If not, why not?
As far as I can tell, just about all the ideas being advanced to “help black people” that have not been on the Libertarian and honest Conservative agenda for several decades are going to make things worse. Getting rid of the police will empower the most violent and disempower the peaceful.
Yes, by all means get rid of no-knock raids. Make gross misconduct easier to prosecute, especially when repeated. End the drug war. I’ve called for all these things, explicitly or implicitly.
But cops are not the enemy. Stupidity and violence are the enemies.
And again, Chauvin could and should have been disciplined and perhaps fired long ago, but a Democrat chose not to.
All these people calling for “change” have been in charge of most of the places being discussed for some decades. Now, they want everyone focused on who is not jumping high enough fast enough. But that is CLEARLY to take people’s eyes off of THEIR failures.
All 10 of the top crime cities have Democrat Mayors, and most of them are top poverty too: https://amac.us/americas-25-worst-cities-are-democrat-led-the-answer-new-leaders/
THESE are the people telling us “we need to do better”. Why aren’t THEY doing better?
Do you understand yet how this whole thing is a pack of lies intended to resurrect racial strife, prevent blacks from finally starting to get en masse off the Democrat plantation, distract from the radical attack by our governments on our ability to earn money and live in freedom, and prevent Trump from coasting to an easy victory on the strength of manifestly successful economic policy?
Democrats want death, failure and destruction, so they can pretend they want to solve it. And every time you vote for one, at any level, you reward them for their cynicism.
Republicans are no saints, but at least we CAN tell the truth, and by and large most of us are articulating sound and defensible policy.
Democrats policy, in contrast, consists in calling everyone who asks them what their policy is RACIST.
But they certainly don’t want you to infer from that they want to DO anything for black America. They need their failure–which they are doing so much right now to continue to ensure–much too much to let them go.