Root for comedy. It is necessary.
Author: White Whale
The Tao Te Ching
Social Darwinism and Leftism
Observationally, it is manifestly true that in nature the strongest survive and dominate. A lion need never fear a rabbit. The smartest and most ruthless among humans tend, over time, to aggregate power to themselves.
Morally, Social Darwinism is the claim that this is how it should be, that stupid people deserve their failures, and the smart their successes. In important respects, Eugenics is a logical extension of this philosophy.
“Capitalism”, so called–I remind you it was a propagandistic term invented by Marx, to describe a very complex process, which was manifestly unjust in his own time, but which over time built a solid middle class, which over time served to generalize wealth to an extent never seen before in human history (as far as we know)–is conflated by the Left with Social Darwinism.
Actually, a comment is in order on the essential timelessness of Leftist narrative. Leftists are emotionally disconnected people. They are disconnected from their bodies. They exist at the level of abstraction, and abstraction untethered to reality will invariably tend to depart from it. This was why I came up with my concept of Perceptual Breathing. When you breath in, you abstract, when you breath out, you look at the world in all its manifold details, down the beating of the wings of a mosquito. You cannot get completely lost if you make a practice of this.
But most Marxists, because they read Marx (and Gramsci and others), are stuck in a world where Big Corporations forced most Workers to live awful and short lives. They are stuck in a world where the KKK is burning crosses and lynching people, even though this has not happened in a long time, and even though when it WAS happening was limited to a fairly small part of the United States. It was never happening in Britain, or Sweden, or in Boston or Minneapolis. Most white people had absolutely nothing to do with either slavery or the KKK. Slavery was banned in Britain before the Revolutionary War. There are countries in Africa where it was only banned in the last 15 years, and where it is STILL practiced. Libya, for example, where it was brought back after Hillary’s “We came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha hilarious”.
But for atheists, the individual means nothing. We all die, and in dying, are gone forever. Vanished. If I make the unit of morality myself, then nothing I do really matters.
I think we all sense, on some level, that we were made for better things, for higher causes, to live lives thinking beyond our unitary and solitary selves. The atheist–or perhaps I should use the word “Extinctionist” to be more precise, as someone who sees the mind and brain as one and the same–has really two choices: live for pleasure, selfishly, or live for something larger that WILL survive. It doesn’t take long to see that something as the society, as the species, although many environmentalists go right past humanity to the Earth itself, which pushes them into profoundly misanthropic sentiments.
The intent is to reject human ugliness, in the forms of greed: greed for power, greed for gold, greed for violence and cruelty.
Here is the point, though, and it is a subtle point I’m not sure I can make clearly at the moment, since it is at this point more of a feeling tone: in trying to change history from one of dominance and submission by individuals and groups at the expense of other individuals and groups, they internalize and express the SAME LOGIC of power and conquest, and merely change the locus.
Rather than, say, the Germans conquering the world for Germany and Germans, they want Government, the Leviathan, to conquer the world, and to engage in what amounts to social or class based Eugenics, to thin the herd of the inferior “types”. They want to destroy Capitalists. They want to destroy “racists”. They want to destroy Christians. They want to destroy “homophobes”.
They want Government to be God, because it is for them an aesthetically more pleasing form than allowing Nature to do it. Hitler said, more or less, that “if I can do it, if no one can stop me, then it is moral.”
What Leftists want is a world in which no Hitlers can exist. They want a world in which all power mongering among individuals is extinguished at the source. They want a world where SOMETHING is in absolute control, where SOMETHING does not need to be prayed to, and which then reacts in unpredictable and mysterious ways. They want concrete clubs for concrete people.
They want an unnatural order, a coerced order, an imposed order, by humans, on both other humans, and on the world itself, on nature, on everything we can see and touch.
What I would argue, though, is that this is the SAME but WORSE than the ideals articulated by Hitler. The violence is the same: Communists objectively killed perhaps 5x more people directly than Hitler did. But the whole thing is objectively dishonest. It is based on the same primitive psychological needs for security through domination. It is based, objectively, on theft and violence unchecked by moral rules or laws enforced honestly.
The Romans never really set out to build a large Empire. They simply, initially, I think, sought to control their little stretch of the Italian peninsula. They conquered first, if memory serves, the Etruscans. But no matter where they drew the border, people attacked from outside it. So every time this happened, they conquered those people. Then it happened again. Then they conquered them. Pretty soon they had one of the biggest empires the world had ever seen.
But the root goal was security. Freedom from violence, random violence. This is also the point of a code of law, administered impartially. Their system of law was perhaps their greatest accomplishment.
