I deleted this, since it’s probably not unreasonable to view that as actually a bit racist. I say actually since the word is mincemeat, and can mean somebody wore a shirt that didn’t match their socks.
But think about it. Logically, if white oppression is the problem, then living in a black majority nation should fix it, right? Living in Kenya? Ethiopia? Sudan? Nigeria?
I think we all know this idea is farcical. First of all, there is 10x the opportunity here. This is why more black Africans have moved here voluntarily than were ever brought as slaves, and it seems safe to assume half the continent of Africa would move here tomorrow if they could. Their standard of living would jump immensely and immediately, even if they found themselves in urban ghettoes.
But to the point, black Africans are as, or more, bigoted than anyone else. They speak something like 75 languages in Ethiopia alone. Everyone there has a tribe, and if you are not in their tribe, they may be courteous, but you are not one of them, or so I would suppose.
In the world, and in human history, ONLY white people have been so eager to enfranchise the “other”. Only us.
I honestly think that if there was only one black person in the entire Black Lives Matter movement, that would be sufficient for most of them. The whole thing is an excuse for bullying, and for politics which allow for eventual bullying on a larger scale and on a larger stage. The live of ordinary blacks are lost entirely, opaque to the leaders, and a matter of complete indifference.