
Comment on Breitbart

I have mentioned this before, but I have often had my comments censored, not just on left wing websites like the HuffPo or Daily Cause, but also on allegedly conservative sites like (where I have had innocuous, posted remarks removed), Breitbart, and others.  This one was posted on Breitbart, in response to an article praising someone who attacked a “birther”.  It went into moderation, which is normally a bad sign for me, so I’m reposting just to make sure it winds up somewhere.  Here is the link:

This issue is extraordinarily simple, and twofold:  first, the
Constitution requires that Presidents be “natural born”, which was
intended to mean both parents born in the United States.  This means
that Obama, who claims a Kenyan father, was likely not eligible on that
ground alone, and that the Supreme Court or Congress should have
rendered a decision.

Secondly, what he has provided as evidence
for his birth in Hawaii would not stand in a court of law anywhere in
this country.  He couldn’t use it to get a driver’s license, much less
use it for anything more serious.

Members of the military who
enlist, without any special clearance at all, have to provide more
evidence than he has.  We KNOW he was listed as an Indonesian citizen
when he lived there.  What seems clear is that he cannot plausibly
account for a Connecticut Social Security Number.

You people who
claim to value truth do not speak for it, or for me, when you denigrate
those still possessing the courage to describe plain truths in front of
all of our eyes.

On the contrary: you betray a frankly nauseating lack of integrity, and clear signs that leftist propaganda works on you.