We have freed the world, by and large, from monarchy, from power structures rooted in what I would term misunderstandings about the nature of God. Monarchy, politically, is the Right. As I note from time to time, our notions of Left and Right go back to the French Revolutionary Assembly, where birds of a feather flocked together, and where those who wanted some sort of King back, and some sort of integral connection to the Church back, sat on the Right. The radical atheists–and as I have noted from time to time, Sade, when he was there briefly (as I recall), sat on the Left.
The Left might be termed the God in Government people. The heaven on Earth people, because there is no Heaven anywhere else. Hitler was a God in Government person. So too are all Communists.
There is no difference in principle, however, between an omnipotent Monarch, on the one hand, and an omnipotent Government on the other.
The American Experiment is rooted in Idealism. It is built on the premise that Government is Law, and morality is private. All individuals are their own Gods, or in the event, free to worship their own conception of God–which may include no God, or as far as the law is concerned, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
America, in principle, stands in the middle. This blog is called Moderates United for a reason. In my own view, I strike the necessary middle position, between the Scylla on the one side, and the Charybdis on the other.
Andrew Breitbart famously commented that politics is downstream from culture. I would say specifically that God in Government is downstream from atheism. As is cannibalism, practiced by wealthy elites.
And in that regard, I would assert that Satanism is the belief that there is no Light. Precisely because it is based on lies, they worship Lucifer, which literally means “the bringer of the light”. Lucifer, and the power this force brings, is their only hope. Luciferianism retains some notion of the soul, but regards all of us as trapped. If I might wax metaphysical and speculative, I think there ARE spirits trapped here, but only because of their own blindness, their own inability to REMEMBER what they truly are.
I will suggest again that a POWERFUL, in the good sense, political service would be done by launching a Manhattan Project of sorts into investigating the nature of the soul, and the afterlife. All of these things exist. Many evil people, in my view, use perverted and very small understandings of the hidden workings of the world to attain ludicrous and self defeating ends.
Power in the service of power makes people weak, insipid, lost and desperately miserable. They live, and can only live, for small and temporary ameliorations of their lostness, in the exercise of power vis a vis other living souls. And each and every such hit pushes them farther from their roots, from who they really are.
That is my Sunday Sermon for today.
Being born again
I was listening last night again to a lecture on the Tibetan concept of Kun Zhi. The idea is that all of the traumas and difficulties and things that made us stop and contract form a sort of barrier between us and our authentic, happy, spontaneously joyful selves. It has to be digested, chewed, processed. This is one of the primary purposes of meditation, in the early stages.
As I have said often, in my own practice, that of Kum Nye, as taught by Tarthang Tulku, in my understanding there are three broad categories of activity: first relaxation, then mindfulness, then concentration. They all happen at the same time, of course, but each has its own purpose and focus.
Relaxation allows you to see what is actually there. It is like floating down in the water of your self, to see what is in the deeps. Until you slow down enough to allow these voices to speak, they influence you without you seeing them.
Then you have to live with them for a while. You have to see and match their forms, and be aware of them. With time, they dissolve. You integrate them with your breath, with your flow of energy, with your flow of life energy.
And once this barrier becomes porous and begins to dissolve, you come into contact with the life of your life, with your spirit. The purpose of life on Earth is to learn how to express this spirit. It is that simple. It is not to be kind: kindness is a RESULT. Kindness, expressed externally, is an outer form, that can be done reflexively by callous and cruel people, for their own purposes. In my view, many of the people talking the most about kindness and compassion have a great deal of darkness in their hearts. They are using the concept of kindness as a wedge to separate themselves from others, which in turn creates the space for them to be cruel from what they consider a morally superior vantage point.
Concentration, then, is feeling this energy, and accumulating it, and learning to live in it, and to live it openly. It is bringing true, honest, spiritual joy into this dark and mean world. It is not an easy process, which is why few people do it. I’m certainly not doing it yet. I am no doubt guilty of much of what I accuse others of. That is why I can see them so clearly: I am one of them, in my own way.
But I have plotted my escape. That is, in my view, the key difference.
There is no excuse
Here is the thing: depression is a recognized public health issue. It is tracked by groups like the CDC and the NIH in my understanding, for the simple reasons that it has attributes and leads both to worse heslth outcomes, and sudden death in the form of suicide.
If Fauci wants to punt on the political and economic outcones of his policies, that alone makes him an amoral turd—the opposite of a “mensch”—but it is defensible.
