
AR-15 marketing blitz

As usual, I can FEEL the glee and self satisfaction of the Left, following a well organized propaganda operation.  They got a number of companies to “divest” themselves of the NRA.

Yet, as has been increasingly the case for some years, the “victory” is Pyrrhic.  They dominated the airwaves and internet for a week or more, but, although this is only a best guess, they have likely on balance turned more people towards the NRA than towards an enthusiastic backing for banning effective weapons.

And things are changing, evolving, in odd ways.  I read Curt Schilling is in trouble, again, for retweeting a meme I had also seen about the use of “crisis actors” in Parkland.  Now, the very speed and organization–the readiness–to use this crisis to advantage did seem weird to me too.  The whole thing felt like it was on a schedule, and the shooting just one aspect of the overall plan.

But as I said, other than Hogg being an opportunistic asshole, seeking this as his big chance to get his name in front of people he wants to work for, whose water he wants to carry, there is no evidence this was something other than a preventable tragedy, following a long series of missed intervention points, which were, we now know, fed by bureaucratic greed:

How any sane person with an IQ above room temperature can think for a nanosecond that government officials can’t be greedy escapes me.

This whole thing will blow over.  There is no real thirst for taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens,  particularly after the long series of painful revelations about just how many times, in how many ways, the same government that would take our guns failed to protect us and our children.  Fuck them, and fuck these assholes that don’t care about freedom, safety, human decency, or the rule of law.