
Worth the watch, and the perhaps relisten

And this classic, from Malcolm X:

“A Dixiecrat is just a Democrat in disguise”

Water flowing downhill

Any society based almost entirely on abstraction is bound to lose touch with the springs of honest morality, which are empathy, and grounded connection.

The wheels leave the road.  The track is lost.  People no long know where they are, no longer have any honest reference points.  Everything points back to them, their own words, their narcissistic delusions.

Empathy requires that there be a continuous energetic connection from your feet to your head, and back again.  Not just a connection, but moving energy.

We are literally hearing people say, more or less verbatim “I can’t be racist: I only hate white people.  Besides, I’m white.”  No grounded human being would be capable of such atrocities to basic reason.

Reason, in turn, must be grounded in sincerity.  It too requires an emotional background to operate properly.  There is no rational reason to think any of the protests going on right now will fix the truly salient and most urgent problems facing the black community.  With respect to police violence, white people have roughly the same reasons, to the same extent, to complain.   We might not as much to fear Driving While Black, but we also commit crimes at perhaps a third of the rate of the black community.  If two out of three crimes you see are committed by people wearing blue hats, you too would start to look at them differently, if you were a cop.

All of this stuff going on is planned distraction.  Some small good might come out of it–like banning no-knock raids (which might also reduce the volume of policing done, since they do make sense in a very small number of cases)–but overall, very little.



National polling  data will be meaningless until the majority of Americans realize that this labor lockout–this massive, 3, 4, 5 month trauma–was unnecessary, and that Democrats in particular pushed it far, far beyond what was needed.

Deaths were about the same percentage wise in places that did severe lockdowns as in those who more or less encouraged people to stay home if they were sick.  That is really all that was needed, and strict controls in nursing homes, and wherever elderly were living.
And most of this was reasonably clear from the get-go, even though as I’ve said the Left will, as always, try to rewrite the history of the past six months in whatever way seems like it will show them in the best false light.

Warhol appended for 2020

We will all still get our fifteen minutes of fame, but most of us will also sooner or later be cancelled.  And once cancelled, you can’t get uncancelled.

You think you are safe?  Most of the dissidents in most of the Gulag Archipelago were once ardent or at least passively compliant and non-objecting Communists.

Take Solzhenisyn:  As he himself makes clear, he did not question the state ideology or the superiority of the Soviet Union until he spent time in the camps.

This guy fought, and fought bravely, for the Soviet Union.  How was he rewarded?  Well, it turns out he wrote quite a bit about it.

And of course people like Trotsky and Zinoviev were central figures in the Bolshevik conquest of the Russian Empire.

No one is safe in a world where safety depends upon continual conformity to continually evolving and changing standards.  It is not even enough to slavishly chant everything you are told to chant.  If you retain any personality, any individuality at all, sooner or later you will find yourself microscopically out of step with the masses, and that is enough.

Actually, I will append that claim: the only safety is power–and the violent service of power–and that safety is relative, since others are continually vying to replace you.  But if you spend all day denouncing others, you can keep the spotlight off yourself for a long time.


I love the Babylon Bee


Anger addiction

If I might paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, who was certainly a clever man, but one who seemingly enjoyed being recondite (I get this, by the way, but there’s a time and place) the medium itself is part of the message.  There is the content on Facebook, the specific posts, like the video of the latest shooting in Atlanta [that exact scenario happened to me, by the way.  I got in my car, realized I was too drunk and–mostly–tired to drive, so I just parked on the side of the road, and woke up to see two cops circling me.  After questioning I flunked, like this guy, I was arrested, spent the night downtown, and was released about 10am.  I got a lawyer–who was not all that expensive, something like $500–and the whole thing disappeared after some easy community service], and there is the forum, the place, where people are in the habit of easy anger, where they hover and look for it.

I’m guilty of this, certainly. It’s an easy addiction to slide into.  The alternative is being productive in the real world, which is my current focus.

But I think everyone needs to get that there is a LOT of money flowing through these companies, and they can afford top rate psychologists to teach them all the ways to make all of this more conducive to obsession and addiction.

Capitalism–which by the way many of these greedy bastards use while opposing it in principle and in terms of who they donate money to–does not say you have to be greedy to the point of rapacity.  Ideally, it is tempered by moral notions of moderation, as taught in any of the major religions.  It simply says that you should have the right to be paid for your work, and that how you negotiate that amount is between you and your employer or your customers.

It is an odd thing, though, that the most greedy rich people we see–like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg–are all in favor of a world where socialists control everything.  No doubt they know that their own power and wealth INCREASE in such a world.  They will not be controlled.  They will not be regulated.  That is for the fools who don’t get on the gravy train early enough.

Virtually everything you see the 20 somethings chanting in the streets is the opposite of the actual truth.



The Invitations Overhead

At the edge of a golf course, a man watches
geese land on a pond, the bottom of which
is spotted with white golf balls. It is October
and the geese pause in their long flight.

Honking and flapping at one another, they seem
to discuss their travels and the man thinks
how the world must look when viewed from above:
villages and cornfields, the autumn trees.

