One of my many projects is paying someone to translate Marco Bischoff’s book “Biophotonen”. I read it in German, so I have a decent understanding, but my German is not so good that I am not confident that I missed at least a third of the content.
However, what I am reasonably confident I did understand is that one of the strongest arguments for the biological utility of, the field nature of, the very weak light emissions that plainly come from living systems, is that when bombarded at certain frequencies, the entire organism reacts, and continues to emit light at that frequency for a certain period of time. It more or less resonates, like one tuning fork to another.
The supposition is that that rough frequency is THE frequency for that organism. If memory serves–and I read this in German about five years ago–different parts of the body have slightly different frequencies.
What cancer is is tissue that grows without any feedback, without any connection with the organism. If we assume that a light signalling system is what regulates everything, then it has lost connection with that system. It has gone dark.
One of the things we know about tumors is they feed on glucose. What is interesting about glucose is that it is apparently opaque to light transmission, or at least hinders it. That is my recollection from the book. It seems clear that we were never meant, biologically, to consume large quantities of glucose.
Given the foregoing, what I would propose as a VERY interesting experiment would be putting lab rats on a 100% fat diet, then building an apparatus that could send out the very weak ultraviolet radiation that we seem to run on, in a run of frequencies. Say we think the organism will likely react at 50 nanometers (I have no idea what the actual frequencies are; this is one of my research objectives), then we run a range from 40 to 60, then measure the exact frequency at which it reacts.
Put the mouse in a box, where that frequency, in low doses, is administered regularly for some period of time. Maybe try it hourly, or daily, or in constant reinforcement as soon as the initial reaction dies down.
The pure fat diet should starve the tumor, and it is my hunch that the bombardment, in some dosage, over some time period, will facilitate bringing that tissue back into connection with the organism. It is a well documented, if generally overlooked, fact, that cancers do spontaneously go into remission. Nobody knows why.
Cancer, in other words, is not an inevitable process. SOMETHING can fix it.
I absolutely, categorically refuse to donate money to current cancer research. Virtually NOTHING that has been done in that last fifty years has made much of a difference, other than increased ability to detect things early, and remove the tumors by force. The rest of it is an unscientific crap shoot. It is not characterized by understanding, but mere description.