
Sin and prayer

I was doing my Autogenics this morning (it’s damn near afternoon, but I have little that has to be done today; I’m usually either too busy or not busy enough), and it hit me that Covetousness is really about having but not being able to enjoy.

I think the myth of Tantalus is relevant.  Everything he tried to grasp fled from him.

Here is a question: why do people become super wealthy?  Answer: they are unable to enjoy what they have and who they are.

Now, you might say, say, Jeff Bezos, LOVES competition, loves competence, and has a large private yacht waiting for him with full crew in each of the 7 seas.  He’s engaging in Flow, and has plenty of moments for authentic pleasure.

Maybe.  I don’t know the guy.  But my GUESS is that to get where he is you need insane focus, a LOT of 100 hour weeks, and a pronounced willingness to compromise ethically in all sorts of ways.  To fuck people over, in other words.  This is a trait virtually all Survivors in that world have.  Competition is too intense not to be cutthroat, at least in some places and some times.  There can be little doubt he has intentionally put people out of business in a variety of ways.

So what is most likely really going on?  Well, for one, most likely a powerful sense of shame and inadequacy.  He likely had, at least, and still often has, a terrible time relaxing and doing nothing.  He had something to prove, to himself and the world.  And has he proved it?  Only he can answer that, but I very much doubt it.

And here is my first point: we call greed “a sin”.  If you want your neighbors stuff, or wife, or more generally, we call that a sin.

Here is what I will suggest: a “sin” is ALWAYS downriver from emotional maladjustments of various sorts.  Sins are the Emergent Properties of underlying disorders of concordance and symmetry.

Lust is healthy.  It is normal to want to touch and feel and huff and puff, and then smoke a cigarette afterwards with a smile on your face and a glow on your cheeks.

But obviously there is unhealthy lust, too, isn’t there?  The one that pushes you into “sin”.

At the abstract level there is a lot of room for negotiation as to what constitutes healthy sexuality.  Men and women are wired a bit differently, and for obvious evolutionary reasons.  But we all crave stability, and I would argue over the long term that is what is most important.

[Has anyone ever suggested polyandrous polygamy, in which 5 men marry 5 women they share in both directions?]

However we discuss the nuts and bolts of this, so to speak, most of the time we all have an innate sense of what is healthy and good for us, and what is not.  If you pursue this sense, if you pursue calm and emotional honesty, your specific moral code is irrelevant.  On balance, you will tend to do the best thing–to in most cases reach the best compromise–without tedious ethical theory.

This was, as I read him, Lao Tzu’s view.  People and societies are formally Complex Orders.  If you organize them according to flexible and healthy principles, good things will tend to happen organically and without much effort.

Prayer: we tend to ask God (or Goddess: if you posit that what is really actually THERE is an energy without gender–within which swim many spiritual beings of all sorts, then it’s really up to you) for help of various sorts.  I tend to ask for help in understanding and having the strength to face my fears and challenges.

It occurred to me this morning–and a short prayer is part of my morning ritual–that I could equally announce what I was going to do TODAY to further the ends to which all spiritual teachers point.

I could pray “God, today I am going to meditate, and do Neurofeedback, and go for a long walk, etc. Please shine your light on me.”

I am always looking for homologies, patterns of similarity. If you can square your prayer with concrete physical action, that is the best of both worlds.

As I mentioned, I am reading The Plague, and as I understand it, Camus is making the point that, while God is a mystery, there is a certain value which is really indisputable–the opposite of a mystery–to providing palliative care to the dying, and working to rid the world, at least for a time, of disease.

I have a few more chapters, and may or may not comment on it when I finish.

But I might put it this way: you can’t go wrong with a prayer that would make sense to an atheist also.

Is that true?  Not true?  Ponder it.  Reach your own conclusion, then change it if further considerations muddy your initial certainty.  It’s OK to not know.  Most of us don’t really know anything, so most of our ‘knowing’ is really habit buttressed by laziness, pride, and ignorance we choose to leave intact.  His ignorance was apparently Socrates’ most cherished accomplishment, one which arguably provided the basis for modern science.

Live in the middle.  Nothing heroic in that, except when everyone around you is trying to pull you into one vortex or another.

I might actually say that diligent and principled moderation is perhaps the most effective form of radicalism at the moment.


