
Maybe it’s earlier than we think

I just had a really nice Kum Nye session, and the phrase came in “it’s earlier than you think”.

Now I have quite often engaged in very apocalyptic doom and gloom.  An underlying level of tension translates easily into the perception of negative possibilities.  People of my sort–and here I would suggest reasonably intelligent and reasonably sensitive, bookish sorts–tend that way.

But maybe it will all work out, somehow.  That is certainly among the possibilities, isn’t it?

I get angry sometimes.  I allow abusive trolls to get under my skin.  At the same time, though, my reason and my gut both tell me we all need to work AS IF this can all be sorted out.  Our demonic children can be brought back to the light.  Pervasive terrible and imbecilic ideas can be corrected, over some time horizon.

This sort of positive thinking creates possibilities which would otherwise be invisible.  We do not necessarily need to brace for the worst, but work and prepare for the best.

I don’t have a crystal ball.  I am confused and angry and sad and bitter, and disappointed, and sometimes even vengeful.  I’ve got the whole array.  But I speak truth when I say good things COULD and perhaps even WILL happen, all of THIS notwithstanding.


It may be this simple

I was listening to the Guess Who singing “No Sugar Tonight”, and thinking about how long ago that era was, when this “classic rock” was made, and about “Hippyism” generally.  What happened to them?  What happened to the rebellion, the experimentation, the curiosity?

And then I got to thinking about consumer culture generally.  Did that vibe not in effect become a commodity?  Rather than a spirit, you have specific bands.  Rather than trying things out and seeing what works you got tie-dies and drugs used for kicks.

The dominant ethos in this country is that you can buy happiness.  That everything and everyone has a price.  That if you just work harder and then get what you want, you will finally get a bite of that carrot.

Hippy versus Conservative is almost like Coke versus Pepsi.  You pick a brand and stick with it.  And you will be given everything you need.  You will be handed self importance and a sense of your own rectitude, a mass of people who think like you, and you will be given the ideas to think and the words to say.

Is it perhaps more true than false to say that the Left generally is basically a bunch of intellectual fat fucks who resent being asked to get off the couch and change the channel?

The same is certainly true with most conservatives, but in general we just want to be left alone.  In general we are not telling people how to live their lives.  We are not virtue signaling in the same way, and our goal is more, not less, freedom, within broad limits of actual common sense.

This is just an intellectual doodle.  Ponder it however you like.

This cloud of Consumerism is really something which warrants discussion.  If you look at, say, violence in media, which is clearly pernicious in many ways, as is pornography, it amounts to an effort to buy experiences cheap.

And if you visit any left wing town–take virtually any college town anywhere, from Kent to Berkeley–they have a lot of nice stuff.  Fancy restaurants.  Olive oil stores.  Art museums.

All of this is pleasant.  I like it.  I like those sorts of places, even if those sorts of people would not like me if they knew my politics.

But is it something idealistic?  Pure?  Is it not just another way to consume, to find in objects what meaning is possible, like most Americans have been taught to do by Madison Avenue?

Consumerism and a sense of the sacred are actively antithetical, in my view.  As I have said often, culture has to deliver four primary “goods” (understand it this way and not that way): a means for the creation and transmission of meaning, of truth, of power, and of wealth.

The cultism of the Left is perhaps an unconscious attempt by the post-religious to create a sort of sacred you can BUY, cheaply.  You can get an absolute, unshakeable sense of belonging and righteousness for the tiny cost of not asking questions, or thinking too much.  It’s a great deal, if the pleasures of life–of easy self-righteousness, and emotional and intellectual indolence combined with the sensual pleasures of food, drink, sex and thrills–are all you are concerned with.

It is really no wonder hedonists of all feathers flock to the Left.  It has room for them.  It ENABLES them, in many important respects.  In another era, they would be hypocrites.  They would be frauds and liars.  But with this “church” you get all the good stuff, with none of the bad stuff, as seen from an emotionally superficial perspective.  Within broad limits you cannot be judged for anything you WANT to do–weird sex, drugs, horrific irresponsibility–and on the contrary will be commended for no more arduous task than reading scripts written by others.  What could be better for lazy narcissists?

And with regards to narcissists, it occurs to me it would be worthwhile for any honest intellectuals reading this to revisit Christopher Lasch.

Narcissism is not having a large ego.  It is not loving attention and a high level of self confidence.  Narcissism, at root, is an INCAPACITY for empathetic relating, to understanding others, and actually CARING about others.

