

In recent months, I will not infrequently have unpleasant dreams that seem to in effect be the release of unpleasant emotional realities that were always there, but unacknowledged.  You “know” a lot of things you don’t admit to yourself.  All the COVID freaks know, unconsciously, that they are being lunatics out of a deeply rooted emotional need for submission to a place and purpose which our world has not provided them.  The cult comes out of the NEED for a cult of some sort.

But last night, after having a few drinks with a few bar friends, the emotional tone of the whole thing came back to me: none of us really have a PURPOSE in life.  I felt this.  It is a painful feeling.

Me, I’m yammering continually.  But do I REALLY believe I am making a difference, or likely to?  On some level, I was told last night, no.  Or at least not until last night.  Maybe that feeling was released because something else became possible.

I did have a very brief moment a few days ago where I thought success for me was possible.  I was crushed as a child, and that FEELING has never been possible for me.  That is a big part of the reason I think so much: it is in compensation for feelings that have not been accessible for me.

So that is good.

But I think most Americans are passive nihilists.  It’s not so much that we consciously reject God, or morality, or virtue, or purpose, but that we don’t EMBRACE it.  There is nothing really there, no spirit, no purpose.  It feels pointless, but we don’t let ourselves feel that.  We watch football.  We get in groups and cheer and “party” and lie to one another.  That is what we do.

More active nihilism would be the Commune of 1870-1871 in Paris.  I was listening to a short lecture on that last night.  It is where we get, in my understanding, the word “Communism” from.  It is highly romantic for many.

But when the French government was retaking the city, they–the Communists–burned as much of Paris as they could.  They destroyed beautiful buildings, priceless art.  They beheaded hundreds of statues.  They would have burned the Louvre, if French soldiers had not prevented them.  If I understood correctly, the Louvre had a library that they DID burn.

They more or less literally acted like scorned lovers who said “if we can’t have you, then NO ONE CAN HAVE YOU.”  In an actual romantic relationship, they clearly would have murdered their lover, and then probably committed suicide.

This spirit is what we are facing in America today.  The Left more or less WANTS to destroy America, since the dominant idea is that destruction is creative, and if you tear one thing down, something better MUST replace it.

This is of course inferior psychology.  There is a patina of political and philosophical theory, but the emotional basis of all this is despair, alienation, and rootlessness and purposelessness, all of which are fostered and encouraged by the political philosophy and theory.

They tear people down first–and recruit broken people–who are then to tear down society.  Fires everywhere: that is the aim.

I might comment as well that the emptiness dream was followed by visiting a Get Rich Quick seminar.  I was in some hotel, where they asked you to spend thousands of dollars on trinkets, as a way to get rich, and of course they got rich in the process.

Many people have gotten rich peddling ideas of middling quality on how other people could get rich.  Every book on getting rich made money for its author, and there are hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of such books.  I recall a cartoon from some years ago where the dad sends away for a $2 book on how to get rich.  It comes in the mail, and the only text is “get everyone to spend $2 on your book.”

But the idea of striking it rich–especially quickly, which is an illusory idea for nearly all–is a big part of our culture too.  So many dream of winning the lottery.  That dream keeps many people going.  I’ve stood behind them at the gas station.

So that is a feeling too.  The aim is to get at the feeling, the “that-ness” of experience, to allow what was latent the ability to “speak”.  It’s not easy.  We hold so much back, for so many reasons, but in important respects, for self protection.  We don’t feel what we can’t process, or which some part of us doesn’t think we can process (how smart that part is is an open question for me), so if you want to expand your experience, you have to improve your emotional digestion.

Think about it: if some part of you offers a feeling, and says “what do you think of this”, and some other part of you says “HELL NO I HAVE ENOUGH TO DO ALREADY’, then that first part will go silent.  Your experience will contract.  You will see and feel less, and your “world”–which in your conscious mind really is what you can consciously perceive–will contract.

That’s a bit of a jaunt.  I have a picture of myself climbing a hill in Scotland with my walking stick and wearing something Victorian.  Why?  Because I CAN.


Journalistic ethics

Thinking about this, standards have evolved about what used car dealers can and cannot say about cars.  If they lie, or intentionally mislead a consumer, they can be sued and sometimes prosecuted.

When it comes to the business of providing “information” about current events, there really is no standard.  No one can–or SHOULD–be prosecuted for lying.