However no public health advice, given in a professional capscity—can fail to recognize and factor in mental health consequences. If Fauci KNOWS that suicides and drug ovetdoses are outpacing COVID deaths, he is not just committing a moral atrocity, but a crime against professionalism itself. He cannot even say he is just doing his job. He isnt.
Liar China
Nobody seems to want to take risks any more, do they?
Same with BRCC. They were just fucking around, and I don’t think any of them ever thought anything would come of it, but that’s what I liked.
Here is the first point I would make: in a divided nation, there is actual advantage, from a marketing perspective, appealing to one side or the other. And given how dominant the Cancelling side of the thing is, there is in my view HUGE money to be made by playing the other side. Just look at Goya. Don’t do it halfway: make it so that if you have their bumper sticker on your car, you can reasonably infer their politics.
I’ve tried a few of their coffees, and Blackbeard’s Delight is my favorite. I like that logo, so I bought one for my ball cap I bought from GoRuck.
I pondered this for a minute. One, that was not the actual logo, as far as anyone can tell. Two, pirates usually killed everyone on board. Blackbeard was a mass murderer.
But here is the thing: I am not endorsing a return to mass murder. I AM expressing, implicitly, my ANGER at a lot of things going on, and at a lot of people, without actually cussing anyone out, or causing any actual violence. Pirates are a part of our culture. The Pittsburgh Pirates. Tampa Bay Buccanneers. It is a metaphor for no quarters given, and an all in to win mindset.
Che Guevara was also a mass murderer. Here is my second point: the people wearing shirts with HIS face on them ARE advocating a return to mass murder, mass enslavement, and mass incarceration. There is no other way to look at it.
In my personal view this is a sellers market for marketers who are willing to take risks. Proctor and Gamble showing a biological woman who is taking steroids and thus has a need to shave: not truly risky. We have all been indoctrinated to reflexively accept whatever the latest assault on historical cultural norms (and in the event, biological science) may be. P&G suffered a bit for that, I think, but not in a major way.
No, I mean risks like what the Goya CEO took. AT LEAST 60 million Americans will buy something they don’t even want or need, if the people running the company will say ordinary, traditional, historically garden variety patriotic things.
And here is the thing: all of us have sinned. All of us have done things which we know have hurt other people, things we have done out of malice, pain, thoughtlessness, spite and anger. Most of us have done bad things to ourselves. Quite often, rather than punish others for our pain, we punish ourselves, in various ways. Addiction is a punishment of sorts in itself. It is an introjected aggression, a grenade we create then fall on to protect others.
But until we learn to forgive others, we can never include ourselves in that blanket amnesty. You can’t let YOUR OWN past go until you learn the process of severing the bonds of guilt, resentment, hate and anger with respect to others.
True morality never requires us to choose between our own interest and that of others. The ideal, always, is that we all feed one another–you may recall the story of the long spoons and heaven and hell–and in so doing become happy and connected.
Comment on the lockdowns
What is being done right now has never been done to any nation, much less large number of nations, in the history of the world. Quarantines–for known infected areas–have been a regular feature of pandemics for thousands of years. But forbidding people from working–across NATIONS–who show no signs of illness, and particularly in response to a disease that kills perhaps 4 people in a thousand who are INFECTED with it: never been done.
What is being done right now is in direct imitation of the highly unsuccessful response of the Communist Chinese, who starved to death 50 million of their own people through stupidity and callous disregard for human life, and may have caused the deaths of more millions through their incompetent response. We may never know the true death toll, but that they are lying about it is obvious.
All every no none
Here is what I perceive: proper thought should be endlessly articulated, in the sense of joints. It needs to be endlessly particulated, in the sense of particles. It needs to be malleable, in the sense that it can be impressed on the topic at hand, and come away with a reasonably complete composite picture, like an imprint in sand.
What fear does is disarticulate, and departiculate thinking. The more fear, the less joints. Imagine trying to live life with knees that would not flex, elbows that would not bend. You would walk funny, and many things you can do now you would be unable to do.
This is what that sort of thinking looks like. If 1 part in 100 of something is bad, then the whole thing is bad. Only perfection is acceptable, and since nothing is perfect, you have to reject everything. Burn everything down. Only then will perfection emerge. This is literally what some of these people think.
I had someone try and convince me the other day that because race riots happened in Tulsa, Oklahoma 100 years ago, that black people can’t get ahead now. Should anyone really be confronted with such a fatuous, obviously stupid argument, much less be forced to respond to it?
These kids in the streets: this is how they think. As far as I can tell, fear–deep, profound, existential fear–must underlie all this idiocy. Anxiety is the coin of the realm, and in such a realm, ideational disease is necessarily rampant.