
Covering Fire

Most politicians, to survive, have to be sensitive to the winds.  In particular, our nation–and all nations which have had the leftist infection inflicted on them–is one in which all people proposing conservative ideas have to count on withering attacks on their persons every time they say something that contradicts Leftist propaganda.  Something as simple as “we can’t borrow 40% of our money forever” brings out the choruses of pushing Granny over a cliff, even though it is true, and even though Granny will fare far better with intelligent planning that long term denial and hasty reactions to what will then be intractable problems.  Think about it: if you care about Granny, is it the part of compassion to ignore the future, or think about it?

What conservative Republicans need is what amounts to counter-battery fire.  They need lots and lots of voicing stating coherent view in support both of the specific policies, and the wisdom and MORALITY of those policies.

Who, anywhere, who still claims to value reason, rejects planning for the future?  And yet that is exactly what this Administration is doing.  A credible claim can even be made that they are bankrupting our country ON PURPOSE.  Who, anywhere, who still claims to value reason, can argue for economic ruin as a tool for bettering the lives of Americans or serving the cause of enlightment or moral improvement?  No one can, and yet they continue to get away with it with large segments of the zombified, propagandized populace.

We need to understand why and how our ideas work better, and argue them consistently and constantly, anywhere we can, until–and I think this would be a good bellweather–most academics admit our decision to fail in Vietnam–and abandon Southeast Asia generally–opened up a chamber of horrors, ultimately causing unimaginable misery, and millions of horrific deaths; and that the New Deal not only didn’t work, but that it prolonged the Great Depression.