Likewise, on the Left one sees this constant refrain that they are “under attack” by Republicans, that the blacks, and gays (not the Jews: fuck the Jews is the motto of the Left, even among that large contingent that IS supposedly Jewish), and women, and foreigners, and foreign nations, and the WORLD are being assaulted, that these horrific, hateful Morlocks are sucking away everything good and decent in the world, that they only want the RICH RICH RICH to become richer, and that they laugh at the gullibility of all who support them.
That this is a cartoon seems not to occur to them. That a moments pause, a minutes research, an hours dialogue would disabuse them of their bigotry and reflexive hate does not occur to them.
And so while attacking violently and with no effort at understanding they view their struggle as primarily DEFENSIVE.
This, because propaganda. That is the short answer, but I thought this thought train worth sharing.