
Musical history

It is hard for me not to see a sharp divide between Mozart/Haydn and Beethoven, in the sense that a film should show “and here it broke: the dogs were let loose and destroyed everything”.

In Clockwork Orange, why are the hooligans so obsessed with Beethoven? Because it MAKES SENSE. Gone is order and proportion. Yes, some of his work is beautiful, but it
is broken. He has built a machine condemned to missing the cogs that make it affirm life.

Highly subjective view, but I just finished the Viennese Classical period in my music course, and am now being assaulted by the Romantics. Oi.

I am not exaggerating when I say I see little difference between Beethoven and the Ramones. That comparison might well have made him happy.

Now, I have nothing per se against songs about Teenage Lobotomy, but is that culture? Is it the culture of sensible people, making rational, measured decisions?

Do I want to blame the Sex Pistols or the New York Dolls for our national debt? Sure, why not? I would be willing to take that position in a debate.