This one is out there; I know it. I am simply going to send an idea out there in the world to make its own way, or perish. It occurred to me some time ago.
Within the context of my sanity, I will note that my method is to never preemptively exclude ANY options in terms of explaining what I see, until I can convince myself they are not possible, or that the bulk of evidence points in another direction; even then, I keep all options open. In my view, that is the approach best calibrated to net, over time, the largest percentage possible of truth.
In my view, Obama is a Marxist who was a good friend of Bill Ayers, and who wants to implement global tyranny in the name of the “People”; and who was raised by people who recognized no moral boundaries. I think his mentor Frank Davis gave him drugs, advice on sex, and may well have molested him. Nothing in Davis’s moral inventory, as expressed in his book Sex Rebel: Black would have precluded it. Obama is nothing like the nice person his myth-makers have made him out to be.
That is the background. Here is the idea: what if both the earthquake in Haiti, and that that just happened in Japan were artificially created, using weapons deployed covertly by corrupted members of our military, or mercenaries hired by people supportive of the Obama cause?
The only reason this even occurred to me was this statement, in which Obama talks about an earthquake in Hawaii that never happened. Now, Obama is not overly bright, but even he should know that there was no earthquake in Hawaii. But what if one was planned?
When the earthquake in Haiti happened, it happened at a really convenient time, politically. Congress was in the throes of the discussion on the Health Insurance Mandate, and Democrats were on the defensive. I remember the daily discussion shifted INSTANTLY from that to Haiti, for many weeks.
That is what is likely to happen now, right after Scott Walker dealt Obama’s supporters a hard shot in the solar plexus. That WOULD have been the discussion, but now for the next three weeks it will be Japan, and possibly Hawaii.
When I google it, I get comments suggesting that earthquakes can certainly be triggered by properly placed explosives, possibly even explosives short of nuclear weapons. The fault is already there–it just needs some help slipping.
Some say radio waves can do it. That seems unlikely through the ocean though.
We have people out there, in my opinion, worth 2-5 times what Bill Gates is. They have no reason to advertise this fact, which is why we don’t know who they are. The money to get this done could be allocated privately. You could buy a sub, and plant 50 tons of high explosive in a carefully chosen spot. It blows, the earthquake goes, and there would be little to no evidence.
I know this is Alex Jones-style thinking, but just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you. If I have any readers with any potential to research this possibility, I would encourage you to do so. Otherwise, I will forget about this, and go about my life. If you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry about it. That’s my mantra.
Edit: as I think about it, this will likely have a ripple effect (please forgive the term) on the world economy. The largest net beneficiary will likely be China. We could perhaps suspect them as well. We may also benefit. We will see enormous production disruptions for at least weeks, and maybe months. (I am thinking here about possible damage to all of Japan’s power generation plants, particularly the nuclear ones). This is going to cost an enormous amount of money to fix; and even more money in lost revenue.
I don’t like to think things like this. Neither do I like to read history. But people were put in boxcars in Russia that went up north in the dead of winter, frozen, then stacked like cordwood.
In the German gas chambers, someone had to stand above the showers and throw gas tablets into the solution that produced the gas. One of them would regularly say “Hier ist etwas zu fressen”, or something close to that, which in the German means “here is something to eat”, where the word for eat is the word normally used when animals consume food. It is “essen” for people. People did that day after day after day. When the gas had done its work, the victims were frozen in horrible and contorted positions.
Evil happens in this world. This is undeniable. It is the job of those who want what is good in this world to stay awake and alert, and realize that if anyone anywhere can hurt someone else on purpose, then all manner of means for doing so are possible.