Traumatic R Values

I was thinking of someone I know who I’m pretty sure was raped repeatedly as a child.  He became a homosexual, and I was thinking that I think I can feel how getting fucked up the ass could become something you get used to, and then how you get positive attention.  It goes from an involuntary horror, to something pursued actively.  It becomes how you connect with others.  It becomes, not love, but something KNOWN, and the known in a world of chaotic confusion is undeniably something.  The familiar is calming.  The familiar is relaxing.

And I wondered: how many people like him go on to do the same thing to other children?  Let’s say that 1 in 20 victims of that sort of thing inflict it on others, but have 20 victims.  R=1.  I think the math is something like this.  Most victims merely spend their lives wounded.  But some repeat, and the ones who do, do an enormous amount of damage.

And to be clear, I’m not associating homosexuality with this.  I am very aware that many pedophiles are ostensibly heterosexual–many are married with kids–and that most gay men have no interest in children.

Then I got to thinking generally about traumatic spread.  Trauma is spread by trauma, but not necessarily in the same form.  Some people form fire stops.  Some people become super spreaders.

And of course there are superspreader “events” like wars, natural disasters, economic calamity, etc.

But I really think if we think of it as a disease, then we can begin to wrap our minds around how we STOP it, reduce it, and get R less than 1.

Reducing trauma and expanding consciousness are more or less the same thing, in my view.

A vaccination against evil would consist in dealing effectively with Developmental Trauma in particular.  We need to identify it, and provide effective remedies.  To build a genuinely better, happier society, this is in the end the ONLY way it can happen.

As I have said before, what about getting ACE scores as early, perhaps, as Grade School, and/or training teachers to recognize signs of emotional trauma?

To be sure, we can build walls, and add police dogs and robots, guns, torture, and coercion.  But that is not BETTER.  Qualitatively, we were probably better off living in trees and caves.  Some growth was possible then.

A global police state would be one–as envisioned by cold, calculating, developmentally traumatized walking dead people like Klaus Schwab (who I will say again could well be an ACTUAL Nazi)–in which growth stops.  Nothing but death and horror remain.

The fruit you bring forth will depend on the seed you plant.  The end begins in the beginning. Or to borrow from I think Wordsworth, the seed is the father of the fruit.  Obviously.  And no seed planted by people who have not done their own inner work, who have not befriended and enlisted their demons (I don’t think you can conquer them) in their work, will ever yield long term, genuinely good results.


Cultural Attunement

What place does your culture have for you, as an individual?  What use can it make of your particular talents?  Do you belong somewhere, and FEEL like you belong?

These are important questions.

And, again, laying blame at “Capitalism” is merely a cognitive displacement.  Marx said “Capitalism” to indicate all he thought was bad with the world, which was mostly that it refused to feed him when he refused to do useful work, and refused to worship his unshaven and unwashed narcissistic genius.

You don’t create anything when you assign blame.  Put forward a plan, or ideas.  Separate out what is good–wealth and the leisure and security longer lives it brings–from what is bad–unchecked greed.

And I will continue to insist that our system would look vastly different if we had stable money.  The rat race would slow down.  Much less work would be required to survive, and far more people could dedicate themselves to becoming convivial and erudite thought workers, with interesting things to say, and the time and space to say them.  More people could become artists, or spend their days digging the Earth.

This insane greed comes from competitiveness, and the competition is driven by the wealth lost through theft committed by banks and governments.  That competition would be much less brutal if we had not lost 90% or more of our created wealth over the past century.

Most people should own their houses.  They should be able to pay cash for cars.  They should be able to get by on thirty hours of work a week.

For myself, I can’t decide if the bankers are simply themselves insanely greedy, or if a small elite within their community is dedicated to genuinely evil and lunatic notions of global control, driven by their own traumas and sociopathic urges.  Certainly, the means are the same, and no doubt both motives are present–and like most motives, none purely.

Anyway, if the Left can speak of Society, we can do the same of Culture, while at the same clearly demarcating the limits of the usefulness of this reification.

But it is there.  We dream of our social worlds, do we not?  We have dreams of showing up unprepared to class, or naked, or in our underwear.  We are all affected by the expectations of others, and those expectations are the railway which runs through our individual consciousness, and takes us other places.


Traumatic sensation

This is the post I was going to make the other day, and kept avoiding.

