I hope my point is clear, but expect that it is not. It’s that fish in the water thing.
Let me put it this way: Socialists, obviously, are not appealing to tradition. This would be a conservative argument, and one which I hope I have shown to actually be a good one, because if everything is arbitrary anyway, the long known and agreed upon is best.
No, Socialists are making the much harder claim that their views (which are mutable on a dime, other than the core claim that you have to agree with them no matter what) are OBVIOUS,, and that it is right and proper to bully and cajole, and where needed expel and inflict (for now) social violence on anyone who disagrees.
The whole system is built on essentially arbitrary ideas, concocted by emotionally damaged and highly limited people, which the rest of us are expected to adhere to out of courtesy and a threat of violence.
In a world of cowards, they would have already won. But America, particularly, whatever our other defects, has never lacked men and women with balls.