
Sane Democrats

 It seems to me that the Democrats have revealed their core agenda to be nearly entirely demonic.  They lie continually, attack good people in cruel ways, foment pointless violence that hurts the very communities they claim they want to help, institute policies which weaken America, attack our working people, and are even now to a very disproportionate extent presiding over the largest concentrated attack on general prosperity ever conducted on a developed nation.

Consider that we were at record low rates of unemployment, and that income gains were on par with the largest on record, JUST SIX MONTHS AGO.  Now, they are using the pretext of an illness that kills four people in a thousand to utterly destroy everything.  Every city in America has boarded up restaurants and businesses that were thriving back in February.  It’s unbelievable.  Unconscionable.

I don’t believe ALL Democrats are batshit insane.  There is Tulsi Gabbard, at least.  She gives me a modicum of hope, although she really does not belong there.

But if any sane Democrats remain, their task is not to goosestep with the rest of the Democrats to “Stop Trump”, whose main “crime” has been to make both parties look like incompetent fools, which they are.

No, their job is to break ranks to stop the madness.  Their job is to defy Schumer and Pelosi.  Their job is to signal to America that they are not ALL crazy and hellbent on driving this country into a ditch.

This is certainly something which supports my political agenda, but I personally think a number of them ought to break ranks and vote to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

I think all aware Americans can only look at them, now, with jaws agape, wondering what the hell happened to the party of Kennedy and Truman.  It’s a shit show now, with anger, destruction, nihilistic violence, and continual planned dissimulation as their only tools.


Go slowly

 In Tibet, a common way of saying farewell is (or was–I think there are more Chinese speakers now) apparently Kale Pheb, which means “go slowly”, to which the reply is Kale Ju, which means “stay (or sit) slowly.”

I may try and import this.

This is from Alexandra David Neel’s marvelous account of her journey to Lhasa in the 1920’s.



 Repose means in its root “to cause to rest”.  It is re plus pausare, which is Latin for “to rest”.

If you think about it, repose is that state in which all possible neurological states are equidistant.  All possibilities are open to you.

But when not resting, you have to make decisions.  A decision is, in its root, a “cutting off”.  You cut off all other pathways, which will forever remained closed to you.

Here is what I would suggest: at this moment, people need to pick a side.  The Democrats, and the plutocrats and Communists (an historically common pairing, which is less ironic than it may seem, if you understand Communism) running them, have made a middle ground impossible. Either you make excuses for the destruction of our economy via Fascistic and counterproductive curtailments of our freedom or you don’t;  either you rationalize self destructive, nihilistic riots or you don’t;  either you sanction mass election fraud or you don’t; either you believe our country should have a border and that the job of our government is to protect the well being of the people here legally, first and foremost, or you don’t; either you rationalize the election as leader of the Free World a man who may literally be crapping himself and who needs daily long naps and still doesn’t know where he is half the time, or you don’t; either you welcome Trump’s negotiation successes in the Middle East or you don’t;  either you ignore or rationalize the continual lying in our media, along with its continual efforts to gin up racial divisions and following violence, or you don’t.

Either you are a decent human being, or you are not.

Decisions need to be made.  All of us should try and keep as many people in our orbit as long as as much as possible.  But there come times in life–and this is one of them–where people have to pick sides.  The sides, this time, are vastly, vastly more stark than they were even after 9/11, when it was far from clear who are true enemies were, and we have of course since come to find our worst enemies draw paychecks from the US government.

Make a decision.  It is time.


An economic virus

 It occurs to me that whether or not riots are on the way for Louisville, in nearly all cases, the cause of the Globalists–the psychopaths driving this global lockdown–are served.  PARTICULARLY if there ARE riots that is what people will be talking about.  Their media outlets will work to divide people, and in particular divide those who “support black people” and those who, in failing to readily embrace their mean spirited and destructive propaganda, don’t.

Never mind that the riots hurt black people, that they destroy THEIR businesses and community, and that destroying downtown will reduce yet further for a long time the number of jobs available to them.  This will be the line.

But ALL OF THIS serves to distract from the drip, drip, drip of continual economic destruction being perpetrated on Louisvillians, Kentuckians, the American South, the United States, the industrialized world, and indeed most of the REST of the world.  If we are fighting, we are not looking at the Big Picture, which is a globally engineered Depression, which can be readily used by billionaires to do nearly anything they want.

Economic downturns are fire sales.  People become available for purchase in large numbers.  People willingly embrace reductions in freedom in exchange for shiny baubles and crusts of bread.

It is maddening, all of this.  The crime is bad enough, but seeing the nearly continuous pattern of idiocy in response to it is what is really driving me up the wall.

Never mind Hydroxychloroquine: even without it, the responses make no sense.  As the Swedish health minister pointed out, THEIR response was the only one based on data.  Everything else has never been done before, and the evidence returning is that in the best case severe lockdowns don’t help, and in the more likely case, they WORSEN health outcomes, making them a perfect storm of bad policy.

But good policy for people who hate freedom, who hate the ordinary schlubs who mostly populate this planet, and who hate God and everything good in this world.

