A consumer looks at what he consumes as something separate which, being consumed, becomes a part of him, and somehow improves his life for a moment.
A participant is sometimes consuming, sometimes giving. Sometimes creating, sometimes destroying. It is more of a dance.
What I feel is the consuming part of me is sitting and eating. The participant part of me is up and dancing.
Is the world “out there” or is it already here and moving with you?
These are subtle points I’m not quite sure I myself have “captured”, but perhaps that too is an interesting point. What ideas SHOULD be captured?
I am sympathetic to those who say we are ravaging and destroying this planet. But these same people offer environmentalism as a religion in itself. It is not a religion in itself. It is common sense. The moral foundations of the whole thing, the cultural foundations, they have not expressed well, I don’t think. I’m sure there are many abstruse books out there talking about some New Tomorrow, but practically, how do we get there? Not by voting in Left Wingers.
I think we need to let things run for 30-40 years, if we can otherwise survive or prevent all the catastrophes which are quite possible, and focus that whole time on ratcheting back. That, in turn, I think needs to rely upon a scientific understanding about the survival of death, of the existence of psi, and the reality of something we can call God. Let the world develop, let technology develop, and then let us reduce the global population through attrition, and all live in homes that, as in Frank Lloyd Wright’s ideal, blend with their surroundings harmoniously. You know, his homes are pretty small, and were supposed to be affordable. That remains possible.