What I am realizing is that anyone who has been hypervigilant all their lives, or even for long periods of time, there is a sort of State Dependent Learning that takes place.  When I drive, when I type, when I do ANYTHING (I noticed this doing Lumosity), there is this feeling I associate with it.

For one really good example of State Dependent Learning I once knew a guy who flew a helicopter in the Vietnam War.  He was drunk every time he flew.  At some point, though, he gave it up, and he had to reteach himself to fly sober.  It was a new sensation for him.

There are probably a lot of musicians out there who have trouble playing when they are not drinking.

The State, in any event, in my case, is a large amount of background tension.  I am used to tension.  Lacking that tension feels weird to me.  Losing it genuinely DOES feel like a loss.  I feel naked.  Driving feels different.  Taking a shower feels different.

So even over and above learning to relax, part of destressing from trauma is learning a new way of feeling EVERYTHING.  Because the moment you put your hands on the steering wheel (and driving is a good example since so much of it is automatic) you will want to relapse.  That’s what I feel.

And to be sure, a certain amount of worry SHOULD go with driving.  But not all of it.  Not all of it.

So to get to a new normal I am going to have to start identifying a whole lot of triggers, and then consciously learning to do old things in new ways.

None of this is easy.  But I am getting flashes of genuine fearlessness.  I think that is my destiny.  Fearlessness, to be clear, is not bravado.  It is relaxation and focus no matter what is going on.  Zero fucks given, no matter what.  That’s a desirable place to be.  That is where Life opens up.


Cultural Attachment and Attunement

I was laying in bed this morning and wondering if virtually all the social maladies afflicting us could, from a certain perspective, be laid at the feet of the Bomb and unsound money.

The Bomb of course terrified multiple generations of Americans, and indeed most other developed nations; certainly the old First and Second Worlds both.

We lived in its “shadow”, did we not?  The darkness of knowing you could get up any random sunny morning and be blasted into small particles by noon, or die a slow painful death from radiation poisoning and starvation?  All with little or no warning?  Everything and everyone gone.  Cockroaches and Keith Richards.

And I think the cultural effects of unsound money, of inflation–which is to say free money, counterfeit money, to banks–are not properly understood.

Why not live for the moment where your life savings will do nothing but dwindle?  This was the message of the 1970’s, which dovetailed perfectly (or infernally) with the Feel Good and Take No Responsibility ethos of that period.

These were my thoughts. As I have articulated often, complex systems are often radically disrupted and redirected by new organizing principles, a new gravity of sorts, which I have termed Tumblers.  It’s in my dictionary post on my other site, on the first page with the pigs.

Then it hit me that I myself feel a double disordered attachment, and then it hit me that we need to attach to our CULTURE as well as to our parents (particularly our mother).

This is a BIG THOUGHT.  It is important.

I’ve been chasing SOMETHING since I was about 16.  Clarity.  Peace.  Belonging.  Brother and Sisterhood.  A place and a purpose.

Can you not relate?  Of course you can, if you are reasonably thoughtful.  As I have said often, the Left really needs to be seen as a Cultural Home.  Conservatives, therefore, by definition MUST either have an alternative, or be so disgusted with the hypocrisy and destructiveness of the Left that they exist to oppose it, which amounts to working to prevent–realistically, slow–the continual making-things-worse.

But for what?  To what?  Any comprehensive political strategy MUST be a cultural strategy, first and foremost.  If I quote the dictum (from Andrew Breitbart I think) that “politics is downstream from culture”, then to get new politics you need new culture, don’t you?  Yes, of course left wing ideas arise naturally from a corrupted culture.

But what do you want to replace it with?  Is this not the salient question?

What I might call Primary Attachment (and these are such obvious terms I may be putting terms which already exist and mean something different to new uses; simply be aware that I am doing this) is that of the child with its parents, particularly feminine care-givers, in a perfect world not just a mother, but an aunt or two, older cousin, and grandmothers on both sides.

We do this poorly in this country, not least because the families are split and atomized.  We view having single family homes as a boon, and in many ways it is, but there is also wisdom and benefit to three or four generations remaining under the same roof.  It is more stable, more thoughtful and caring in aggregate (in healthy homes at any rate), and more likely to produce happy children, even if perhaps not overly creative and driven ones.

