
Conscience of a Sociopath

I think the book “The Sociopath next door” is worth the read, at least the first few chapters.  The very existence of people without the capacity for empathy, who lack that sense of restraint that comes from what we call a conscience, falsifies the comfortable Sybaritic Leftist notion that we can all just get along if we understand one another.  The existence of sociopaths means some people will NEVER understand or relate to their fellow humans, even if they may learn to do a passable imitation of it when needed.  Joe Biden is a reasonably good actor.  That’s how he gets by.

In that book she notes that sociopaths do notice something is missing.  Being congenital narcissists–I would argue sociopathy is simply the end state on a continuum that includes narcissism, with the difference that narcissists care about what people think about them–sociopaths are very proud of themselves, but when they look at other people they sense some mysterious something, which is the capacity for connection on an emotional level.

They can’t do this.  They can’t feel REAL empathy.  But I would argue that Leftism–the creed which is dedicated rhetorically ENTIRELY to the rectification of all ills of the human race–creates for them an ersatz conscience, a workable substitute. They can now go about wearing, on the outside, a badge that says they are like everyone else.  But because they don’t actually feel compassion, there are no limits on their activity.

In most spheres of human activity, sincerity dictates that one admit failure when it occurs.   But Leftists need never admit failure.  This means that whatever the sociopath does in the name of their creed counts to the good.  That feeling of dread that would attend causing mass misery for most people does not occur to them.

And obviously, the sickest, most cynical human beings always have advantages when competing for power.  Not all Communists were psychotic.  There were, actually, many true Liberals in the ranks of the revolutionaries.  They simply got outmaneuvered by people who recognized no honor, no restraint, and no remorse.

Leftism–Cultural Sadeism–is the conscience of the Sociopath.

Oh, this life consists in us bumping into objects, and objects bumping in to us.  On some level, none of this matters.  There is a great joy somewhere: I can feel it.

I deal often with most horrific crimes.  I see things most people don’t see.  And there is a price for this.  It hurts.  But I can say I truly believe that pain is not real in a final sense, although it can clearly seem near total on this level of existence.

I ask you: is there a blog like this anywhere else on the internet?  If you are reading it you are ridiculous, because I am ridiculous.  And this is OK.

Right: work to do.