

I spend an hour a day or so simply connecting with and amplifying feelings.  Yesterday, it popped in my head that “constant distraction IS brain washing”.

If your attention span is 15 seconds, if you are constantly demanding the WORLD bring you things to pay attention to, you are a slave.  You are not choosing what you pay attention to.   You CAN”T choose.  How could you?  You can’t even form a complete thought, when you are used to other people telling you what to say and think.

It doesn’t matter what the distractions are, either.  If the thought of spending an hour in silence and without moving terrifies you, you are not free.

And self evidently, EVERYONE was able to do this 100 years ago.  Even the most distracted people in the biggest cities had far more quiet time than an average teenager in our own time.

I will admit to reading “The Medium is the Massage”, but not understanding it.  Having said that, the morphology of time made inevitable by our technology, and the way most use it, has an effect far more significant than the details of any series of interactions. I don’t care what websites you are going to.  I don’t care if it is porn or video games or sports scores.  All of it is brainwashing you, making you a fit vessel for organized propaganda.