But they have literally and figuratively raped Tibet, for no reason at all. It is not a resource rich country as far as I know. But they literally throw Tibetan women into men’s prisons for long term rape and humiliation. They torture women. They have a system for identifying people who reach their wits end and set themselves on fire as a last fatal protest against the dehumanization being inflicted on their nation. Such people are “put out” and hustled off the street within five minutes, when the system operates properly.
They operate psychological torture camps, which they–in typical Communist fashion–lie about. They call them job training camps. Where are the people working who have “graduated” from these camps?
They more or less directly manifest the cultural ethos of Brazil (the Terry Gilliam movie, which I will note again is in my view the closest to the truth dystopian movie I have seen, at least in this stage of our possible decline into barbarous authoritarianism). You have a plastic, pretty, cultural elite living on the backs of people made slaves BY Communist ideology. All being a Communist REALLY means is that you can do whatever you want to whoever you want, provided you proclaim from time to time that it is “for the people”. If the people riot in the streets, then you blame foreign agents, not your own regime. It’s all a lie, and everyone knows it’s a lie, but it akin to a ritual peculiar to this particular form of mental and moral derangement.
And it will be like boycotting 19th and early 20th Century Britain and America, in the so-called Robber Baron era, when the worst abuses of the nascent industrial age were happening, and being mislabeled Capitalism by its enemies. Chinese workers have no protections. Chinese environmental regulations are non-existent. People work themselves to death. They die from preventable accidents. They die from being poisoned by their environment. All while an elite laughs and drinks champagne and complains about how horrible the rest of the world is.
And while it is bad enough that Planned Parenthood harvests organs from babies they kill in the process, the Chinese elite seemingly has the power to order, say, a Falun Gong member seized when their alcoholism causes them to need a new liver. Falun Gong live healthy lives, so their livers are in good shape. The troops pull them from the street, or their home, throw them into a mobile ambulance with the ability to perform operations, pull out what they want, then put the body where they put the last body. Pure evil. But this is how I understand it most likely works.
Finally (for now), they are one of the worst polluters of the ocean. As I think I mentioned, I pointed out to my environmentally conscious youngest that China was one of the largest polluters, not America. She replied that since much of that pollution was created making shit for US, that we were in fact indirectly, and almost directly, responsible. This is a valid point. Boycott China if you want to stop contributing to ocean pollution.
Don’t give them your money. Stop buying from these creeps. The people are not the problem, but until they allow Kiva money in, there is no way to help them directly without benefiting CINO (Communist in Name Only) fat guy assholes.