So why would not everyone lie?  Well, if the MAIN business is actually providing the service of informing people about current events, then companies that lie are providing an inferior product, and in a truly competitive market inferiority means, ultimately, less revenue, and less profit, and less money in the pockets of those running the thing.

And empirically, in my understanding, the ratings of most of the left wing media are down considerable.  With Trump gone, most people are no longer tuning in nightly for their dopamine hit of outrage.

Integrity is a business value.  In news, convincing people you have integrity (which, to be clear, does not necessarily imply that you DO) amounts to a claim of a better product.  You are offering better quality.  People tend to buy more from people they trust and respect. Walter Cronkite was not completely honest, but he was perceived to be, and although I have not dug up the data, I’m sure his ratings were very good throughout his career.

And I will add that lies are most effective when delivered by people who are truthful most of the time.  Even if they make you pause, the overall pattern will bring most people back to belief/credulity.

I wonder about Tucker Carlson.  I truly love many of his monologues.  He lambastes people who deserve it, and points out all sorts of ludicrous lies told by Democrats.

I really did think he needed to hit election fraud harder, though.  I can’t make up my mind on all that.  As he says often, they do their best to only deal in facts, so perhaps I can forgive him.  But I mistrust readily, so even with him I am guard, and virtually everyone else I can’t even watch.  Sheryll Atkisson and John Stossel are the only other two exceptions I can think of.  I trust them.


Conspiracy theory, more

What is a Conspiracy Theory, really?  Does it consist in much more than the sense that some powerful elite/cabal is controlling events in such a way as to serve their own selfish goals to the expense of everyone else, and concealing this fact because if it got out, people would be angry?

And to this you might add the sense that this fact is known but hidden.  The News people KNOW this, but won’t discuss it.

And of course the rebuttal, such that it is, is that if such and such a thing were true WE WOULD KNOW IT.  Someone would tell us.

As far as the news, this obviously isn’t true.  What is a news/journalistic organization anyway?  It is a for profit provider of a specific service.  They are paid by how many people consume their service, and specifically, how many PAY for their service.  For entities like CNN this is mostly advertisers.

At root, when you really get down to it, all these companies are for sale.  Their services are going to be precisely what someone who controls them SAYS they are going to be.  Full stop.  This is known and acknowledged by all.

Anyone who controls both the news entity itself, as well as the bulk of paying advertisers, can control the content.  This is not really subject to dispute.

You may say, well, journalistic ethics and all that.  Well, you can have ethics and not have a job, right?  Or you can have a job and no ethics.  Your choice.  They don’t care.  You are a body in a seat.

And with regard to the first element, do not all bodies of belief partake in this basic emotional sense of threat?  The Left believes “Big Business” is trying to control all our lives, and take away our freedoms.  It’s ridiculous–within broad boundaries, particularly given that most Big Business is now enthusiastically Democratic–but that is what they believe.

Conservatives believe–in my view with considerable justice–that Left wing politics and politicians are being used to vitiate the Constitution and erode our freedoms, with the end goal being their complete elimination.

Christians believe that Satan is out there trying to subvert all of us.

Atheists believe that all talk of spirituality is dim witted, and that Christians are in general trying to ruin their lives.

It goes on and on.  Most people, if you frame the thing correctly, are to lesser or greater extents conspiracy theorists.  And why not?  Powerful people scheme, don’t they?  WE ALL SCHEME.  It is just that the schemes of the powerful affect more people.

And news is for sale.  This is obvious.  This applies, obviously, even to so-called Public Radio, which if it did not deliver the sort of news its subscribers want, would be out of “business” in a New York minute.

In the same way most families don’t want the stories told of the crazy Uncle or Aunt or Cousin, no group wants the crazy people in their midst talked about.

Conspiracy theory, in the end, is just applying to the world what we all know to be true in our own personal lives.


Conspiracies within conspiracies

9/11 OBVIOUSLY involved elements of the US government, certainly in the cover up, but almost certainly in the planning and execution.

My logic is this: Tower 7 was unquestionably brought down by explosives.

NIST is competent, but they delivered a farcical and clearly scientifically invalid assessment.

Ergo, pressure was brought, internally, not to do a proper investigation.

Ergo, elements of our government were involved in the cover-up.

And logically, if our government were completely innocent of wrong-doing, why would they want to cover up the FACT that explosives certainly brought down Tower 7, and almost equally certainly Towers 1 and 2?

