I am told it is a truism and one of the first principles taught in Accounting that if you are off by a penny, you could be off by a million dollars. Either the columns add up perfectly, or you fucked up somewhere, to a completely unknowable extent.
And this principle is taught for the simple reason that a penny is not much. Any of us, to avoid hours of labor, would just kick in that penny ourselves.
But the idea is that the “system”, if I might use that term–the long series of operations which yielded the total–is broken. Being off by a penny is the symptom. A broken, defective system is the disease. And Accountants are number doctors. Their job is to heal the broken numbers.
Likewise with voting. If you can provide evidence of ONE ballot that was counted, that should not have been counted, then you have a broken system. You have a system that could be allowing MILLIONS of bad ballots without you knowing it. One ballot here and there both sides are quite willing to let go. And in point of fact, Republicans have been letting go what seemed to be petty voter fraud for many years. It is not worth the political cost of making the accusation, when their enemies leverage their valid concerns into counter-accusations of racism and a desire to disenfranchise minority voters we are told are too stupid and ignorant to understand the process and participate in it the same way as white people.
But do we KNOW how large the problem is? How could we? It’s impossible. The people doing the cheating probably don’t even know exactly how many ballots they are getting away with entering into the system fraulently.
How is this possible in 2020? I think it is very likely that ten million OR MORE fraudulent votes were cast for Joe Biden. Until we have a system to audit ALL OF THEM we cannot know if the obvious examples we KNOW about are just chump change compared to what is deep within and undiscovered because uninspected.