I have been accused more times than I can count of being a narcissist and sociopath, BY patent narcissists and sociopaths.  These are just words to them.  Their incapacity is so severe they can’t see it.  They literally have NO IDEA–no felt sense–of what genuine caring looks like.  So they act it out.  And they assume that since possess those traits–caring and compassion–anyone disagreeing with them must not.  Simple logic: not me, ergo BAD.

The madness is everywhere.  This is the only thing I know to do to combat it, which is try and describe it as accurately as I can, and to try and do a bit better every day.


Learned Innocence

I like rainy days when I don’t have to be anywhere, and large thunderstorms are even better.  We get some good ones around here.

I was listening to this marvelous storm just now, and it hit me how sad it will be when it’s gone.  I was hoping it would rain tomorrow, but no luck: sunshine.

And it hit me that this basic process is behind most misery in the world.  EVEN WHEN THINGS ARE GOING WELL most of us, after a certain age, start waiting for the other shoe to drop.  We don’t go too deeply into even positive experiences unless we are in the throes of some powerful passion that causes us to forget “normal” restraint.

And such passions are valued of course for that precise reason.

We look wistfully at children, who are so innocent, who do not yet know how quickly the best things can vanish, how friendships fade, stable situations disappear, and how often we find ourselves as adults doing things we dislike, and perhaps even resent and hate.

But is this not the precise POINT of non-attachment?  Entering emotionally into each moment as it comes, taking what joy and light from it there is to be had, and then letting it go while embracing the next?  Flow?  Openness?  Shunyatta, the place without fixed form or time?

I would suggest non-attachment, in important respects, amounts to Learned Innocence.  You have to learn both to enjoy and to let go.  You have to be fully present to change, to the Wheel of Change, but beyond it because not attached to it.



I would suggest the legislators–and if there are any honest ones, the members of various Gubernatorial staffs, as well as any honest law enforcement, if there is any–of at least Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada–should be making sure the ballots are being preserved, not touched, and not tampered with in any way.

If the Arizona audit is the real deal–and it appears to be, although I am lately used to nearly continual disappointment–it is going to show levels of fraud which are jaw dropping.

And the people–who are large in number, organized, and ideologically fanatical–who orchestrated this RICO worthy crime KNOW that the evidence is there.  It is abundant.  It is indisputable.

So no one should assume this is a static situation, in which simply waiting and seeing is the best play.  All of those other folks need to start paying attention, asking questions, and protecting what amounts to criminal evidence.


Book Burners are never the good guys (and gals)


Another way of putting it

I realized a long time ago that saying the same basic thing over and over leads, over time, to useful simplifications; and the ability to convey complex ideas and realities in easily comprehensible ways and language is the mark of understanding.  This makes repetition in some respects the father of clarity.


One of the hallmarks of meaningful freedom is the right to choose the level of risk one is willing to accept.

Logically, IF these experimental injections reduce risk of infection and serious complication from this disease, then the people who have received them are at less risk from everyone else.

But as Thomas Sowell pointed out relentlessly over his long and productive and brilliant career (one which I think most likely continues as a talented photographer), LIFE INVOLVES TRADE-OFFS.

We are told the risk of dying from COVID-19 goes down if we accept one of the four purported “vaccines” on the market.  This is a consideration.

[Actually, I will note I am actually not sure how many “vaccines” are in use around the world.  We tend to assume, rhetorically, that they are equal, but this is a silly idea, and one contradicted by more or less the entire history of medical science.  I know of Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and AstraZeneca, but I think the Russians have one or more, the Chinese have one or more, and I don’t know who else is participating, so the total number could be up to a dozen or more.]

But we also have more DATA concerning the illness itself than we POSSIBLY could for the vaccines, and there is a non-zero and in my view non-trivial–and really inestimable at this point–risk that the VACCINES, themselves, might present more risk than the disease.

We have been studying infectious illnesses for all of human history, and studying them with increasing intelligence for several centuries now.

By and large, our immune systems work fine.  And regardless of what happens, the disease, when it is gone, is gone.  There is every reason in the world to assume that relative immunity is conferred by infection.

Thus, there is a trade-off, in risk calculations–and it is our own health we are talking about, so this should be a personal decision–between the risk of contracting the illness and suffering long term effects; and accepting the unproven, and unapproved treatment.


Yes, our “experts”–some of them, the ones that the Tech Giants are allowing to speak–say, without the possibility of acceptable amounts of evidence, that these treatments are “safe”.

That they are claiming this is itself prima facie evidence of corruption.  They have no evidential basis for this claim, other than that they ASSUME it to be true.