Tower 7 is easier, because it was not hit by a plane, and because not only does burning office furniture not bring down skyscrapers, they CERTAINLY don’t take 8 hours to do it, much less do it at freefall velocity, and symmetrically.  Nothing in your office will burn 8 hours.  Look around you.  One hour, tops.

But there are huge issues with both Towers 1 and 2.  If you want to be informed before you render your next opinion, spend some time here:

That is all prologue.  I can’t say with assurance that, say, Dick Cheney had something to do with this.

But it seems certain to me both that some of our intelligence agencies participated in this–the CIA almost certainly, in my view–AND that some of our other intelligence agencies must KNOW this.  These people are smart.  They are not sheep.  They pick up on clues, both small, and, as here, blinking neon pink signs saying “PROBLEM HERE”.

So what gives?  How has all discussion and all honest investigation been shut down?

Here is what I propose: there have been many competing narratives created, all of which support the end goals of a core elite, but which vary in their details.

What got me thinking about this was the notion that flitted through my mind while I was doing some bicep curls.  You know, Bro-ing it, but without the backwards baseball cap.

Let us say that the architects–some of them–of 9/11 were desperately worried about terrorism, and needed a reason to 1) shut down terrorist training camps in Afghanistan; 2) take actually effective action to prevent Saddam Hussein from acquiring nuclear weapons; and 3) get passed into law the level of surveillance THEY thought they needed to prevent terrorism.

You can see this easily enough, can’t you?  A core group, concerned that most Americans were complacent sheep, and unwilling to DO WHAT IT TOOK to prevent terrorism.  Such sheep were in marked contrast to the hard and serious men (and a few women) who were CLEAR EYED.  It wasn’t just a possibility that we would get hit with nuclear terrorism, but a CERTAINTY if we didn’t do WHAT IT TAKES to prevent it.

3,000 something people died 9/11.  A lot less died than could have died, if they had just detonated the buildings right after the planes hit.  The death toll could have easily been 10,000 or more.  Most of those who died were above where the planes hit, or so I understand.

So you do the math: 3,000 dead (they would have had an estimated range), compared to 250,000 dead if a nuke goes off mid-town Manhattan.  It’s ugly math, but serious men and women have to do that sort of thing.  It’s the only way.

Does this sound plausible to you?  It does to me.

But where are we now?  We just handed the Taliban a larger territory then they had, tens or hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weaponry, and spent the last 20 years training them how to fight us.  And they have signed a de facto alliance with China.

How does THAT math work?  If Dick Cheney WAS the architect, and that WAS his plan, where are we now?  How did that make sense?

Yes, Iraq is under control.  We have that going for us.  But for most people, the connection with terrorism was primarily with Afghanistan.

So not only was all this not worth it, we moved BACKWARDS, after spending trillions of dollars, and depriving thousands of kids of parents, and thousands of parents of their children.

So imagine that the “terrorism” story was just one story within a larger one.  What if the REAL power in this world just used that story to manipulate people like Dick Cheney and to a lesser extent George W.?

Here is something really interesting, at least to me: the story on the pipeline in Afghanistan in Wikipedia has been significantly modified from the version I read a couple years ago.  It  is always interesting to me when stories disappear (as one recent example, the stories discussing Luc Montagnier’s critiques of these jabs recently got “edited” in my DuckDuckGo search engine.  Same words “Luc Montagnier COVID”, but everything after May just disappeared.  DuckDuckGo may be better than Google, but they are for sale too.  There are also SEO processes that I think anyone can do, and certainly that you can pay for).

My memory is not perfect, but it is very good.  If something makes an impression on me, it is there more or less indefinitely.  I forget a lot too.  Most things are not worth remembering.  History, however, in general IS.  If not dates and specific names, trends and general feelings.

Here is the simple history, as I recall it, which has been ablated: an oil or natural gas pipeline was going to be built across Afghanistan.  The Taliban either opposed it or were asking for too much money.  The US invaded, construction started again, and it was completed some years ago.

Here is a complicating consideration: that version, which I recall reading, which carries emotional memory with it, is now gone.  Can’t find it.

The most obvious reason, the one most people who were not me would go to instantly, is that I am misremembering.  This is obviously possible.

