

One other note on the Hoffman Process.  You are often asked how you feel.  Since most of us are emotionally constipated–at least in terms of our ability to consciously name varying and often complex feelings and even sensations–they give you a list of perhaps 100 different feelings, such as shy, shame, happy, focused, content, worried, anxious, etc.  This is a cheat sheet, so you can start naming and owning your emotional life.  Even people who think they are completely logical are in fact feeling often.  Those feelings may simply be condescension, a sense of superiority, anxiety at being wrong about something, etc.

Anyway, several times I was–I actually think startled is the right word–to find nothing, no feeling to name.  Then I realized CALM is one of the possibilities.  Calmness is an absence of negative or positive emotions, but it IS a feeling.

It’s odd to contemplate, but I think as a modern American I have become addicted to sensations, and forgotten that simply being is not just an option, but an eminently good one.