
Can we include this sort of thing in our “national discussion on race”?

Will we ever start confronting the hard questions, most notably that of blacks complicity and primary responsibility in their failure to thrive as a community?

I say this because I DON’T think blacks are inferior.  They are capable of much, much, much more than this.  They are not the helpless, mindless children Democrats tacitly proclaim them to be every time they blame racism for pervasive and chronic bad decisions that lead to predictable results.

Yes, Democrats have been saying “trust us, we got it under control” for 50 years, but all the black community has to show for it is being forced to watch the rest of the world pass them by, with all the resentment, bottomless anger, and sense of rejection and inferiority that goes with it, none of which will be or can be cured by punishing whites.

A TRUE black leader would condemn this loudly and proudly, as not representing who they should be or should want to be.

A TRUE black leader would point out that the Democrats have been USING blacks for 50 years, not helping them.  He would call people who believe the Democrats chumps, as Malcolm X did shortly before his assassination by fellow blacks thoroughly involved in this systemic exploitation. (Then and now: consider the friendship of Louis Farrakhan, who likely played a direct role in Malcolm X’s assassination, with Jeremiah Wright, and Obama’s friendship with Wright)

Progress will begin when we as a nation begin demanding more, not less.  When we refuse to excuse behavior in ANY segment of our population that is uncivilized and barbaric.

If these were white people–and no doubt this sort of thing has happened and sometimes still happens in white neighborhoods too–most of us would not think for a moment about condemning them as culturally inferior.  We would call them white trash.

As I grow as a person, I am becoming less and less willing to avoid speaking the full truth as I see it.

All of these people deserve better, but more welfare–more of what we have been providing for 50 years–can only be an answer for the deluded and those who profit from it.

Generalized access to charter schools and vouchers would be an excellent start.  So, too, would a charismatic black leader sufficiently gifted rhetorically to tell the truth and get people to listen.

The question is not what white people can do for blacks, but what they can and should do for themselves.