A second possibility is that the internet has been reset to include only one version of reality, which is not accurate.  Is that technically possible?  Of course.  Easy.  This is of course an unlikely thing, but I will add to the mix the fact that my power was flicked on and off while I was doing my internet search.  This hasn’t happened to me ever that I can recall.  It’s certainly not common, and the timing is interesting.

We all need to be cognizant of the fact I have pointed out several times that Joe Biden could drop a load of shit on the White House lawn, be filmed and photographed doing it, and the story STILL disappear completely.  Gone.  Never happened.  Conspiracy theory.

Here, though, is yet a third idea: the Taliban were put back in power because the Afghan government was not cooperating properly with this project, called TAPI seemingly:

Hell, maybe they got a bonus in advance for pledging full cooperation and diligence, in the form of US weapons and even cash.

Saudi Arabia seems to have played a role, as a nation state, in 9/11.  What was their core issue?  The threat of Iraq.  They invaded Kuwait.  No reason not to just keep going the next time, especially if they had nukes.  So they manipulated US intelligence fears to achieve their own ends.

Everybody only gets a piece of the picture.  Everyone might be saying “Mistakes were made, but either not by us, or not on purpose.”

The image I guess I am trying to convey is of course first and foremost a very complex situation and world.  Many competing interests are pursuing their interests in clandestine ways that involve lying.  Sometimes the lies of multiple players happen to all serve their agenda, so they cooperate.  Sometimes they don’t.  Everyone, though, always has an interest in protecting the lie.

Possibly some group exists which, to some larger or lesser extent, knows all the lies, and all the interests, and is itself manipulating THEM for ITS interests, which presumably include at a minimum the creation of a global government they control.

And what I will suggest is that all widely conditioned fears are politically useful and usable.  You are training people to be told what to do without asking appropriate questions.

The threat of terrorism enabled all sorts of things which would not have been possible pre-9/11.  And it is very possible that the REAL threat of terrorism was never significantly more than the REAL threat of COVID.  In the same way Trump haters had to concoct hate crimes, the purveyors of terror fear had to create THEIR OWN terror event.  It did involve actual terrorists of the vanilla variety, but as supported by terrorists of the false flag and professional intelligence operative variety.

COVID is of course the new terrorism.  It has, in fact, spoiled terrorism for me.  It no longer concerns me.  My only real concern is my government.  THAT I fear, and with considerable reason.  Look at what they have done in Australia with NOTHING, abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING.  Australia has one of the lowest death rates from COVID in the world.  The Flu has to be not just a bigger risk, but a MUCH bigger risk.  How is all that even possible?

I will end with a very odd news story I will add some comments to:

Did you see this?  Inexplicably, a seeming Satanic ritual shows up on the EVENING NEWS.

Look at the setting: it looks like studio of sorts, doesn’t it?  One of those training or meeting rooms with dividers that can be rolled out or pulled back?  It LOOKS like a broadcast.  It LOOKS more or less literally like the sort of thing a local televangelist might put out on public access on a Sunday.

Was this broadcast being created at that TV station?  Was it streaming during the newscast, such that the person switching from the live report back the anchor hit the wrong button momentarily?  That seems the likeliest explanation.

That, then, would logically imply that Satanism is sufficiently advanced in that area that it can be practiced within a normal television studio, and that there is enough outside interest that a broadcast makes sense.

In my own view, demons exist.  I have seen them many times.  We are all interconnected.  Everything is interconnected.  So no doubt some of what I have seen was connecting with and resonating with energies within me that were primal and awful.  That is what I am processing.  That is what trauma looks like.  It is chaotic, highly charged, and impossible to integrate with rational thought.

So are the lockdowns in Australia just an act of mass sadism, and perhaps even literal Satanism?  They are IRRATIONAL.  They are not a policy response in proportion to the danger, and obviously will fuck a lot of people’s minds up even more.  They make no sense, from a scientific or moral perspective.