To be clear, I hate these people sometimes myself, but if I ran the world I would EDUCATE them to not be so fucking stupid. Our aspiring masters have done the opposite.  Everything they can do to make us stupid, fat, and complacent, they do, they pay for, they encourage via the media outlets they have purchased and run, for their own benefit.


Socialism, Capitalism, and Megamind

 I was hypothetically asking, in my mind, a socialist to show me a place where their ideas had worked.  I mentally scanned all the nations I know, and all the history I know–which is not quite encyclopedic, but still quite substantial–and could not come up with one good example, other than perhaps Israeli Kibbutzim which are small systems enacted by homogeneous groups within a larger State which is not socialist.

What could they say?  Well, it ALMOST worked here, and almost worked there.

And it reminded my of the line from Megamind, where he says he and whoever the hero went back and forth: “Sometimes he won, sometimes I almost won.”

Sometimes Capitalism works, sometimes Socialism ALMOST works.

Patently, there are degrees of social protections.  Some nations have vastly less efficient medical systems, which are paid for through taxes and run by the government.  This is not true socialism, since it is the economic output made possible by free markets, enforceable contract law, and protected private property rights which spin off the wealth which pays the taxes, which pays for the compared-to-America mediocre healthcare.

And to be clear, most of the bad healthcare outcomes in America come from people who ALREADY have socialized medicine in the form of Medicare.  We have large swathes of our population who take shit care of themselves, then ask doctors to fix it.  Most other nations don’t have that cultural problem.  Most other nations do not have medical systems which are set up to take care of people who will not take care of themselves.

Not sure how I got there, but I will note, as I like to do, that Sweden has Charter Schools, the equivalent of educational vouchers, and a Social Security system which is indexed to the GNP, or at least total tax receipts by the government.  I argued a while back, and will argue again, that part of the reason they chose not to decimate their economy with a foolish and anti-scientific response to the COVID-19 appearance was that it would have destroyed their retirement system, and generated a vast popular backlash.  As it turns out, they nearly uniquely did the actually intelligent thing.


Living with an abuser

 I really feel like today’s Democrats have become the functional equivalent of abusive spouses.  They fly off the handle with the least provocation, make all sorts of threats, hurl all sorts of abuse at anyone who dares not agree with them immediately, and who have now literally graduated to physical violence. The goal, obviously, is to terrorize the rest of us into silence.

Nobody is wanting to talk about it, but three men were executed in Louisville, Kentucky, by a black man wearing what amounted to a BLM t-shirt.  Walked up to them, seated outdoors in a bar, and shot them point blank in the head.  One was black, but he was seated with two white guys, and I guess that was good enough.  A few weeks ago another black man killed a white kid, simply because he was white.  He shot a 7 year old boy getting ready to start kindergarten, point blank, in the head, in front of his two sisters, then drove away.

It’s been obvious for some time that black lives don’t matter to BLM.  NO lives matter to BLM.  That might be a more honest slogan.  THEY matter to themselves.  The leaders love the attention, the chaos they can sow, and presumably see some sort role for themselves in the future as a combination of power brokers, and well paid political extortionists, of the sort that got Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton rich.

How can any morally sane person not wake up to the atrocities being perpetrated?  They are only on one side, only in one direction.  There is nothing liberal, generous, tolerant, kind, or compassionate about any of this.  It is criminality, driven by hysteria, prejudice, and hate, which is NOT BEING REJECTED OR EVEN COMMENTED ON BY SENIOR DEMOCRAT LEADERS, MOST OBVIOUSLY JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS.  Harris, in fact, in word and deed, has SUPPORTED these lunatics, and this political terrorism.


Ludetic Systems

 Much of human social life consists in games being played, essentially without purpose.  Rules are proposed and adopted, which then operate largely below the level of conscious awareness.

Male pissing contests are one obvious example, and there are female equivalents, which I suppose we might call bitch contests.  In my observation, there is vastly more conflict among women than men, most of the time.  It is simply less obvious, and nearly never evolves into actual violence, as that among men often does.

But I wanted to suggest that this whole mask thing has evolved into a ludetic system.  It is a game played for the sake of the game.

From the outset of “this”, I was asking: what is the end game?  How do we return to normal?  All alleged “responses” to the exigencies of this pandemic ought logically to have an answer to the question “why are we doing this”, which fits within an overall plan.

We are told to recite the mantra “to flatten the curve”, or “slow the spread”.  I have been asking from the outset: WHY?  Why would we want to do that?  To protect hospital capacity is the only reasonable answer I can see, and other than very short periods of time, in cities like New York that did stupid shit like send sick people into nursing homes, then kill them with ventilators, this has not been an issue in the SIX MONTHS (do I need to remind you it has been SIX MONTHS?) this pandemic response has been going on.

We need not fear the pandemic.  We need to fear our governments.

Historically, masks were worn by sick people, to protect them from bacteria.  They have never been shown to help in any meaningful respect with the flu, and the flu has ravaged most nations on Earth every year for the past forever.  According to actual study, they really don’t help reduce infections from surgery, so so-called Surgeons Masks really are not needed either.  They would be better off improving their oxygen uptake to prevent surgical mistakes, which DO present a continual threat to patients, with thousands of stupid mistakes happening each and every year.

