A purportedly humanistic system that would work vastly better with robots.
Author: White Whale
Milley and a couple other comments
He didn’t call Russia, did he?
I read the SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden tweeted “20 years after 9/11 the Taliban control Afghanistan, and I’m on a no fly list.”
And it is worth noting, in regard to the recent allowing of the Taliban, who operated mainly in Pakistan, which is supposedly our ally, to retake Afghanistan, that we knew all along where Bid Laden was. I was told this in 2005 by a former Spec. Op guy who had tasked with Blackwater in Pakistan: Bin Laden, Zawahiri, “everyone”. Finding that out fucked with his mind, which in turn fucked with mine a bit.
In my understanding, Seymour Hersh later validated this. I have not read all this review, but in my understanding that was the gist of his book: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v37/n10/seymour-m.-hersh/the-killing-of-osama-bin-laden
What really just happened? We pretended to fight a war, which we just lost in less than a month after winning for 20 years, but which was fought with an enemy directly and openly supported by a supposed ally.
We knew where they were, and just watched them march into Afghanistan without doing anything. Biden supposedly told the Afghan President to hold his tongue, even as he was losing his country.
Who really runs this country, and what do they want? I don’t know. You don’t know either, if you are honest. But I think the stories we tell our fighting men and women nearly always are lies, and most of them have nothing at all to do with liberty, here or anywhere else. They are not fighting for “freedom”. Not when we are losing it here to the very people pushing the buttons.
Consider that the FBI, the primary and oldest Federal law enforcement agency, seemingly wants nothing more than to provoke an incident that will allow them to put football stadiums worth of people in jail, most of them veterans who fought for this country, killed for it in many cases, and watched friends die in many more.
Is the FBI not a vastly more clear and present enemy to the rule of law in this country than the Taliban? On the one hand they aid and abet the crimes of the elite. I have seen people ask “what do the Chinese have on Joe Biden?”. Well, for starters they gave Hunter a billion dollars to start a company he seemingly never started. This was on the laptop they claim they never looked at. The one they did not seize from Rudy Guiliani, which contained many evidences of corruption: with regard to Ukraine as well, and Hunter’s own admissions, all in addition to images which could and shut have put Hunter in jail.
And of course they have been covering for the Clintons for a long time. Her emails alone would have put you or me in jail for life. Not just the fact of the emails, but the server itself. Everyone knows this.
And would it surprise you to learn they played a role in Jeffrey Epstein’s murder? Certainly, they are accomplices to the cover up. They took the “malfunctioning” cameras, remember? Have you heard a peep since? I haven’t. As I have mentioned, I talked to a guy who works in a jail, and in his view most of the people on shift in the BUILDING had to be in on it. At least a dozen people or so. Nobody served a minute, and I’m not even sure anyone lost their job. And nobody is looking to see if their bank accounts or stock investments went up suddenly, or they went on around the world cruises, or God knows what weird stuff nobody will ever read about.
And on the direct attack on our freedoms side, they seemingly provoked Jan. 6th with Agents Provocateurs, and if the Capital Police allowed all that to happen, it must have been coordinated with them. They then arrested–according to some reports without reading them their Miranda rights, as Simone Gold for one alleges–people whose main crime was naivete, and many of whom they continue to allow to be held without trial, as what amount to political prisoners, all while Congress–Nancy Pelosi specifically–refuse to allow the video footage of that day to be released to defense attorneys.
In America you have the right to present evidence as to your innocence. Pelosi has both the legal and moral duty to allow them their defense. She is not doing it for two reasons: 1) it will make her own complicity in the whole thing obvious; and 2) because the aim is to SCARE people. They want people rightfully angry about real abuses–real abuses which of course most of our Goebbelsian media will spin as either necessary or non-existent–too frightened to take to the streets.
The whole thing is fascist. Authoritarian. Contrary to the rule and principle of the laws of the American people. The exact sort of thing we would protest in other countries–hypocritically, as it turns out.
I wonder daily what the solution is. A big part of the problem is that a good third of our country seems to adore Fascism. There were Italian Fascists, remember. They had the support of a lot of people. So protests which include elements across the political spectrum are unlikely, not when so many people WANT to be controlled and abused.
Politically, one of my main hopes remains the Arizona Audit. I don’t know why it continues to be delayed. At some point, you have to suspect fear, or corruption. Both are powerful forces. We are lied to continually by people we should trust.