The gaps in our attachment, of course, drive much of the speed, anxiety, haste, churlishness, monomanias, and greed for money and power in our culture.  If you want to conquer the world, create unhappy children.  It worked for the British.  And I wonder about the Mongols.  Culturally and psychologically I don’t know enough about them to know why they kept killing, looting, and raping their way around Asia and Europe.

[Cue John Cleese, sitting at the desk where he is at in so many of his best sketches, in a field.  With cow farts.  That is the next thing in TV, you heard it here first.  Smell-O-Vision, which is ONE THOUSAND D. (my mind is a circus).

And I think about Sheol, in the Hebrew Bible (Bible, Biblos, Book: perhaps I should say Talmud or Pentatuch), in the Old Testament (that term is a bit like Hinayana, isn’t it?), it basically amounts to sitting forever doing nothing, in a stuffy undertemperature sauna.

Here is an idea: since they were mostly rotten people back then–the details, say, of Leviticus are not nice–maybe when they died something like that DID happen.  But if we create our own realities in the after-life (our true life, of which this life is a short interruption?  Always interesting to reframe things), then perhaps our outcomes change.

The evolutions of hell and heaven.  That is an interesting thought.]

Alright, so that was my dissociation there.  I pivot away when it hurts a bit. I’ve leaving it here, and will point out to you that when you forget why you got up and went to your bedroom to get something, it is that same part of your brain working.  I have historically been like this all day every day.  That is why working with my hands is therapeutic for me.  I’m getting better, though.  I am getting longer and longer stretches of being present.

So anyway, my apologies for that mess.

Primary Attachment, then, happens from birth to perhaps age 3, and probably no later than 4.  It changes qualitatively as far as what is being taught and reinforced, but the difference between, say, a sociopath, a narcissist, a manic depressive, and a neurotic may depend on where the attunement in their lives dried up.  The farther along you go, the more human you are.

Secondary Attachment, as I want to use it, is CULTURAL attachment.  This would happen from adolescence to perhaps age 20.  This is when you internalize and accept or reject the mores of your society.  This is where you decide to accept the life laid out for you, or reject it.  This is where you accept sexual mores or not.  Sexualizations really is a big part of most people’s lives, even if when it is well handled, as it is in most cultures, physical sex is not something most people spend much time thinking about, even if sexual differences color every part of every day in most cultures.  Or if they do think a lot about sex, it is tolerated, as for example in Brazil.

Sex is a primal energy that can go many directions.  My point is you need a strategy that is taught, and everyone who accepts that strategy is now a member of a group defined by like belief and like behavior.

Like belief and like behavior is what Rousseau called–in my understanding–freedom.  It is of course the opposite of freedom in many respects, and certainly as we would define it, when we are supposed to be able to do whatever we want.  There is not yet a “go to work in your underwear” movement, but it is only barely beyond what all of us can readily believe is possible; and of course those working from home often ARE in their underwear.  Actually I am right now.

Life is filled with dichotomies.  One things makes sense, but so too does another.  You want sexual fulfillment, but you don’t want to want to fuck everyone you meet, and you definitely don’t want your partner thinking the same way.  Not over the long haul.  You want what you want when you want it, but you might easily want the opposite in short order.  Passionate sex one day, and steady monogamy (monandry) the next.

Life is flow.  It seesaws one way, then the other.  Too much becomes too little and vice versa.

What I will propose, though, is this: too much looseness easily becomes rigidity.

Children who grow up without a sense of home and connection are measurable less emotionally flexible and resilient.

Adolescents who grow up without a sense of home and connection with their culture grow up dogmatic and angry.

Psychological health, remember, is FACES: Flexible, Adaptable, Coherent, Energized, and Stable.

Psychologically healthy people do not need dogma, and they don’t need to be right all the time.  They are energized by thoughtful debate.  They learn.  They change.  They adapt.

What would the anti-FACES look like?  Rigid, Dismissive, Inconsistent, lethargic and lazy, and continually changing.

That looks familiar, doesn’t it?

So how do we evolve a new culture?  A better culture?

I don’t think I am speaking an untruth when I say all the INGREDIENTS are there for something good.  Most of us are sensitized to vastly greater extent to the sufferings of our fellow humans and the world generally than probably any large mass of humans in world history.

What we lack is PLAY.  Play is where the good things happen, where new rituals emerge spontaneously.  I had all sorts of rituals I used daily with my kids, which just happened because I enjoyed playing with them, and I am VERY creative when I am feeling good.  Stuff just flows out of me in a continual stream.

