I read this, and it jibes with much of what I have been thinking and saying: http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/books/2016/01/why-humans-find-it-hard-do-away-religion
What is truth? Well, according our modern educational system, it is the output of science. Since the output of science is variable, then truth, and our understanding of it, must likewise be variable.
But for human cultural purposes, for sociological purposes, it is sufficient that there be a professional and sanctified priesthood. In principle, once one has accepted the need to concur with and submit to and internalize their pronouncements, this is no different in practice or principle than submitting to the authority of an oracle which regularly offers new information, new truths, new principles, and new views. You simply take it in stride, even if the information is contradictory. You assume they are “getting closer”, because that is what “they” do.
So in the same sense that for much of Western history individuals were not allowed to have an unmediated relationship with God, so too does much of our intellectual establishment not want us to have an unmediated relationship with the truth.
They do not want us questioning Keynesian economics.
They do not want us questioning Global Warming.
They do not want us asking what good can come from universal surveillance.
This cultural development is in fact extremely well suited for an authoritarianism which has the sense to never be too open about its operations. It is the antithesis of genuine Humanism, and the opposite of that spirit which seeks to elevate human kind by elevating all individuals.
We are taught to obey, not to think, and this propaganda is made perfect by insisting within the message itself that everyone who imbibes the daily poison is in fact heroic and individualistic, for braving the assaults of the determined fanatics on the Right, who know nothing, will only evil, and must be stopped at all costs.
This is the world we live in.