This country has already fallen, much of it. Agencies which we know are corrupt include the CIA, FBI, most likely the NSA, most Secretaries of State and Governors in most States, the FDA, of course the NIH and CDC, the DHS, and honestly I don’t even want to continue. It’s most of them.
I have to assume all these agencies include honest people who feel the time is not right, or who are too scared–and always will be too scared– to admit they are not on board with the coming final (as opposed to the contingent and supposedly temporary COVID measures) destruction of the liberties all of us value as integral to our lives as we have always conceived them.
As I have said often, I don’t really deal in hope. I deal in persistence. That is reliable.
Some sayings for my cult
Try not to be a bigger dick or bitch than you need to be.
Try to be a little nicer than you need to be.
I thought about calling this post “Boundaries”. My reason was that sometimes you DO need to be a dick. I’ve said this on many occasions. Not many “spiritual” writers would say it that bluntly.
And most of the time, none of us need to be MUCH kinder than needed. Most of the time, the excess says more about stories we are telling ourselves–about our vanity, or about our public virtue signaling, which we may not do ourselves, but hope someone does for us–than about how loving and genuinely considerate we are.
This headline is a joke on me. It just came out, and I left it. What I am realizing is that Grand Schemes are almost always the outcome of large–grand–unresolved conflicts.
Most saints are probably secretly more than a little psychotic, and their secrets were hidden well.
I was reading up on Rajneesh the other day, who was remarketed as Osho after high level followers tried to kill people, and plotted to kill more.
It was a sex cult. Did you know this? Everyone was having sex with multiple partners nearly all the time. His cult members were working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, while he owned NINETY THREE Rolls Royces. He apparently was very fond of valium and nitrous oxide too.
Here is the thing: he was a great talker. People from the time remember fondly how charismatic he was. But that was the background, and can you not infer major emotional problems from all that?
The passion to “change the world” often comes from a bad place.
We read MLK, Jr. was certainly a philanderer, and most likely at least an accessory to rape: https://news.yahoo.com/martin-luther-king-laughed-rape-friend-fbi-documents-145714868.html.
Does that detract from who he was? Yes. Does it mean there was not still much that was very admirable? No, of course not.
I think, perhaps, we all need to lower our expectations of each other, on the right and the left.
On the Left, of course, they are more or less training one another to be devious, corrupt pricks. Since you cannot be forgiven, once called out, you have to both be systematically and carefully disingenuous, and–like Harvey Weinstein for many years–you have to play ball with the System. If they are lying, you have to praise and support the lies. Everyone lies, and all their allies support their lies.
If you do that, they will protect you. They only pushed Harvey down the stairs to get at Trump. They will sacrifice their own in a heartbeat if it serves some major, if transient, purpose. There is no loyalty, which is why the need for caution, where it is possible.
But maybe Saint Francis was molested. Can you imagine the plight of someone subjected to sexual assault and pedophilia in the 12th Century? Maybe Mother Teresa also.
Crazy people change the world. Sometimes the PR folks for those people, with time and general ignorance, can make all the craziness disappear, and create a picture which works for all who come after.
Now, Mother Teresa–or Albert Schweitzer, who I really do have a lot of admiration for–really did get a lot of concrete, physical things done. That is all to the good. It would not have been done without her, so she deserves the credit.
But I think all of us lose something interesting, contact with possibilities within ourselves, when we naively submit to simplistic notions of sainthood, goodness, virtue, and morality.
If everyone did 5% better tomorrow, the world would be changed in a week. As I think Elie Wiesel said, about 10% of the world is mostly good, and 10% mostly bad, and 80% is just following the winds. In such a world, being a leader is a good thing. But I think the less we ask of our leaders in terms of sainthood, the more capable leaders we are likely to find. The reason we got Donald Trump is that 1) he IS capable, even if often also abrasive; and 2) many people who might have done as well or better refused to deal with the sliming. And EVERYONE is hurt when solid people won’t step forward. The Left can’t see that–they are trained parrots, for all intents and purposes–but it is the truth.
My two cents for today.
There is not as much difference as you would suppose between living in a world consisting mainly in projections, and living imaginatively in a purely fictional place like Narnia or the world of Harry Potter.
Procrastination is a sort of suicide. All wasted time is. It is some portion of life which goes unlived, and which disappears with no trace but the memory of what could have been, possibly with a sense of regret.
It seems to me, for this reason, that dual track of Buddhist practice consisting in meditation and what I always see called Skillful Means makes sense.