Four posts/thrown to the wind/in Poughkeepsie/in a gentle rain/with dogs barking and laughing

These are posts I made somewhere, four of them.  As to the title, fuck it: it’s my blog, I do whatever I want.
It’s worth sharing some facts, facts that should and WOULD be known by all if our media were trying either to report responsibly, or to downplay the risk of COVID.
This disease is less dangerous than a bad flu for all healthy people under 70.  It presents almost no risk to children.
You might cite the 600,000 dead figure.  Most of those people would be dead today of something else, if they had not contracted COVID.  Most of them were old, and most of them died at the average age of death.  En masse, obviously most people die around the average age of death.
And this 600,000 is drawn from an overall annual national death “pool” of about 3 million.  Given that the standards for labeling something a “COVID death” are non-existent, literally every one of those deaths could in principle have been due to something else entirely–heart disease, stroke, cancer, accident–and still added to the list.  People who were not tested for COVID were still put down as “likely”, and “likely” became certainly when added to the list.
People who died of long term ailments, like cancer, were called COVID deaths if any COVID was or seemed to be or was SUSPECTED to be present.
It is almost literally the case that ALL deaths in the past year were presumptively COVID, and only retroactively labeled properly.  Hospitals–whose core business was destroyed by people like our governor–got more money for lying.
None of this was or is necessary.  Not the masks, not the “vaccines”.
And to be clear, the disease is real, but it is a bad flu which seems to punish Vitamin D deficiency much more than the normal flu.  The data supports this claim, and it is much better than it was a year ago, when I was making the same claim.
We have been had.  Hoodwinked.  I said this in April 2020, and have seen no data to persuade me otherwise.  I have known dozens of people who had this thing–I think I’ve had it, although I haven’t been tested, and for me it was no more than a mild inconvenience–and all of them–if they did not even know COVID existed–would have described it on a continuum from allergies, to a longer and worse than normal flu.
Think back to when all this started, to the “two weeks to prevent overflowing hospitals that never overflowed”.  Think back to a time before you lost your mind with fear.
It never stopped being relatively safe out there, for most of us.  And none of us are going to live forever, but very, very few of us will die of COVID, particularly if we take our Vitamin D, magnesium and zinc.
This is mass lunacy.
While I’m at it, I may as well provide data:
A man who is smarter and vastly better qualified than you–a Professor at Stanford Medical School–has calculated the Infection Fatality Rate at .15%.  That means 15 people will die in every 10,000 infections.  And as I stated, nearly ALL of them–well over half–will be people over 70 or so, and certainly 60.  Almost none of them will be under 40.  Their odds get into the millions.
Why didn’t we approve and test the SAFE medicines HCQ and Ivermectin?  We know they are safe when given in appropriate doses.  We have 30 years of data on Ivermectin, and 65 on HCQ.
In contrast, we have less than a YEAR of data on these spike protein injections.  Ask yourself: why are medicines KNOWN to be safe marginalized and denigrated, and medicines we can’t make any definitive claims about made to sound as safe as a cup of tea?
This whole thing is a managed disaster.  The whole country has been put on sale.  Powerful people are trying to see what they can get away with, and have no doubt been surprised they could get so much from so little.
For most of you, your education was either wasted on your, or it accomplished the intended end of making you dumb,  submissive and compliant.
And to be clear, there are three “rates” which are calculated: the Case Fatality Rate, which is the diagnosed cases divided by deaths; the Infection Fatality Rate, which is estimated using serological data (testing random people for antibodies indicating an unknown, symptom free infection), and which is the people infected divided by deaths; and, in my understanding, overall mortality, which is the population divided by the number of deaths.
No informed person uses the Case Fatality Rate to estimate the danger of a disease.  Most of us can have this disease and NOT EVEN KNOW IT.   Fully a third of us seem to be immune from the outset.  Those people will never develop antibodies, so the IFR could be even lower than estimated.
This is lunacy.


Sex is a way of being with another human being, which involves pleasurable physical contact.  I suppose at higher levels, you BE sexually.

Sex is not a thing, but all of our language tends to reduce it to a process of possessing and consumption.  I suppose much blame there must accrue to men, who do tend naturally to think of possessing women.

But you “have” sex, “get” laid, “get” lucky, you chase “sex”, you want “sex”.  Even the phrase “sexual intercourse” is better than the expressions we tend to use.  What men are describing is finding a woman sufficiently horny and/or trusting and/or loving that she will get naked with them and allow them into her body; knowing full well, I might add, that the man is most likely not going to make her feel emotionally well, even if he can contribute pleasurable physical feelings.

For many women, I think attention itself is almost as good as love.  We live in a world where almost no one is fully present any more, any where.  I was talking with a woman some years ago who had read and reread “Fifty Shades of Gray”–as many women seemingly did–and although I forget her exact words, the impression I had was that what attracted her was not particularly the weird stuff he did with her, but the fact that she was his sole-what?–object of attention.  He was THERE, in the room with her.  He was THINKING about her.  She was, for a time, his world.

