

I just watched this video:

It is the first I have seen to name names and provide some sort of REASON for 9/11.  But it’s impossible to know how much, if any, of what is said is true.

So I wanted to make a brief comment on disinformation.  This entire video could literally have been created by the CIA itself, and be 100% accurate, and IT WOULD NOT MATTER.

Our media won’t touch stories like this.  Because the CIA or whoever controls the CIA, controls the media?  That’s certainly a good guess.

But it is my understanding an old intelligence trick is to hide the truth in the open, then give it some competition, then throw a few lies or some stupidity or some craziness in the mix, and everyone gets so confused and frustrated they give up on the whole thing.

Then they’ve won.  And I think they win a lot.

In truth, most of our future depends on the honest people remaining in these agencies, to take control and steer things in a better direction.  It is fantastic Trump is our President, and it is possible things may improve.

It’s hard to be sanguine, but as I say often, there’s a reason they play the game, no matter the odds.  And there are always odd unexpected things that might come flying in out of nowhere.  Hell, maybe literally UFO’s.  Hard to say.