On the one hand, you learn stability in silence, and learn to “move” in stillness; and on the other, you learn stability in noise and hustle and bustle, and learn to remain dynamically balanced–which is a form of stillness–while moving, calculating, deciding and doing.
We all fail. It is nothing to be too concerned about. I am writing this because I am reflecting on my own countless wasted days (and nights). I was a drunk for many years. I tried really hard, but I couldn’t figure out how to balance my pain with my life.
There are a lot of us.
But do something daily to raise your game. That I can honestly say I have done, and it is slowly, slowly, slowly paying dividends. Don’t expect immediate results of any sort whatever. But also never forget to show up–to some extent, in some way–and try. Treat it as a principle, and it’s likely it will slowly grow into something real.
And I will add that much or more time is wasted in excessive haste–in a desire not to let one moment pass without a moment’s worth of distance run–than in excessive indolence. There is a balance.
And as I say, my emerging simplification of the purpose of life is to simply enjoy a simple gratitude and pleasure in life, in the small and large troubles–which can be seen as challenges and tools for both growth and warranted self approval and self esteem–and of course the countless small pleasures that are everywhere, and the large ones which also happen from time to time. Enjoy moving and enjoy being still. Enjoy silence, and enjoy noise. Enjoy your work, and enjoy what emptiness and expansion you can find on your meditation cushion.
It’s a question of balance, of riding the ups and downs of life like a good equestrians rides the ups and downs of a horse on an uneven landscape.
Joe Biden
“As democracy is perfected, the office of the president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” H.L. Mencken
To be clear, Joe Biden did not win the election, but I cannot honestly say we don’t deserve him.
The rest of these are worth reading, too: https://fee.org/articles/12-hl-mencken-quotes-on-government-democracy-and-politicians/
What if, like water fluoridation, they are intended to make all of us just a LITTLE stupider?
“Brain fog” is a very commonly reported side effect, and the Japanese showed that the spike proteins enter most of our organs, including the brain.
In my view, the people we are dealing with have a very long term plan, and are very, very patient. After 9/11 they waited nearly twenty years to go up the next notch.
And just as I suggested years ago–without really meaning it, since this is very certainly not what I believe–that Alex Jones could be a Russian agent, could Edward Snowden not have been IN FACT an agent, in the end, of the 1 in 100 million, via Deep State cut outs?
Think about what he did: he exposed the pervasive abuse of the NSA. He showed it to the world. And almost nothing–or perhaps literally nothing–happened. We learned to live with the knowledge that everything we write on the internet, in private texts, in emails, or say on the telephone is recorded, and that whoever at the NSA and other alphabet soup agencies wants to partake in the details of our lives as they happen electronically, can.
We learned to live with that. Is that not a temperature notch up in the pot, which is slowly coming to a boil?
These would be people constantly introducing small changes, little variations, constantly undermining apparently unimportant things. But a little soon becomes a lot, doesn’t it?
So why not make the world just 3 IQ points dumber? And maybe it is 1 IQ point per jab.
And I will comment that I don’t drink tap water. Whether it makes a difference or not, I can’t say, but it is actually the Chloramine that I am mostly trying to avoid. I assume there is some fluoride there, though, too.
Ponder, though, that if fluoridated water makes kids just a little dumber, then we are all a bit more stupid than we should be, or would be with actually intelligent public policy.
And ponder too that all this corruption is very old, and that what is new is not its extent, but the extent of its exposure. That is a tenable position. Yes, it is all very ugly, but it has been ugly a long time. Just 60 years ago Jim Crow was still legal in much of the country, and workplace sexual extortion just something women mostly had to live with. Being gay could get you beaten to death, and even arrested as late as the 1980’s in some places.
Things HAVE been getting better. The people who call themselves Progressives HAVE in fact helped improve some things. But that is not the case now. They are pawns. Nearly everyone you see in public life is a pawn, being played by, in most cases, they know not who. That is my honest personal opinion.
And are there competing agendas? Multiple interlocking and sometimes conflicting conspiracies? Maybe. That would be consistent with human nature.
And as regards these spike protein injections, I personally think taking a LOT of good quality fish oil for a couple weeks on either side of each injection is most likely a good idea. It will reduce overall inflammation, and blood clots specifically. It would not hurt to take 81 mg aspirin daily either.
And as regards mental effects, maybe Lion’s Mane mushrooms. I just read about those, and am thinking about adding that to the already long list of pills I take every day.
Infinite Rebels
As I say, I see visions sometimes, usually when meditating or relaxing deeply.