So many women feel unseen by the men in their lives.  I guarantee my wife felt unseen by me.  I didn’t know any better.  Even though I am writing this, I am not completely sure I know better–which is to say would do better–NOW.  They make up for it, mostly, of course, with their female friends.  Still, they wish there were something they could do or say to bring him back to her, more often, and better.

And is not consuming porn really a much more efficient way of getting sex in a world infested with a Consumeristic mythos?  I suppose it would be better if Amazon offered sex on demand (that’s not a suggestion Jeff, even where legal) from a Consumeristic standpoint, but logically that sort of thing is not far off.  Sex robots are the logical apotheosis of getting and having sex.  They actually ARE objects, who will do whatever you tell them to do, within their limits.

The day is coming, and most likely already here, when you can get your sex robot, program any porn you want, and have more or less literally bought “sex” from an object.

But when you love a woman deeply–I suppose–you are moving towards the spirit in her, and she to you, ideally.  At its highest level, it is an almost intrinsically spiritual act.

When you own an object ardently, you are moving, yourself, towards being an object, are you not?  To stasis?  To a world where nothing changes as long as nothing breaks?

So many of us want to be puddles, when our destiny is and always has been to join the river.  And I suppose in that metaphor it is not a question of forgetting who you are, but remembering.



When you are with someone you love, who truly understands you, no words are needed.

And when you have processed all the conflicts and wounds within you, and learned to stop hurting yourself, then no thoughts are needed.

I have more than once thought that the way meditation is often taught is backwards: the GOAL is not clinging to thoughts, and gradually building up the silences and space between thoughts, but it seems to me this is also an outcome of other forms of work.

Kum Nye, to take an obvious example, is intended to get you to the starting line.  The completion of Kum Nye, at the level of principle, as I understand it, is to enable you to BEGIN meditating.

And for me, beginning Kum Nye properly has involved dealing with trauma.  And this is what many of us need: to deal with our trauma to begin to learn to relax, then to learn to relax, and THEN to learn to meditate, which is to deepen our spiritual connections and awareness.

For me, the trauma process continues to involve neurofeedback, AVE, Heartrate Variability, Yoga and Autogenics.  And as I think I’ve said, in my own experience Skullcap is better than CBD in calming me down.  I’ve tried even expensive CBD, and it doesn’t do anything for me.  I take Skullcap every night.  It was an important element in learning to sleep without alcohol.

And of course a lot of this is trying to connect with my experience, and allowing it to flow.  Trauma resolution and progress in Kum Nye are more or less the same thing, and Peter Levine is the only person I have ever seen mention Kum Nye outside of the community itself.

As a practice, it should be much better known, but there is nothing sexy about it.  You won’t build stronger abs, and no Hollywood celebrities are pushing it.  And what you get is subtle and slow.  But it is also profound.

And the end is learning to process all experience as it happens.  It is literally a process for building sustainable happiness, connection, and balance.  These are not things that come in bottles, and not thing you can buy.  They are not easily attained, and in fact, many if not most people in this country at least live entire lives that are unhappy, alienated, and imbalanced.

If it is worth learning to play a musical instrument, or a video game, or learning any art or craft or sport and any activity whatsoever, how much more is it worth learning to be happy, connected (with your experience and sense of being, first, and then naturally with others, and with nature, and with “Life” generally), and balanced?

Is that not the most important game we can play?  Money can’t buy any of that.  Money buys experiences, but not a soul.  And even if we all have souls, if we cannot connect with them, their value is lost on us experientially, which is to say practically, which is to say they may as well not be there.



The Middle

I suppose in my own way I think of myself as trying to come up with a really good new melody.  A new tune.  You have to hum a while, and try different things, to slowly and imperceptibly improve it.  That is the root of my repetition.  I allow it because I long ago found it useful.

This point, itself, I have shared before.

My basic position is that these spike protein injections are an unknown.  They have not undergone sufficient testing.

The fact that Ivermectin and HCQ had not “undergone sufficient testing” was sufficient for Anthony Fauci to dismiss them, even though their SAFETY was not in question.  Only their efficacy relative to SARS-CoV-2 was.

