

Even now, even at this chaotic, seemingly late moment in time, all of our problems have good solutions.  All of them. 

But the solutions require balls. They require fortitude.  They require people willing to risk the condemnation of lunatic assholes who are busily trying to break everything in this country that will bend.

They require common sense backed by determination.  Both seem to be lacking.  I feel little but contempt for the bulk of our leaders at all levels.

If you go back on this blog, I was an early, early supporter of Trump.  Why?  Because he had the balls to point out that Obama’s birth certificate was a farcical joke, an OBVIOUS farcical joke, but one which everybody else dutifully at least said publicly that they accepted.

We still haven’t sorted that out, but the best guess by far is that the actual father was Frank Marshall Davis, who was about 30 years older than his mother, who was 19-20, and who most likely posed nude for one of Davis’s pornographic magazines.  That guy–whose father was a literal card carrying Stalinist–was our President for two terms, and none of this came out.

That is why Trump was and remains so essential.  That is why he is so hated, so opposed.  They had a plan–a good plan–and they got sloppy and arrogant before they had finished it.  Now he is undoing decades if not generations of work, or at least making a noble effort to.

We all need to pray he is able to see this massive regeneration of America through.  None of us want to live in the fascist state men like John Brennan and Bill Gates want for us.