And play involves openness and trust.  Those of course are in short supply.

I give me hope when I speak the truth as I see it.  That’s always a bright, good start.

And I have talked about a new cultural form I would like to create, which I have termed the Bohannon.  I’m just still a neurotic mess.  I don’t want to try and anchor anything like that on me just yet.  As I told several people, getting to that place will involve getting in touch with my belly energy,  and that in turn will allow me to release the fear I carry in my gut, and when I do that, losing weight will happen automatically.  I’m not unhealthy, so there is no imperative to lose weight, but I would be a solid 240, which is my current goal.  I’m a bit more than that.

Weight loss will be a sign.  As I told someone “you can trust me when I hit 240”.  Unspoken–this was in a bar–was that until then I will be that idiot who doesn’t want to go home.  I’ve done stupid shit in the past two weeks.  I wouldn’t trust me, not when I do what I do.  Honestly.  I’m smart, but I’m all over the place.  The pain still pushes me around.  Sometimes I make a stand, and sometimes I run like a frightened rabbit.  I can’t stop the water; I have to dry up the river.

I do have a plan, though, and I am executing it, daily.

Long story short, though, when I hit that goal, I am going to try again.  I don’t think it will be long now, although I’ve been saying that for some years.  I get just a LITTLE better every day, then I relapse, then I make the distance back, see something new, and then integrate the gain.  Three steps forward, 4 steps back, three steps forward again. Then two more. Something like that.

I figured out where I got that word by the way.  It’s genuinely silly, so I’m not going to share.  It still has a nice, round, feel to it, doesn’t it?  It doesn’t matter all that much what wood you use for the peg on the wall you hang your hat on.


After the smoke break

Woody Allen–who is a talented but awful human being–once quipped that “I’m in very traditional Freudian therapy.  Very traditional.  In fact, my therapist died 6 months before I noticed.”

There is something about telling our stories, even if no one responds.

This blog, as I recall saying in some form or fashion, at some point, is my Freudian therapist.

And I really crave, really need, really have an emotional desire for, intelligent conversation.  Deep conversation.  And I often do have emotionally deep conversations with strangers, drunk in bars.  But never intelligent conversations.  Nobody who would have anything intelligent to say about, say, Albert Camus (I am reading The Plague right now).

My oldest, particularly (although both are avid readers) works hard to read good books, and of course I indulge this.  We were at Barnes and Noble a few years ago, and asked the gal behind the counter where we could find Thoreau.  She said “who?”.  Oi. (in Classics, then).

So this is my intelligent conversation, the one I have with myself.  And I missed it, so here I am again.  I feel better for some reason than I did just a few days ago, though.


This blog

I’m going to try and put this blog down for a minute again.  I will never run out of things to say, but I sincerely hope I am able to reach a point where I am without the NEED to say them.

I have ideas.  I always have ideas.  This current crop I am going to test and report on eventually.


An intelligent discussion of these injections

The guy on the left, they claim, invented mRNA.

Based on the data, these injections may very possibly be particularly harmful to bone marrow and ovaries.

It is also possible that the mass vaccination campaigns may lead the virus to evolve to a more lethal form.

All of this sort of thing needs to be in the public domain.  Debates need to be happening.  This is obvious.  That fact is incontestable.  In free dialogue, the best ideas tend to win out.  We want the best ideas to win out.  That means we need to use the means of free dialogue.

Nothing is gained by censorship.  No lives are saved.  On the contrary.  Big Tech is murdering people, as surely as if they were putting their guns to people’s heads and pulling the triggers.  They only fail to see this–and some may well see this and simply be making what are for them financial decisions, as for example if China is paying them a billion dollars for every major interview they censor–by lying to themselves, by being small minded idiots.


Note to college administrators and employers

Any college student who is required to take an experimental vaccine and suffers severe side effects–let us say a scholarship athlete who comes down with an otherwise inexplicable myocarditis–can SUE that university.  If it happens to enough, it becomes a class action lawsuit.  And if that happens enough, entire universities can be bankrupted.  All for bad (use the word non-existent if you prefer) science.

All employers who mandate the experimental vaccines are OSHA responsible for damages related to the injections.  These are WORKPLACE INJURIES, and as such something for which the employer is legally liable.

