
Borderline Personality Disorder

I posted this on Facebook;

This is worth the read, I think, if you are unfamiliar with this particular type of Personality Disorder:…/Borderline_personality_disorder

Personally, I think most Trump Derangement Syndrome falls into this category, which is characterized by vastly too much emotion for a given topic, idealization and demonization, intellectual and emotional instability–usually unrecognized by the person displaying it–and a fear of abandonment which leads to excessive dependence on a political creed and propaganda, even to the point of self harm through stupid ideas. There is also a more or less complete loss of empathy, which is something I’ve seen twice in the last ten minutes.

I’m not a trained psychologist but this is my take. It makes sense.

What I would add is that in my view most Personality Disorders are really just varying faces of the same underlying Developmental Trauma, most commonly Attachment Disorders.  They amount to not being loved enough, or “loved” the wrong way.
This leads to the further consideration that the sheer ubiquity of Trump Derangement Syndrome really would seen to imply an epidemic of Developmental Trauma.
Why does the Left so desperately hate Trump?  Because his very existence and success threaten to take from them their narrative, and with it their sense of self, their orientation in the world, their sense of self righteousness and purpose, and thus, effectively, their souls, such that they are.
Seen psychologically, he is LITERALLY an existential threat, as in he threatens their very sense of being in this world, their accommodations with this world, the few things they have done which have worked at all to ease their sense of pain and abandonment.
Looked at through this prism, everything falls into place.  That doesn’t mean this is the correct view, but I think it is more accurate than wrong, and more useful than misleading and harmful.
The sheer volume of emotion, the noise of it, the irrationality of it, warrants explaining. as does the curious absence of ANY functional empathy in most of these people, most of the time.  They literally cannot imagine their way into my head.  They can’t grasp what I think or why, and the very notion they should try sends them into clinical hyperarousal.

It would not be unreasonable to connect TDS with the denigration of motherhood in the 70’s.  If I might paraphrase an old saw, the hand that doesn’t rock the cradle can really fuck up the world.