
COVID and my hope

 I read that the CDC recently concluded that only about 6% of COVID deaths came without major other ailments being present, including most obviously the frailty of old age.

In other words, this particular disease has not killed anyone that flu might not also have killed.

And we would NEVER push known flu patients into the most high risk environments possible like nursing homes.  That is perhaps 40,000 deaths right there.

So if you deduct the lies–people who died in motorcycle accidents or simply of old age–and deduct the deaths from criminally stupid policy, such as that enacted by Cuomo, then what you have left is a bad flu, which is what all of us paying attention were saying back in March.

Nothing has changed, other than that we have inflicted for nothing an enormous wound on the global psyche, wrecked the global economy, put many millions at risk of starvation and the certainty of hunger and privation, destroyed up to perhaps 100 million jobs worldwide–some perhaps for quite while–and taught our governments a lesson in how compliant most of us are, a lesson they won’t forget.

My hope is that the blind faith in “experts” with which we are inculcated from the earliest age becomes shaken a bit.  We assume that if “science” is supposedly guiding people, that science is in fact guiding people.  But science is not guiding Anthony Fauci or the WHO.  Quite the contrary: they are burying the science, and doing their best to kill it.

Most Americans are very naive.  One can hope that changes a bit.