But the FDA has processes in place, which more or less exist to prevent another Thalydomide sort of incident.  That problem mainly existed overseas, because in my understanding the FDA never approved that medicine here.

They protected us, in other words, which it is in their charter to do.

Until the FDA has done a full two years worth of trials–and this whole thing amounts to a global trial of an unproven medicine–no can speak from an EVIDENTIAL basis when saying these things are safe.  We just don’t know.

And as one doctor pointed out, the HONEST risk calculus, done by medical professionals, depends entirely on accurate numbers.  Specifically, do widespread injections reduce the overall risk of premature death?  If everyone gets jabbed, and then jabbed again, will we reduce deaths clustered around this illness, or increase them?  If a million people–in some arbitrary group–were going to die without the vaccines, can we say for sure that number will be reduced to, say, 750,000?

WE HAVE NO BASIS FOR CONFIDENCE IN ANY PREDICTIONS AT THIS POINT.  We have guesses, issued in bad faith by dishonest people acting politically.

As I have said over and over and over, I think I KNOW how to reduce my risk of serious illness from COVID.  I take Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C and Quercetin daily.  I also take Melatonin nightly to help me sleep better, and in general I get plenty of sleep.  I use the sauna 5x a week or so.  My health is excellent. I exercise, meditate, and use a variety of tools to help calm me down.

How do I alleviate my risk from medicine using new technology, about which no truly sound data exists?  I assume lowering my overall levels of systemic inflammation must help, so good quality fish oil is likely good.  But beyond that, what can I do?

And if you look at how these things work, they program some of our cells to look like intruders.  Can anyone say for sure exactly how long this outcome lasts?  What if it lasts indefinitely?  What if they ARE teaching our body to permanently react to a disease which WILL NOT GO AWAY?

This is the root concern of those who talk about autoimmune disorders.  After all, OUR OWN CELLS are being used for this process.  What if our immune system starts reacting not just to the one that look like spike proteins, but to ALL OF THEM which were used to create the fake spike proteins?  Could that not be fatal, after a few years?  Some people are claiming this.

This whole time is crazy.  I am having thoughtful, in my view well written and reasonable, pieces pulled off the Gannett website.

It is easy enough to think it’s a global conspiracy, and at the top maybe it is.  But most of it, as deployed daily around the world, consists in people indoctrinated to think that if we are not all marching in lockstep, that if we are not all following the Identified Experts–rather than engaging in the messiness of honest scientific and democratic debate–that PEOPLE WILL DIE.

Here is the thing: we all die no matter what.  And large masses of people have died of many things in the last year.  As I have said often, 3 million Americans die of something every year.  If 500,000 died of COVID-19, that is bad, but it would–if it were an honest number, which I don’t think it is–still be only a sixth of all the deaths.

We know the average age of death is the average age of death from all causes.  We know the death rate, even including the old, is a fraction of 1 percent.

This whole thing is a collective, and in my view Collectivist, hallucination.  Clinical schizophrenia.  It is delusional madness.

The basics are SO SIMPLE.  But you can’t speak them, or far too many people cover their ears and yell at you.




The looking precedes the finding

I will still get on discussion boards and try and have a rational conversation.  It’s not possible, of course, but almost invariably I come away having thought or perceived emotionally something new which is useful.  So I keep doing it, albeit with nothing close to the emotionally unhealthy extent I used to do.

One thing I have noticed, on some boards, is that if I make a point they can’t answer–to which there is no readily available, out of the cupboard Talking Point, which is to say distracting lie–they will post one of those generic job ads, where someone says they are making a million dollars a day doing almost nothing.

It reminds me of what they used to do on the Daily Cause when I had been autolynched, as I call it, by the mob: they would post recipes.  It has the emotional tone, in that case, of roasting marshmallows over the burning corpses of their enemies.

And it hit me this morning just how AWFUL these people are, at heart, at root.  They are relatively friendly cat people if you meet them in person.  They are the mildly overweight 50-something women riding slowly in the bike lane, or the angry looking, also overweight, 20-something of indeterminate gender having a craft beer at a place known for having a “vibe” of that sort.

But they are MEAN at heart.  Angry.  Nasty.  And it hit me this morning with more force than ever that these people START with the anger, and then find a place where they are encouraged to vent it.  If they didn’t have the Left, they would find the KKK, or a mean biker gang, or a pedophile ring.

It STARTS with the anger.  The politics are just a rationalizing veneer.

Yes, I have said this many times in many ways, but this specific emotional gestalt feels new to me.  I really felt this morning how distant all these people are to any rational, human, honest and open discourse.  They are following an evolutionary path very distinct from anything recognizably Liberal, or with any foundation in Logic, Justice, or the Enlightenment generally.