This morning I saw one that came out of a cluster of internal referents I should likely cover briefly.
One is a talk by David Icke on a podcast which was on YouTube (which I now cannot find, although it may only be the search algorithm which changed) which discusses the 9/11 attacks, which Icke blames on a secret cult of Sabbateans. You will of course find no evidence for this anywhere. That could be, obviously, because it is pure bullshit. It would also be the effect of successful concealment. That is the genius of conspiracy theories: the absence of evidence can BECOME evidence, if you are so inclined. There is no evidence because your particular THEY covered it up. QED emotionally, if not logically.
Within the talk, he talked about Reptilians, with whom he is most associated in the minds of most. It’s such an absurd claim on the face of it, that everything he says is rejected on that basis, and I must admit with considerable justice.
But I give everyone their chance, and the reality is that, as I keep saying, we need SOME conspiracy theory to “connect the dots”, in a phrase he uses often. So why NOT David Icke? The one place I am SURE I will not see the full truth is all the media we have been trained to believe covers all the stories worth covering, and which do their best, we are told, to know and to share the whole unvarnished truth. This, itself, is an obvious lie. So you have to wander into strange places, knowing they are likely nuts, but perhaps not dishonest, and that some portion of what they have to say, however small it may be, will be useful and helpful and enlightening. That is the hope.
In that talk–which for those with some persistence was with some podcaster with a Ph.D I think from UW-Madison, and who studied Moroccan Sufis, and converted to Islam–he claimed the elite elite, the 1 in a million, do ceremonies where dark entities actually appear. Where they communicate with them directly. In effect, where demons appear, which he equates with the Reptilians. He is claiming they are a race which lives in another dimension and which feeds on human pain.
Crazy? Maybe. But not so different from what the church two blocks from your house teaches, and the next church 2 blocks from that. You are surrounded by–your city is filled with–people who would accept this basic idea. With some mild reframing, it works well.
Ponder clearly that substantially all Christian Churches teach that God created a perfect world which was corrupted by Satan in the form of a serpent, and into which pain was introduced as a result.
Further, that the only way to correct the situation was for God to send his Only Son into the world, to suffer and die as a human sacrifice, so that God could alter his perception and behavior towards His own creation.
That is the story, as I was taught it, and I attended Sunday School and the following sermon every Sunday for most of my childhood, and was often asked to attend Wednesday supplemental trainings; as well as (of course, for the people who know this world) vacation Bible school, and Christian summer camp.
Everyone is crazy, in my view. But some forms of craziness make more sense than others. I see my craziness, but also believe that knowing you are crazy means you are not crazy, as Lao Tzu taught a very long time ago.
Be that as it may, this image of demons feeding directly on human pain brought to mind a book called “Deeply Odd”, by Dean Koontz, where he actually portrays such a ceremony, where dark forces actually appear, in response to the intended sacrifice of children. That book is a bit harrowing, because something like what he portrays may be possible. Since I mistrust everyone, it made me wonder if he himself–Koontz–was connected to such people. His mind obviously goes easily and deeply to dark places. But that is likely a step too far. I hope.
So anyway, in my vision, I am looking at these entities, which are infinite beings like many other infinite beings. Like all of us, in fact. They were rebelling against an eternal order with an eternal Law. They did not want to be inevitable participants in a universal drama they could not control. They did not want to accept their destiny and role. The planets accept their destiny of circling the sun for billions of years, but they wanted a world they controlled.
So they created a cave, with the cave ceiling the limit of their perception, and the limit of what they cared about. They created, in other words, a cage within which they lived, but within which they were also relative Gods, who gave orders, rather than received orders.
They rejected What Is, in other words, in favor of something much smaller. They created an illusion for themselves, which they imposed on other souls.
And other souls in the universe saw this, and are gradually working to persuade them to come back home. And the feeling tone is a bit authoritarian. The message is one of inevitability, not freedom of behavior and decision. So it would be understandable for them to want to create their OWN authoritarianism, one that differed from might be termed God’s Law, or The Way.
Now, to an infinite being, 20,000 years is not a long time [another image I will share that came to me a few months ago, is that there may exist beings whose time sense is so different from our own that the rotation of the Earth around the Sun looks like a fan; ponder that one a moment], and I think that is about how long they have had control. Like all this, that is pure intuition, which is to say purely a guess. And it may well be that there are many advantages to the world as it is today, even for more advanced beings. Nothing is good or bad in itself. It has everything to do with what you make of it.
