
Blessings, Part Two

I forgot a very important element in the previous post: all blessings flow from God, through high level teachers we may call angels, in declining grades, until they reach us, and if we do our job, that water flows to those below us. It is the same energy, but simply in much lower quantities, if we can speak of quantity when quality is what matters.  God is infinite–and God is both feminine and masculine, in the sense of comprising as a small element of His/Her being all the possible emotional attributes of humans; actually, what we have are receptors that receive certain frequencies of an infinite spectrum–but there is something beyond God.  God is all the potential and actual energy and form in the universe.  But God exists within an infinite space, about which we can know little in this life.  This was a vision I saw the last time I did Holotropic Breathwork.  We talk about our experiences in those sessions, but there has been much I did not share.