Human beings are creatures of habit.  Habits, I have proposed, are more or less programmable instincts.  Once in place, they tend to continue unabated more or less indefinitely, unless that person chooses to question and interrogate them.  Much of the success in each of our lives consists in programming good instincts, and weakening the bad.

But that everything should be open NOW continues to be obvious to me.  That a large, indefensible crime is being committed continues to be obvious to me.  Millions of people may starve to death because of the RESPONSE to this not-very-dangerous disease.

I will point out again that the nations using Hydroxychloroquine are seeing almost no major issues.  India, to take the obvious example I have taken the time to research, has much less than one quarter of the death we supposedly (you know these counts are overstated by a LOT) do, with four times the population.  The disease got there, and got into slums where basic sanitation and physical distancing were literally impossible.  Yet, very little death.

I hope, I really hope, we get through this time without falling into tyranny.  Humanity is SO CLOSE to the possibility of universal peace and prosperity.  We have the technology in place.  We simply continue to be led by morally ignorant psychopaths who view the gain of all as the loss of the few.  We could easily come this close to the summit, and fall into a deep crevasse from which escape might be impossible in this life.  This is a time of great peril, and great potential.

Wake up, whoever you are.  Pay attention.  Everything you value and love could easily be taken from you.  In every human induced disaster in at least the modern era, all those affected said “I never thought it could happen to me.”  It CAN happen to you.  And it WILL happen to all of us if we allow the psychopaths to win back the White House or Congress.  I truly believe this.  Kamala Harris would GLADLY come up with a reason and rationale to open up and fill labor camps for political prisoners.  I literally and truly believe this.  These people are sick.

I have not yet looked at today’s headlines, but feel very certain that the Democrats are once again using the political equivalent of terrorism to try and force people to bend to their irrational, unprincipled, life denying, and Fascistic will.


Fucking with Joe Biden

 I saw a picture of Joe Biden posted on some German site, where his ear hole was missing.  Obviously, if the picture is not a fake, somebody used a computer to cover up an earpiece through which someone was trying to feed him coherent words.

He can’t use a teleprompter in the debates, so they could literally to something like a cochlear implant or something in that neighborhood, to hide his earpiece, since I think without it he has trouble remembering where he is.  

Such a thing would need to work wirelessly, obviously.

Here is my idea: find the transmission, tune into it, then jam it at a key moment.  The technology exists to do this, and perhaps to defeat it, but this should be part of the ground game in this thing.

I was wondering today if all the listless and frustrated Americans out there with brains and skills maybe ought to be figuring out how to cheat for Trump.  Ethically, I see no issue with it, since it is self evident that is what the  Democrats are planning on doing, and it seems highly unlikely we will be able to stop them fully.  Anything even close in the totals, and we will have chaos, which of course is what the Democrats want.

Democrats are evil, now.  I really believe this.  They are the ones behind the riots, the lockdowns, behind continual dishonest and nasty attacks on ALL conservatives, the ones polluting the news with fabricated and misleading stories, the ones working with criminals in all sorts of ways to get votes, and the list goes on.  They are doing everything but coming up with good ideas to help ordinary Americans.  We are really, really fucked if they EVER get control again.  Tulsi Gabbard is fine, but everyone hates her, and everyone who hates her hates the rest of us too.

I don’t know the solution, but these are a couple ideas.


Fatal mental illness

 It occurs to me that all suicides, and most drug overdoses and deaths from alcohol abuse, could reasonably be described as cases of terminal depression.

We think anguish when we think mental health problems, but do not really classify the deaths that follow as logical results of those “illnesses”, which I put in quotes since it is far from clear well adjusted, tranquil happiness is our natural state.

This leads in turn to the obvious and logical conclusion that anything that leads to large increases in depressive disorders—as the lockdowns imposed via the pretext of “public safety” are manifestly and obviously doing—THEMSELVES constitute a disease which often proves fatal.

And short of this, anything that increases anxiety—as these idiotic lockdowns are also doing—increases bad decisions—like bad eating and binge eating—which in the long term also shorten peoples lives, and make them vastly more vulnerable to a host of health complaints, which in turn make COVID-19 more dangerous. Things like diabetes, hypertension and obesity.

People are not monodimensional pieces, and human societies are complex ecosystems with many aspects to them which intelligent and honest people will take into consideration when trying to formulate good policy.

None of that is being done in most places. The Swedes are the only ones I know articulating policy which is not abusive twaddle.



 It occurs to me there are two kinds of pleasure: reducing tension, and amplifying spontaneous positive feelings.

Getting drunk and crazy at the end of a tough week is the former. Rising with the sun and taking a walk in the woods is a combination of the two, for most. And joy felt in meditation is primarily the latter.

Cruelty consists in lessening your own tension by increasing it in someone else.This root process is the core motivation of power lust, along with the paired desire to keep someone else from doing it to you