These injections could be BOTH injurious AND ineffective.  That is a perfect storm of incompetence.  We are seeing that most hospitalizations in Israel are among the “vaccinated”.  I am telling you that I heard second hand that most COVID positives around here are “vaccinated.”

And the CDC is CLEARLY playing games with the numbers.  I just noticed you cannot now pull the death numbers by age any more, as you could a year ago, without a lot of work.

But games with regard to “vaccination” specifically:

You can disagree with me.  You can say we should do this, and not that.  But the FACT is that the middle is under attack, not the fringe.  It is not an unreasonable opinion to say we should try all safe medicines with potential FIRST before trusting the health of the nation–including the entirety of our Armed Forces–to something which has existed less than a year, is being criticized by its inventor, and which killed all the animal participants the last time it was tried 15 years ago or so.

This is not crazy.  This is reasonable.  This is common sense.  This is Main Street America.  How is it that people like me are being attacked as lunatics?  Ponder that, which is to say consult your experience, your logic, and your feelings and intuition.  Think through your own personal history: when this kind of shouting is going on, is the outcome usually good?  Is it something fair?  Is it something all participants look back on years later as necessary, or as an unfortunate and regrettable lapse of sanity?


Medical ethics

Informed consent is one of the most basic elements of medical ethics.  You, as a medical professional, suggest a course of treatment.  In this process, you say why you think it will help, and in what ways, and WHAT THE POTENTIAL RISKS ARE.  If the proposal makes sense to the patient, whose life it is both parties are discussing, then the process proceeds.  If the patient, being informed of the risks, decides they do not outweigh the potential benefits, then the process does not proceed.  The patient walks away, and the doctor has nothing to say about it.  It is their life, their decision.

My body, my choice is really an indisputable mantra within this ethical rubric.  As regards abortion, though, you are talking about two bodies.  As I continue to say, no one disputes the right of a woman or man to keep or have removed a kidney or gall bladder.

Today in my local CIA propaganda outlet, which is to say my iteration of the Gannett network, a local doctor was found willing to say that all children over 12 should get this spike protein injection.


Have you heard ANYONE, anywhere, mention risks with respect to these vaccines?  Fauci?  Walensky?

Are there no risks?  Of course there are.  We KNOW they cause heart problems, particularly in young men.  They cause blood clotting.  They seem to be associated–along with COVID itself–with miscarriages.

There are number of things we KNOW, and more no doubt that we suspect, associated with these things.

Have you EVER, in your lifetime, seen such an abdication of basic medical responsibility?  Without sufficient data to make the claim, doctors EVERYWHERE are acting like these injections are safer than aspirin and multi-vitamins.

This is a BASIC, basic, basic violation of Informed Consent.  People are dying, surprised, because the shot is killing them after they were told it was as safe as getting a haircut or getting your teeth cleaned.

Edit: Doctors who know the risks and fail to mention them are violating medical ethics.  Doctors who DON’T KNOW the risks–and in reality they and we are being given almost no useful and reliable data– and still use their professional standing to endorse them, are violating basic standards of PROFESSIONALISM, and are betraying a sacred trust.  They are prostituting themselves, and in most cases cheaply.

No one can deny these things kill people.  ALL VACCINATIONS KILL PEOPLE.  The numbers are low, so the math works, and we keep doing them.  Since any given shot is unlikely to be the one in a million lottery winner, most parents are not told their kid could die.

But the risks for these things seem to be much higher.  What is OBVIOUS beyond any real possibility of debate, is that all the members of what I will call Team Pfizer, and Team Moderna are downplaying and ignoring all negative data.  You don’t see it in the media, and if you talk about it anywhere else, you are accused of wanting people to die and of being a “crazy anti-vaxxer”.

Here is the thing: the guy who INVENTED the technology, Dr.  Robert Malone, has said he regrets taking the shot, and foresees a lot of problems even in the near term people are not wanting to talk about.

And I have most likely mentioned that when researchers tried to use mRNA technology against SARS-CoV-1, all the animals eventually died when exposed to the virus in the wild.

I assume human immune systems are in some respects “smarter” than those of animals, but could something very like this not explain the stories of vaccinated people flooding hospitals, both with COVID, and with vaccine after-effects?

Again, what is clear is that conversations that should be happening are not happening.  Warnings which responsible medical professionals would be offering are not happening.  Simple remedies, which we should have tried a YEAR ago, are being ignored when not denigrated.

