Everyone has the right to the same gun the cop carries, because they are equal in principle to the cop, until they break the law.
Everyone is equal before the law, and should be able to expect the same treatment no matter who they are.
Everyone has equal opportunities. Specifically, no one is prevented from any activity by law which is not harmful to the community. You cannot, for example, use the government to protect monopolies.
Leftism is based on the notion that people are NOT able to look after themselves, that some people are, by implication, intrinsically INFERIOR, and that their superiors–the intellectuals, and the people using the intellectuals rhetoric to enrich themselves–are responsible for them in ways they themselves could never manage. And the practice is to make the proles equivalent in poverty, while the elite basks in all the pleasures of their ill gotten wealth. I read that Nancy Pelosi stayed in a $10,000 a night hotel after she passed Obamacare. Where do you think she got that money?
This sense of noblesse oblige is PRECISELY what we fought our revolution to eradicate, because for every act of ostensible generosity there are two acts of thievery. In our present system, half our country is being bought with the money from the other half, by a political class that creates nothing.