I would add that taking a long hard look at moral and emotional decay and disease, without redemption, has no intrinsic “artistic” value. Artists, to my mind, are those who help all of deal with the chaos, confusion and pain of life, by showing beauty, clarity, and worthy examples of healthy behavior, ideally after sustained unhealthy behavior. They help us make sense of our lives. They help us find purpose. They awaken us to dormant potentials, remind us of what is wonderful. Perhaps the even point the way to the sacred, the numinous.
I would compare Scorsese to, say, Tarkovsky. He is like a petulant and impatient child compared to Tarkovsky. Scorsese CONSISTENTLY mistakes physical and emotional violence with profundity.
My hierarchy would have Tarkovsky at the top, Marvel movies in the middle, and Scorsese abusive assaults on our common bonds at the bottom.