

It is worth calling to your conscious attention the background of fear we have lived with since the first atomic bomb exploded on Hiroshima.  No thoughtful person in the last, what is it?–73 years I believe, has failed to appreciate the possibility of global destruction, or at least global catastrophe.  Much of our political life amounts to incantations to ward off the Evil Eye of nuclear or biological disaster.

And the Left has thrived because it has mastered the art of the small, simple thought, which uses words the person agrees with, which is both easily digested, and which offers easy, simple views of the world.

America is too violent.  Get rid of the guns and it will be less violent.

America fights too  many wars.  Disarm and everyone else will too.

We owe the poor charity.  If we give them money, we will ease their burden and they will disappear.

These are simple, but wrong, ideas.  Conservatives–genuine Liberals–require more than a sound bite.  We have to talk about the vexing but quite real complexities of economic theory, international relations, and efforts to create a government monopoly on legal gun ownership.  We require time and attention, and what works against us is a background of anxiety and fear.

And so a very large number of people have sought out the seeming safe harbor of congenial, simple, and wrong Left wing ideas, nearly all of them designed to abuse their trust in the pursuit of oligarchic power.

This is a factor in the current left wing melt down.  To accept that the world view they have accepted in its entirety, as one piece, as a fully fleshed out vision and feeling of the world, is wrong, is utterly devastating to them.  Most of them won’t do it.  Their defense mechanisms kick in LONG before they perform this conscious analysis, and they get angry and aggressive.

Cult members are the ones who can’t listen to anyone else, who are triggered by alternative views.  As I have said often, all conservatives cannot but have heard Leftist ideas ad nauseum most of our lives.  The same is not true of the Left.  Most of them are only ABLE to assume we are racists because their ignorance is complete.  It is otherwise such an idiotic claim that it could only be granted credence by congenital simpletons.