
Discipline and pleasure

One of the principle challenges I have faced throughout my life is an inability to take pleasure in my accomplishments. I have a very strong will, but that has thus far proven insufficient over the long term. As I grow older, it seems increasingly clear to me that the link between discipline and long term accomplishment is pleasure. You need reinforcement. You need something to tell you that all the pain you just went through MEANT something. I have never had that. I have pushed myself through all sorts of tough times, and my emotional tone stays the same. This, I have decided, is actually my principle challenge. My task is not pushing myself harder, but learning how to regularly match challenge and following gratitude and pleasure. As far as that goes, cultivating pleasure in general. The capacity for work is directly proportional to your capacity not just for rest, but pleasure. In effect, I need to recondition my motivational complex, and have started doing that, with some success. I have been going slower but steadier.

As an example, I rowed 5,000 meters on a Concept 2 today and all the way through, rather than pushing as hard as I could, I just imagined how I was making myself healthier, building will, and that I could take just pride in finishing. Now, I have done a LOT–1,000 plus–really, really hard workouts over time. For years I got up early and worked out HARD. But I was always emotionally numb. The only feeling I felt was aggression. There was no qualitative pleasure for me.

I have a book on my shelf entitled “The Decline of Pleasure”, written several decades ago. I truly think this is a common problem. The social sources of this malady I will leave for another time. I know my own personal history well enough.

This thought is passed along in the vague hope it may be useful to someone.