I am always happy to debate anyone on any topic.  But anyone unable to recognize the possibility and acceptability of Difference is operating within a fundamentally different world than I am.  Debate makes no sense to a fundamentally fanatical and faith based religious sensibility.

That world is very old–it is the one in which witches and heretics were executed in very painful ways–and which all the improvements of the past few hundred years in the West were intended to make extinct.

It is all retrogressive.  It is all an attack on actual multiculturalism, actual moral and religious pluralism, and genuine diversity.  They simply lie about everything they are doing.  It is that simple.


Fascist Science

An argument often made in favor of Mussolini, that could easily apply to the Covidian Cult, is that “he made the trains run on time”.

In other words, he brought order from chaos.  Julius Caesar, Imperial Rome’s first Dictator/King/Emperor, stopped all the ineffective squabbling in the Roman Senate, and he GOT THINGS DONE.

Looking at all the patent disinformation, lies, personal attacks, and self righteous propaganda on the topic of this not very dangerous disease, it is easy to conclude–and this is in fact my view–that hordes of people, masses of people, entire newspapers, and television programs, and websites, etc etc. have concluded that the only way to get the OUTCOME they want, which is a shut down of the economy and severe curtailment of personal liberty, is to make sure they ALL SAY THE SAME THING, AND KEEP ANYONE FROM CONTRADICTING THEM.

Now, this applies even if they are wrong.  Especially if they are wrong.  But what, you might ask, is the point, if the point was not following the science?  This is a valid and unanswerable question, outside of the Fascist mindset, which sees beauty in armies of various sorts synchronized in lockstep, marching to beat of the same drummer.

Fascism, recall, is–according to the guy who INVENTED IT–“Everything inside the State; nothing outside the State; nothing against the State.”

Substitute “Narrative” for State, and you get what we have been seeing daily for over a year.

Science and democracy are both messy.  They lack clean lines.  Both, when healthy, often look like people yelling and arguing with each other.  But the intent and reality is that this struggling amounts to what might be termed Informational Evolution, in which, in the end, only that is left standing which has the intelligence and fact base not to flow away and melt under examination.

Preventing examination, preventing debate, is thus FUNDAMENTALLY Fascist, in a formal sense.  It is crime committed because of an emotional, even religious, attachment to people and ideas which WILL NOT WITHSTAND SCRUTINY.

I am not calling for this, and this is not what I want, at all, but morally Fauci warrants the same fate as Mussolini.  It is that bad in my view.

What I want is an honest investigation, and his public humiliation. I want him to lose his medical license, his job, and most of his wealth (in lawsuits).


My Religion

My last post notwithstanding, I seem to be calming down.  I am getting more moments of relative peace.

I have spent most of my adult life just trying not to die.  It’s not a very high aim, but emotionally that is the truth.  At any moment in the past thirty years if you asked me my goal in life I would have told you something else, but that was the underlying emotional reality.

When I say intelligent things on this blog–and that is my aim, and I leave you to determine if I am succeeding, although if you spend more than 30 seconds here more than once, I have to assume something useful to you is happening–it is a result of an emotional pain tolerance that is extraordinary.  I just have a mulish ability to hurt and keep going.  As one therapist put it once–and I know I’ve shared this–it is “unnatural.”  People who hurt the way I do don’t make it.  But I do.  I have.  I will continue to.

So for me, continuing to try and see my world accurately will no doubt continue to be an important part of my world.  But I am getting enough space to be able to think a little beyond this.

And here is what I feel today: most of the art of living, most of the most important tenets in most good and useful religions, consists in learning to calm down, and tame chronic fear of change and difference.

I am tempted to say–and obviously I just succumbed to the temptation–that religion as I would like to conceive it is roughly the sort of world that Mary Oliver and Wendall Berry learned to live in.  Berry still lives there.

“Natural” religion, as I might call it, consists in wonder, and connection to nature, and a fundamental openness to experience.

And of course most people think of religion as moralizing, but in my own view honest religion has loose rules, most of which are common sense.

Here is the thing: if you are happy, if you are content, if your life makes sense to you, there is no reason to be cruel to others.  You don’t need to be told not to lie, cheat and steal.  And if you do lie, cheat and steal, no one needs to tell you it is wrong.  No sacred text is needed.

For my own part, the only “religious” work I return to again and again is the Tao Te Ching.  It contains everything only because it often claims to contain nothing, and certainly does not tell anyone how to spend their Saturday morning, or how many cattle to sacrifice on feast days, or what specific meditational posture you need to use, or what mantras you need to recite.  None of that.