No doubt the Bidenistas may try and pass legislation preventing all this–in precisely the same way they had ZERO interest in protecting businesses from COVID lawsuits–but I suspect they will not go far.

Why would they?  Joe Biden himself tells us all this is “PERFECTLY SAFE”.

But if students want to bankrupt large colleges, I myself cannot say that I would feel the loss.  Outside of the hard sciences, most of them produce nothing but ignorant and self important idiots anyway.


WTF just happened

I went into my local Trader Joe’s today for the first time since roughly last April.  I early on found my mask free zones, and went to those places exclusively.  As you would imagine, Trader Joe’s is the sort of place where even many of the vaccinated people still wear masks.  Such was the efficient use of terror by the propaganda apparatus defecating on the actual science over the past year.

But floating in the air for me, in this return to approximate “normalcy” is the question: what the fuck just happened?

A third of American small businesses went under.

Home prices are through the roof, and the reason seems to be that banks are buying up entire neighborhoods–using Yellen & Co.’s cheap money, and no doubt many billions effectively stolen during the spending binges we called “Stimuluses”.

[I read as much as $400 BILLION–and it may well be higher than this, but that’s the number they are going with–may have been stolen.  By way of comparison, the Gross Domestic Product for Sweden–the sum total of all goods and services which traded hands–was $530 Billion in 2019.]

Ordinary home buyers are being priced out, and here is the thing: Yellen is keeping interest rates low FOR NOW.  Until the buying by the banks is done.  Inflation, remember, is not prices going up.  It is the flood down river from the release of tidal waves of new money after it has been spent by those who got it first.

When price inflation DOES hit, all these houses will increase in price rapidly without gaining in actual value, and the banks will pocket–indeed have already pocketed, in the form of titles to real property–those profits.  Ordinary people will be fucked.

We are told, as of May 2021, that 579,000 people have died “of COVID”, of which, if past statistics hold, 94% had one or more comorbidities.  Here is the thing: 461,000 of those 579,000 are over 65.  They were over the age of retirement in this country, to the extent retirement is still a thing.  That means 80% of the deaths happened in people who most likely DID NOT NEED TO BE WORKING.

And by the way, only about 2,500 people under the age of 30 died from COVID-19.  If the numbers from Israel, as cited by Tucker Carlson in a video that has been removed by YouTube (who are you atrocious, ugly, Nazi insects doing this bullshit?) hold, then, if they are subjected to those injections, as most of the 20 million American college students are most likely going to required to be, then 150,000 American students, mostly male, will come down with myocarditis, which will almost certainly–alone, with no other side effects–kill more than 2,500 of them.  It will certainly hurt their lives in ways that COVID-19 was never going to.  Given that they are much more likely to die of suicide or car accidents, why the hell is this happening?  Why are we INFLICTING this mass casualty event on our young, on our hopes for the future?  On those who should be able to trust the “adults” in the room, but obviously can’t?

Mandating these things is unconscionable, if you look at the SCIENCE.

Further, we have lost more people already to these injections in the past six months–TWICE as many people, if I am recalling the statistic correctly–than we lost in the past five years or so to all other vaccines combined.  And that is reported numbers.  If we can safely assume COVID deaths are high, we can also assume injection related deaths are low, for the same reason, which is the to say that the same people are massaging the numbers, underreporting them, and for all intents and purposes lying about them.  Why?  Cui Bono?  Not us.  Not the American people. Not honest saps so naive they still trust these bastards.  No, they will be fucked with everyone else.  Bill Gates no doubt told his kid or kids to stay close to the ranch, keep their mouths shut, and avoid all needles at all costs.

THESE THINGS ARE STILL EXPERIMENTAL.  As one lawyer pointed out, mandating these experimental injections is a de facto AND DE JURE violation of the Nuremburg Code (I will note that the specific Wikipedia page–which I have linked before, probably here–seems to have disappeared.  You know, like dissenters in Cuba or China.  Or honest medical voices in the complicit media over the last year.

And positive data about HCQ and Ivermectin continues to come out.  They were never dangerous.  They never needed two year double blind studies.  We sure as fuck did not do them on these injections.