Psychologically, I will again invoke the Stockholm Syndrome.  People I know and respect otherwise are saying “get the vaccine”.  Why would they do this?  Why would well meaning, reasonably intelligent people do that?

Because they see all the suffering the GOVERNMENT is inflicting on all of us, and see mass “vaccination”–massive compliance with a fundamentally irrational medical campaign–as the only to get GOVERNMENT TO RELAX RESTRICTIONS IT IMPOSED.

The only way out, in other words, is being made through an irrational medical procedure that may well in reality make the whole situation objectively worse, even if in the short term politically better.

The only way, in yet more words, that we can be saved from government is by doing whatever government tells us.  We have to appease these tyrants.  It is, we are told latently, and we feel on our insides (some of us), the only way to safety.

But of course appeasing these people is no different than handing the Rheinland, Austria, and Sudetenland to Hitler.  Nothing is enough.

Science does not deal in lies.  Science does not suppress data.  Science does not suppress discussion.  Science does not censor informed and qualified voices.  Science does not exclude a priori viable research paths, and potential solutions.  It tests them, them forms an opinion.

Wake up, if you have not yet.  It will feel just like it does in the morning: you will be hazy at first, disoriented, but if you persist, eventually you will find your coffee pot, and start feeling the light of day in earnest.


The other prescription

Movement.  As I understand it–and reliable statistics are between difficult and impossible to come by–the single largest predictor of a bad COVID outcome is inactivity; and obesity is on the short list following it, with the two being obviously connected.

As I understand it, third hand from the friend of a friend who works in a hospital, if you are under 65 and in a hospital, one look at you would tell most people you watched every episode of Game of Thrones, quite possibly more than once, and certainly that you have a well worn couch at home littered with Doritos and probably spilled diet soda or beer.

When you look at some of the nations that have done particularly well, like Finland or Japan (16,000 deaths in a population of 123 million or so, which works out to 1 person dying in 7,875, or about 1 person dying there for every 15 who died here, with us being about 1 in 512, and climbing very slowly) you will find low rates of obesity, and relatively high rates of at least basic activity.  I think you will also find low rates of Vitamin D deficiency, due either to national policy, as in Finland, or high rates of fish consumption, as in Japan.

It is really obvious beyond the need for comment, in my view–but seemingly not so, since even after a year not just our airwaves but our message boards are filled with patent nonsense–that all undangerous, non-intrusive, simple, common sense measures should have been employed at the outset of all this.

Fauci should have told people to exercise and lose weight, and eat more fish.

And a year ago I read countries in Europe that eat more fermented vegetables do better.  We know these are good for the digestive tract, upon which vastly more depends than we realized until recently, so what would or could that hurt?

As I continue to point out, WE HAVE NO PROTOCOL FOR EARLY TREATMENT.  None that I know, although I assume most doctors have come up with their own personal protocols.  But if you get diagnosed with COVID, I think most will say “oh, that’s too bad.  Stay home and keep an eye on it, and call me if it gets worse”.  Obviously, a percentage of cases DO get worse and get hospitalized, and then they have very expensive (read profitable, presumably) treatment like Remdesvir.

But Zinc and Vitamin D are necessary human elements.  They are absolutely necessary for health.  Why not say “take this amount and no more”, and possibly “let us do a blood test to see how you’re doing, so I can prescribe a corrective from a position of data”?

I know I keep saying the same things in slightly different ways, but it baffles me how all the governments of the world have adopted this hysteria in response to a virus that mainly kills people well past working age, and which is less dangerous to everyone else than a bad flu year.

As they say in the Great Barrington Declaration, pulling the bandage off and making it all go away is and always was as simple as locking up the elderly (who in our country at least tend to be in Geriatric Ghettos) and letting the thing rip everywhere else, again ideally after making basic suggestions about supplementation and activity.

If freedom survives, if honest articles are written about this time 5-10 years from now–or 30-40–this time will be seen as one in which the world was driven mad by Madison Avenue applied uniformly and aggressively to authoritarian politics and private profit.  We were DRIVEN into witch hunts, DRIVEN into mass hysteria, fear, paranoia, and despair, over nearly nothing; and even our supposedly educated classes by and large fell for it.

This virus is not nothing–real people have died real painful deaths–but it is also not something which warranted more than a small, small fraction of the misery which has been inflicted on the world by our sundry governments.