I see what to me seem to be some ridiculous claims about the “vaccines” (experimental medical treatments) nearly every day.  It is as ridiculous in my view to claim they will kill everyone as to say that they will kill no one.  It’s in the middle, obviously, as most things of this sort tend to be.

The obvious point, though, is that when you are dealing in vast, astronomical numbers–BILLIONS of people–the decimal points matter, and we don’t even have whole numbers.  Over two years will the vaccines kill .01, .1, 1% or more of the people who take them?  We don’t and can’t know.  There is not enough data.

But let us say 3 billion human beings take these things, in one form or another (and obviously every vaccine will have its own specific numbers, which for all we know may vary by race, gender, age, and specific comorbidities, all of which are things we should know before giving these things to as close to the whole of humanity as propaganda and law will permit), then .01% means 3 MILLION deaths. .1% means 30 MILLION deaths, and 1% means 300 million deaths.

The difference between .01% and .1% is 27 million lives, which is vastly more people than have died in nearly all the wars fought in human history.  Only a few were worse than this, like both World Wars, which we called “World” wars for a reason.

Logically, then, these vaccines are effectively, potentially, ALSO a sort of world war, one waged on all of humanity.

And consider that perhaps the numbers ARE being reported accurately in sub-Saharan Africa, and almost no one is dying, because of some combination of the humidity and heat, the pervasive use of anti-malarials, and perhaps some unknown other factor.  Why would any sane policy maker unable to differentiate between .01, .1, and 1% introduce a NEW pathogen to such a people?  They wouldn’t.  It is dangerous and homicidal madness.

As I continue to say, we have done the experiment with COVID-19.  The whole experiment lasts, with the disease itself, about 2 weeks, for most people.  It is certainly not killing 1% of those exposed, and it is certainly true, in my view, that we know how to reduce mortality with the easy expedient of ensuring nutritional immunosufficiency.  Why this has not been tried, I don’t know.  I continue to wonder.  It is reckless, anti-scientific, and incomprehensible.  It is criminal.  People are DYING because of simple things our “leaders” ARE NOT SAYING, even though they have done their best to put normal life on hold for OVER A YEAR.  It is maddening, sickening.

And it hit me this morning that much of this might reasonably be seen, even by the non-paranoid, as SOCIAL TRAINING, much like the training we submit dogs to.  We are being taught to sit and fetch, and wag our tails on command, to essentially arbitrary, abusive, anti-scientific orders.

Why wouldn’t all this be training for submitting to micro-chipping?  I don’t think these vaccines have microchips in them.  Nobody is ready for that.  That is a huge expense, and just getting something out there that is not killing people in larger numbers than appears the case is an extraordinary achievement.

But we are being taught to comply to irrational orders, are we not?  Some large segment of most nations populace has actively JOINED the propaganda effort, has it not, and works as something like an SS social auxiliary, or ComIntern, to do its best to shame people into line with the government propaganda efforts?

I will note that in my understanding the Germans “branded”–another way of framing a tattoo–not just their Jewish prisoners, but the SS guards.  The guards just had their blood type tattooed, but it was sufficiently specific and distinctive that many former SS were identified on that basis alone.

Why would any government that views people as cattle not TREAT them as cattle?  And is a microchip anything other than a high tech brand?  One for which we are being groomed to accept?  That is my view.

Again, to summarize, we can run reasonably accurate threat profiles with respect to the illness, and we know how to push the numbers down with respect to nearly everyone, but we are not doing ANY of the obvious and common sense things in most nations, which include use of HCQ and Ivermectin (which are being demonized in a manner not altogether dissimilar to the campaigns waged against Jews by the Nazis, and against intellectuals by the Khmer Rouge), and obvious nutritional supplementation, especially in the winter, which include Vitamin D, Magnesium (which seems to help with D absorption), Zinc, Quercetin and Vitamin C.

We are not doing this.  Why?  Why?

And we are inflicting a massive medical experiment on I would guess at least a quarter of humanity, the death toll from which could EASILY be tens of millions more dead from the shots than from the illness, which again we are not fighting intelligently and effectively in most “advanced” nations.

It’s madness.  Insanity.  It is criminal.

And to be clear: FAUCI KNOWS BETTER.  I am not accusing him of being dumb.  I am accusing him of being a CRIMINAL who belongs in jail, and who in another era would have richly warranted being shot.  Hundreds of people enabling this atrocity deserve that, in my view.  They are murderers, guilty of first degree, meditated, planned, mass murder.