I sometimes feel like I have some influence, even if I most likely more like Tom Hanks thinking he took out the tank at the end of Saving Private Ryan. Still, pew, pew, pew-ing seems salutary for me, even if an objective observer might find much that is ridiculous and absurd and comical in me. So be it.
Communism, so called, is really just another name for some SOB or group of SOB’s controlling everything. It’s kingship. It’s emperors. It is the Church of Science; and being a Church, it has found it necessary to abuse actual science and make many issues that are actually open to empirical improvement and study, closed doctrinally.
When the CDC or NIH declares the “science settled” on, say, these Spike Protein Injections, they draw on a long history of “scientists” simply swapping their lab coats for ministerial garb and declaring certain things to be TRUE, which only heretics and unbelievers would dare question. That science is NEVER settled, in principle, and that this is known to be an incontrovertible aspect of the philosophy of science is simply ignored. They simply ASSERT that science CAN be settled, and that anyone who doubts it is a bad person.
As I say, we should fund studies of the continuation of life after bodily death to the tune of tens and perhaps hundreds of billions a year. It is a critical question. The life choices of every person on the planet are informed, consciously or not, by their conception of context, which is to say if this is a one off, and forever disappearance, or if everything we sow here continues to pay dividends infinitely, or at least for an inconceivable length of time.
Psi is already being studied by many governments. It has practical aspects, even if the people using it for bad things fail to recognize the philosophical importance of these things, and what they mean for our notions of what it means to be human, and by extension how each of us should spend our lives.
That wasn’t my main point, though, although reading back it perhaps needed to be said.
The people who put Biden on the throne are doing all the things that Communists do. The goal, if you want to be a king, or run an oligarchy, and make serfs of the world, again, is to control all aspects of social life.
You need to control the media, which is to say the stories told in public.
You need to control elections, to secure your power, if you happen to live in a nominal democracy, which values that particular ritual, which can in any event be preserved in form, as indeed it was–and even still is–in most totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, from Iraq to China.
You need to control the medical system. Consider that the CDC is being trial ballooned with the power to issue economic Diktats, as for example the power to tell landlords their tenants should not have to pay rent. That would have been inconceivable to me, that anyone would buy that, until it seemingly happened.
Here is the thing: sometimes you just have to tell people to go fuck themselves. If I were a landlord, that is what I would do. And I would assume that around here, that is what has happened. You would need left wing judges to uphold that sort of thing, which attempts to have the power of law, without having involved any legislature, or even any Executive in any State, and to be imposed across the COUNTRY. It is making laws without any reference to the political system whatever. Unbelievable.
You need, of course, to control the police, the judiciary, and the Army, writ large.
Ideally you control the roads and bridges and rivers and sea ports.
You optimally control the schools, such that you train people to accept the idea of Lords and Ladies, provided such royalty uses the right words, like justice, and peace, and promises to “save the environment”.
If you go down this list, the Democrats are trying to check off every one, and have indeed accomplished many of them. I’m not taking the time to point out the obvious ways all this is happening, but will comment that making the whole military submit to the shot will almost certainly shake out many decent and honest people, and obviously political pressure has been on our nations police forces for some time.
One wonders how any AMERICAN could be so stupid as to support all this tyrannical behavior, but as I talked about a while back, I met a retired Army Colonel who checked all the boxes to be on the Biden team. And he was a middle school teacher. I would not have thought that possible until I saw it. Then you have people like Milley.
I don’t get it. I don’t think I ever will. I am often an asshole, but I will never be THAT sort of asshole.
I recollect reading how Fannie Mae got a patent perhaps 15 years ago to shut of the power remotely in homes they owned. This level of control is something a cabal has been seeking for a very long time.
Freedom in the United States is in serious trouble, and that trouble is exacerbated by the imbecility of much of our populace, such that the propagandists were able to convince a good third of the country that the very people trying to protect our system constitute the biggest threat to it.
Why are the Bidenistas worrying daily about an armed rebellion? Because morally one is warranted. They lie and cheat. They are doing everything in their power to completely destroy our system of law. They are abusing us, by locking us down, forcing experimental medical treatments on us. You know the list.
But in my own view it all boils down to logistics: most cops and most soldiers, when push comes to shove, will most likely follow orders, and so the question is what good violence might accomplish. What attack? Why? To what end?
And consider how much the Left and their lapdog media made of January 6th, where people rightly angry with massive fraud that was ALLOWED even by most Republicans–when not facilitated outright, as perhaps happened in Georgia and elsewhere–were first attacked by the police, and then ushered into the Capital, most likely following Agents Provocateurs, some of whom may have been FBI agents.
There were no guns. There was no violence, except that directed by police against unarmed protesters, and including at least one blatant murder, and another that happened passively through police abusiveness.
If there WERE guns somewhere, it would go on 24 hour loop, and Biden–rather, the people behind Biden–would get the pretext they needed to start the final dissolution of all rule of law, all barriers to power grabs, that they have long been seeking.
As I have said, they WANT violence. I won’t say it’s part of their plan, but it would be highly welcome news, and I guarantee they already know what specific and immediate use they would make of it.
So I just look at all this. From my seat, there is nothing I can do. And I know I’ve expressed these rough ideas before. Violence is not the answer, but doing nothing means a slow shrinking that will not end until people like me are in jail, or officially marginalized and silenced in some less overtly abusive but morally equal way.
This post is my contribution. Maybe somebody else can look at these parts and come up with something. SELF EVIDENTLY finding the evidence I have no doubt is everywhere as to blatant voter fraud–and most likely destruction of evidence–would be a good start. That is a good use of the system, and for my part, I wonder daily why so many people who should know better seem to be playing the parts of drooling morons, with the only alternative explanation being participatory corruption. Well, and simple cowardice stemming from a lack of principle. That is what you get in decadent societies.
We don’t live in End Stage Capitalism. We live in end stage civilization. We are decadent, in many, many ways. Nothing is truly sacred any more, for far too many of us.
I think of Brazil, which I will continue to insist is the closest dystopia to what we actually are seeing, where Pryce is told by the receptionist, I think it was, “Don’t hold out too long, or it will affect your credit rating.” We are damn near there, and damn near literally.
Give me a world that’s not falling apart, and I can perhaps help lead us into something better. But the primary aim right now is to not fall into darkness, which is where we live now, with much worse both possible and on the way.