The man wonders how his own house must look
seen from the sky: the grass he has cut
a thousand times, the border of white flowers,
the house where he walks from room to room,

his children gone, his wife with her own life.
Although he knows the geese’s honkings are only
crude warnings and greetings, the man also
imagines they tell the histories of the people

they travel over, their loneliness, the lives
of those who can’t change their places, who
each year grow more isolated and desperate.
Is this what quickens his breathing when at night

the distant honking seems mixed with the light
of distant stars? Follow us, follow us, they call,
as if life could be made better by departure,
or if he were still young enough to think it so.

Stephen Dobyns

Comment: life is something that flows through you.  It is not a problem which can be solved.  It is a situation which can be felt, and which always contains within itself the balm for the pain which it brings.  None of us are ever that far from healing, but most of us can’t see it, and never do.
Somebody has to spend enough time in hell to figure it all out, and it is my perhaps vain belief I am one of those people.  That is certainly my intent.


A lot of vets have to be asking themselves right now if this is the “freedom” they spent the better part of the last 20 years trying to protect, and if this was worth paying for in blood, pain, fear, and death.  Many left parts of their bodies and souls overseas.  And for what?  A nation which has been undermined by successful Communist propaganda, and which is utterly wretched in mind and character, which is ignorant, gullible, foolish, and lazy?

Wake up, those of you who are still sleeping.  It is much later than you think.  I don’t know the solution, but waking the fuck up is unquestionably the first step. 

The choices this year are stark and obvious: lunacy and Trump.  As bad as things are now, there is absolutely no reason they could not be made much worse, and permanently–certainly for the rest of our lives–by a psychopath like Biden.

We have numerous people more or less openly calling for coups.

There is hope in this desperation–and it is desperation, since all their more subtle and seemingly legal or at least defensible ruses failed–but desperation often leads to terrible places.



Eloquent, passionate, clearly reasoned, and balanced.  This is a great speech.  Carlson is a national treasure.  We are lucky to have him.

I sent Papa Johns an email indicating I won’t be buying their pizzas any more.  That’s not hard.  There are plenty of pizza places.  That was my go-to pizza though.

I can’t do less with Disney or T-Mobile.

When things are shaking like this, waves moving one way can very, very easily move rapidly back.  He’s right that we might just be stupid enough to elect Joe Biden.  I don’t know what I’ll do if that happens, but we will certainly go a long way down the road to becoming a totalitarian state.  I will most likely wind up in jail, which would be the only honorable place to be in such a place.  I’ll make sure I read “My Happy Time in Hell” as my next book.

But it seems obvious to me that many, many, many Democrats who have really not grasped how crazy their party has become, who thought all that was overblown Republican conspiracy theory, are seeing first hand everything we said, everything we predicted.  It has got to be scaring the shit out of them.

As Tucker said, though, this is a time to continue speaking the truth, even if your voice shakes, because there is actual physical and social danger.

A life without courage is not worth living.  I don’t want to die, but being a fucking little bitch like Mitt Romney scares me a lot more.


Thomas Sowell Tweet

One of the scariest things about our times is how easy it is to scare people and start a political stampede. There are people who could be upset if they were told that half of all Americans earn less than the median income—though of course that is the way median income is defined

I’m reminded of the petition some smart ass got people to sign calling for the abolition of the use of Dihydrogen Oxide in human food preparation, even though that is just an unusual way of describing the structure of water.

It would seem many Americans feel that when they being are manipulated, it is bad form for the rest of us not to join them.

Individualism, as a creed, was in my understanding a part of the Renaissance and Enlightenment, and is arguably the single most useful historical corrective to this coercive, irrational, and really primitive behavior.

Mobs are nothing new.  What is new–or was new, take your pick–was the protection of ideosyncratic and unpopular views by the people who control the police power of the State.

Lynch mobs are not new.  Police protecting the people the mob wants to lynch–even when the person ordering them there personally does not agree with them either–that is the innovation that helped create the freest, most just nation ever to exist on this planet, at least to this extent and at this scale.

Get rid of police, empower mobs.  Empower mobs, you empower collective stupidity, criminality, and completely pointless and avoidable violence.  None of the math on this is very hard.

And I would comment that much of the reason white people are not indulging their impulses to go crack heads is that this is OUR system. We built it.  We created the legal space to include people not like us.  We did that because we were convinced by logic and reason–which our culture values and elevates to a high level of honor and respect–that it was the right thing to do.

If the system collapses, if we see massed battles in the streets, we all lose.  Nobody really wins, except those who love chaos for its own sake, and those who hate this nation.  Effectively, Antifa and those like them HAVE in effect declared themselves enemies of America.

Over and above the legal and moral problems with using violence, I think many people get intuitively that if the shooting ever starts, something fundamentally good about this nation will be damaged permanently.  This is not North versus South.  This is neighbor versus neighbor.  None of us want a civil war fought at Walmart.

I will guarantee a lot of guns have been cleaned and recleaned over the past few weeks.  I guarantee many people got in some range time, and bought yet more ammunition.

But we are not seeing those people on the streets yet, and I hope we never do.  I hope our leaders do the right things, for the right reasons.

One final note: I watched the Swedish movie “The Girl who kicked over the hornet’s nest”.  In it, there is a breakaway, compartmentalized cabal working for the Secret Police that, in the end, is arrested by honest government operatives.

Until we start seeing people like Hillary Clinton–and probably Joe Biden, who pretty clearly did do the act for which Trump was impeached–in handcuffs, nobody who is paying attention is going to relax.