But perhaps it is the destiny of these “rebels” to be brought back home. Perhaps all of them will soon awaken from what amounts to a hypnotic trance.
And in the meantime, our own rebels–physical political rebels–are likewise destined to be returned to our cages. The first motion is outward, the second inward.
This is pretty out there. I get that. But it’s my blog, my play space, and I say what I want because I can.
Riff on Alan Watts
The point of singing is not to have sung.
The point of dancing is not to have danced.
And the point of living is not to have lived.
Speaking of the ACLU
Arguing that taking away some people’s civil liberties protects everyone’s rights isn’t a new argument. It’s just the argument that the ACLU spent its entire history militantly opposing.
The ACLU tries to disguise its radical shift by wrapping it in identity politics and contending that forcing people to get vaccinated protects “the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease.”
But young black men, the group that the ACLU had claimed to be advocating for last year, are the most likely to be fired or segregated due to vaccine mandates.
The ACLU wants to protect black people by taking away their civil rights.
They were BOUGHT. That seems the obvious conclusion. It took a minute, but here they are now, pushing the authoritarian line, the what I think I will call the “1 in 100 million”, line.
Whores everywhere. A whore is just someone who will do anything for money, recognition, or some other trinket or bauble. I won’t judge actual whores in places like Venezuela or Cuba, who are just trying to put food on the table. But selling yourself cheap in a land of plenty is truly contemptible.
That article is worth reading in its entirety.
Claims I will make
We are all separated by common dysfunctional habits.
The Left has no moral or cultural alternative to Consumerism. Their “solution” is simply to impoverish us all involuntarily, while doing no such thing to themselves. The impoverishment will include all but the 1% of the 1%, who seem to control most of what happens politically in the world.
The 1% propaganda meme (which originated in Canada, if memory serves, relatively recently, in or just prior to the Obama era, which is when the tension and rhetoric kicked up a few gears) in fact, was most likely ultimately created by people who–most likely without knowing it–were working for the 1% of the 1%. Or triple or quadruple that. The 1 in a million. The 1 in 100 million. Several hundred people on a planet of nearly 8 billion.
That elite has nothing to fear from anti-Capitalist rhetoric, or higher tax rates. They won’t pay them, and in any event make huge sums of money, directly and indirectly, from the system itself. They pay for what people say, and so are easily able to remain hidden. The spotlights they ask to be pointed on others darken the shadows where they live.
In fact, the more time people spend shouting about the “rich”, the less visible they are. Very few people are ABLE to grasp why rich people would pay for anti-rich rhetoric. The simple fact is the 1% is really not that wealthy. The people I am talking about START maybe at a billion dollars, and go up from there. As I have said before there are most likely families, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and Schiffs and others, who are de facto trillionaires. Why would they advertise this? They would put all their assets in an endless array of holding companies and fronts so no one could hope to calculate their net worth.
Such people are not affected by tax policy, and they write the laws.
They keep Republicans in the fold with the fear of war–which amounts to threats on the manhood of men who take such things seriously–and pretending they want smaller government.
Abortion is another nice wedge issue, which pushes people on both sides into political alignments they may not otherwise choose and which, since it is polarizing, suits their purposes well. They probably paid for Roe v. Wade, which on the surface was tactically undertaken mainly by the ACLU, if memory serves. But the ACLU is broken, is it not? If they ever stood for something, they don’t now, do they? Have you heard their name once in all of this? I may have heard a whisper, long ago, but no more, and certainly nothing in the past year or so.
And of course universities are not hard to buy, not with donations as small as tens of millions of dollars, which is chump change. As a meme I recently posted put it, 97% of academics are happy to agree with whomever provides their funding.
And I have to wonder if more public health experts have not called BS on this COVID nonsense for the specific reason that pressure was brought to bear on Administrators to keep them silent. I am thinking of Cal in particular, whose behavior has been nothing less than shameful. THEY ARE NOT THAT STUPID.
Yes, the office people are, the bloviating, hard core ideologues. But the people who study policy, who understand pandemics, who know how we rid the world of smallpox, and how we fight cholera and dysentery, who know what masks will and will not do, who understand the importance of nutritional immunosufficiency: those people have largely been silent, and it is not hard to believe they have been SILENCED. Speak up and lose your job. Speak up and lose your funding. Speak up and a mob of zombified wolves will show up at your doorstep. Speak up and your name will be dragged through the mud systematically, such that your own family–if they believe any of it–will disown you. SPEAK UP AND YOU WILL BE HATED.