even when those who are offended are being something between hypersensitive and overtly manipulative, and even when the people opposing them see no need on their part for reciprocal courtesy, decency, fairness, or proportioned language.  They are free to call their opponents every name in the book, and if they respond in kind, OH THE HUMANITY.

Fuck all that, says Donald.

Here is the thing: all the people who have been called racist for the past eternity that this asshole has been President are PISSED OFF.  They KNOW they are not racist.  They know they are being unfairly slimed.  They know that the people saying these things hate them not for what they stand for, but simply because they are not part of the Borg yet.  They have not assimilated.  They retain the capacity for speaking truths which are not mediated by the complicit media.  This is unacceptable.

But you can only lie  to and about people so long before they get what I will call shame fatigue.  You just stop giving a shit.  In fact, anybody who can piss off the people who have been insulting your character, your intelligence, your ancestry, your  motivations, and your very existence, get a lot of points for that.  The Left has long assumed that even in a free society they can browbeat people into submission indefinitely.  Donald Trump is proving that is not true.

He can and should win the Republican nomination, and I think he can and should win the national election, particularly against Hillary.  I think all sane people understand that the ideas he is proposing, even if they may not agree with them in full, make sense.

I read roughly 25% of American Muslims support Jihad.  I read roughly one in four Syrians support Jihad.  And by jihad, I mean “killing American civilians”, just like the most recent jihadis did.

If we knew that within a given group one in four supported serial murder, and aspired to commit it, in what respect would it be anything but prudent to either stop offering guest rooms to those people, or at least ask for references?

No group in American history has had the demonstrated history of aggressive and completely unprovoked aggression against civilians that Islam does.  None.  I am not aware of one, ever.  You pick an immigrant group: Chinese, Japanese, Italians, Irish, Indians (Hindus), etc.  None of them have anything like Jihad.

And what is astonishing is that ISIS is SAYING that they not only want to commit acts of jihad, but saying they are planting their people in the refugees.

There are plenty of real refugees, plenty of people who can benefit from, and should be relocated here.  The Yazidis and Christians in Syria, for example, face a genuine holocaust.  But Obama, for reasons that have to do with him being a complete fucking asshole, has only let in one Christian in the past year.  I have no objection to 100,000 immigrants, but why not start with groups who do not contain large numbers of people who have sworn to kill us simply because we exist?

I  am reminded of Russell Peters excellent piece on why white people should beat their children:

I have the Ryan story in mind, which starts about 3:30.

I think most Americans really do not understand how different some cultures are in how they raise their children, and how those practices affect adult understandings.

In America–and in most of what might be called the intellectually bleached West–we have this compulsive need for niceness.  If we are nice and someone is not nice back, we have this codependent need to find out why.  Sometimes the why is that they are assholes.  Sometimes the why is that they hate us not for anything we have done, but simply because we are different, and they are radically intolerant.

I have said before that before I would even think about considering a Muslim a moderate, he or she would have be able to honestly answer yes to the following three questions:

1) do you accept the right of Israel to continue to exist as a Jewish nation?

2) Do you reject all use of terror and violence to further the cause of Islam?

3) Do you accept in principle and forever the primacy of the United States Constitution as the ultimate law of the land?

Returning to Ryan, we have Muslims more or less telling us to go fuck ourselves to our faces, and we somehow want to rationalize it.  For their part, they know if they tried that in their native lands, they would be arrested, tortured, and/or killed.  Here, they get to sing their sad songs to a largely sympathetic audience, which is temperamentally not capable of understanding people who hate as a matter of principle, as a matter of ideology, as a matter of culture.

We have gotten almost no help from Muslims since 9/11

Why would we, when their Holy Book condemns those who fail to condemn us?

We live in a Never Never Land, where adults who should know better allow people to insult them to their faces, to tell them they hate them and plan to kill them, and who STILL accept them for the insipid and imbecilic reason that they simply can’t believe them.

You know who said in advance everything he was going to do?  Hitler.

And speaking of those who want to compare Trump to Hitler, I wonder how many of those people are concerned about the plight of Jews in Europe?  Hitler hated Jews, and so do Muslims, who kill them every chance they get.  This is fact, not fancy.

And what was most shocking to the Jews in the Holocaust was that they had done everything in their power to get along with Europeans.  They worked hard, they kept their noses clean, the accepted restrictions on their employment and movements.

This is completely different with Muslims.  No large group has been better positioned since the Communists of the 1930’s to completely overwhelm our way of life through subversion within.  As I keep repeating, because it is astonishing to me that it, manifestly, NEEDS repeating: they are TELLING us they hate us.  Not all of them, but large numbers, and the apologies of those who want to claim terror is against Islam are very hard to believe when virtually all of them support Hamas’ violence against Israel, all of it directed against civilians, up to and including babies who have had their throats slit.

There is no more effective way to tell the lunatics and assholes to go fuck themselves than to support Donald Trump.  He is not calling for concentration camps, the vitiation of American law, or anything but commonsense responses to incipient and preventable crimes.  All but the most deluded understand this.  This is why I believe that if he is not assassinated–my major fear in this regard–he will and should be our next President.

Something has to give.  Something has to change in major way.  Business as usual is destroying this nation.