You may also. I certainly do not agree with each and every point, and key elements are completely undocumented, like Mark Zuckerberg’s supposed comment about consuming adrenochrome.
Here is the thing with conspiracy theory. In the same way Mad Dog Mattis said you had to have a plan to kill everyone you meet, you need to have a plan to disbelieve everyone and everything you hear. Be ready for it. Be ready to call bullshit. Always. With everyone.
You can see a chain of 7 things, and believe numbers 1,4, 5 and 7. Then add your own 8 and 9.
I was thinking about this the other day, and watching and reading very non-orthodox accounts of reality is a form of what I have from time to time called “paradigmatic flanking”.
Here is the thing: you need to know what consensus reality is. This is what they call “education”. But if you want to best approximate how reality actually works, you need to be willing to regularly hold up alternative patterns and see how they fit. Some will fit beautifully. For example, the idea that our souls survive death makes vastly more sense when one evaluates the SCIENTIFIC evidence than does the contrary hypothesis, which among other things requires us to believe in matter when our own scientists’ best guess is that matter does not exist in any formal and final way outside of consciousness, which then becomes logically the primary unit of reality. In my understanding, this was John von Neuman’s conclusion, although like Feynman I don’t think he ever really troubled himself with the philosophical and even theological implications of his own work.
Consuming unorthodox ideas is really just a way of regularly reevaluating your own first assumptions. As I said the other day, you really need to set aside time for this regularly. If you are on the wrong road, you need to know it. And if everything over time validates your road, then you can have increasing confidence in it.
Personally, when I look at the art work of the Podesta’s, then look how connected they are, it seems obvious something really sick is going on. This is not rocket science. If you look at the artwork at Comet Pizza, I believe you will see what I and everyone else who ACTUALLY looks at it sees.
And add to this the decision by Microsoft to use Marina Abramovic to hawk their VR platform, using occult appearing imagery. This woman is famous for throwing parties focused around simulated cannibalism. She is a more or less open Satanist, whose ceremonies involve pain and blood.
If you watch something like this film and conclude 90% of it is BS, then that means 10% was useful to you. It is really an awkward and unjustifiable conceit of our system of education that most people watch films purporting to convey information and either accept 100% or none of it.
This is really a symptom that we don’t teach critical thinking any more. Any educated person should be able to say yes, yes, no, yes, let me look that up. That’s what I do. If I find something interesting, I do more digging. That’s the use of the internet as an information instrument, although I do wonder if institutional elites might not soon start disappearing things from the internet. I was wondering yesterday if I might ought to buy a physical encyclopedia for that reason.
But for now, it seems to do the job reasonably well.
Think. It is not illegal yet.