I will add that it was AMAZING how quickly HuffPo dropped the riots in the Middle East once it become undeniable that the Obama/Clinton policy will turn out to have been an effing DISASTER.
You really have to grant that the left, having lost the capacity for rational policy making, has not lost a talent for purposive misdirection and name calling. We KNOW now that Obama’s support for the so-called Arab Spring is going to be a complete disaster. It is going to put terrorists in charge of nations across the middle east.
We know that his economic policies have led to the worst recovery in 60 years, at least. We know that he has racked up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8, and that Bush’s spending was ALREADY excessive. We know he has no plan to save Medicare, and that his plans to radically expand Medicaid and overall healthcare related handouts CANNOT BE PAID for if we took 100% of the annual income of the top 10% of income earners.
We also know that about 47% of Americans pay NO income taxes–many in fact get refunds on money they didn’t put in to begin with–and that they therefore don’t care if taxes get lowered or raised. It doesn’t affect them.
Romney is right. And if the Left had any brains they would admit that four more years of the past four years will lead to disaster. But they don’t CARE about the poor. That is a rhetorical propaganda device used to trick people.