Even Vitamin D keeps finding positive data, as does zinc, sometimes even given after the disease has fucked people up, although my position has long been to prevent the Cytokine storms–and for that matter the more serious symptoms of most infectious illnesses–by making sure no one was deficient in the first place.  As I will continue to say, it is obvious that preventing the deficiencies in the whole population would not just have been the OBVIOUS, boss, power move at the outset for COVID-19, but REMAINS a really fucking obvious public health objective even now, since it helps with ALL diseases, possibly even cancer, which some view as in part a symptom of a disordered immune system.

So what the fuck happened?  We knew, or should have known, from the outset that viruses are aerosolized.  That means masks don’t do shit, unless you wear the best ones, wear them perfectly, and replace them continually.  We KNEW this.  Tony Fauci KNEW this.  As I say, I am accusing him of being a sociopathic asshole.  I am not accusing him of good faith stupidity.  If he has been acting in good faith, then deflowering virgins in Black Masses in the Vatican is being a good Catholic.

Where are the guardians?  Why the silence of the good people I know are out there?  Why have my alma maters of Berkeley and the University of Chicago been so fucking silent?  Harvard and Stanford and Oxford have some folks who have done great work, Stanford in particular.  They have 3-4 guys, like Jay Bhattacharya, and John Ionnidis, and a few others whose names I’m not going to look up.  Actually Scott Atlas is connected to them too.  That’s a solid, unshameful showing.  Where the fuck was Cal?  U of C?  What fucking cowards.

After the firing is done and the smoke cleared, sneaking in quietly is not courage.  It is the people like Martin Kulldorff, who got yelled at and threatened by everyone, who deserve the credit.  That’s balls.  That is something to be proud of.  Kudos to all those who did THEIR BASIC FUCKING JOBS IN THE FACE OF UNRELENTING HOSTILITY.

Everyone else, everyone who held on for “verification”, who quietly did some trial they knew was a fucking waste of time, has egg on their faces.  SHAME ON THEM.  That is not how you protect goodness.  That is not how you protect life.

As Orwell pointed out, authoritarian rule depends on lies, and lies depend on a critical mass of people TOO SCARED TO SPEAK TRUTHS THEY KNOW.

Banks are buying up America cheap.  Big Corporations set a forest fire that tore through Main Street and destroyed much of their viable competition.  Austin needs a new slogan: “Keep Austin Corporate”, or perhaps “Keep Austin Amazon and Google”.  That would be more honest.

So, again: what the fuck just happened?  Why should I not be just as mad now as I was a year ago?  The past year has validated everything I wrote then.  I have not had to walk back anything.  There have been no new “scientific” developments, unless we count Anthony Fauci’s emails as an unintentional contribution to the “truth narrative.”

Wake up, America.  Wake up World.  I don’t know if Main Street has a chance, but it damn sure has no chance if imbecilic children get to control the narrative to such an extent most never realize how fucking unnecessary the masks, the lockdowns, the injections, and all of it was, and remains.

And finally, why NOT look at this as an intentional, conscious, act of military aggression by the Chinese nation and military?  It is highly plausible.

I have spoken on my other website ( of what I term Henomoralism.  It is a term I invented, possibly using bad Greek.  It stems from Henotheism, which is the worship of one god without denying the existence of others.  I think Max Mueller came up with to describe “the” (it is a complex topic) Hindus.

Henomoralism is prioritizing one virtue over others, without denigrating the value of those virtues.  There is, for example, a time to prioritize compassion over courage.  There is also a time to prioritize courage over compassion.  This is that time.

There is time to prioritize violence–and here I mean emotional violence, in which people who are lying in conferences of various sorts are confronted by truth tellers–over peace; strife over “getting along.

We have to get science back in the scientific world.  We have to get truth back in the journalistic world.  Only the people on those battlefields can do that work.  I can’t.  All I can do is type furiously on my little keypad and wonder if I am wasting my time.

For me, personally, venting emotion is almost always healthy.  And only people who want to read anything I write will be here.  So it is win/win, I suppose.

But those of you in the arena: get to it, goddamn it.  This is Sparta (pick your battle), or Rome (pick your battle, and remember they lost a lot and built their empire on sheer resilience and persistence), or the Alamo, or Camerone.  Battle of the Bulge, or Chosin Reservoir, or Iwo Jima.

Here is a simple truth: nations filled with cowards sooner or later fall to nations which are NOT filled with cowards.  The time to be nice, and to mend fences is over.  We need to push the fucking truth in peoples faces so hard NO ONE can deny it.  That is my personal opinion.