Here’s an ethical question for you: if you KNEW, for sure, both that freeing the American people to go back to work would cause the death of your 80 year old grandmother, AND that NOT reopening would cause 10,000 people in your State to lose their homes, 100 people to kill themselves, 100 to overdose on drugs, and 100,000to remain jobless for the next two years, which would you choose?
The “if we can save even one life” crowd really has to pick the first, and they HAVE.
But, to state the obvious, a lot more people die if we privilege self righteousness over common sense and practicality.
The only winners in the first scenario are grandma—who by the way is going to have a stroke and die 18 months from now—and people who get to feel morally superior for a time. Literally everyone else loses, and we get a hundredfold more death.