Anger becomes integrated on a psychological level by recognizing and owning it as one’s own, rather than splitting it off and turning it against the self or projecting it. Physiologically, anger becomes integrated not by acting it out, as in beating pillows and screaming, but by identifying, containing, and tracking the energetic experience in the body.
From “Healing Developmental Trauma”, by Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre, both of whom would likely be scandalized by my politics (“don’t quote me, don’t quote me”).
I walk my own way. What can I say? I am not sure what this says about me, but certainly some part of me is working on learning to live my own life unapologetically, which is healthy.
I am strongly tempted, though, to see in much of the political disconnections of the past 50 years not just the operation of Soviet propaganda–which remains strongly present to this day–but deeper emotional disconnections brought about by the disruptions in the very notions of normal families. Women going to work is an issue, but so too is the simple busyness of life, the loss of free time, which stresses adults, who pass that stress on to children, who use TV and video games as anxiolytics and ersatz parents.
Generation upon generation of disconnection from a broader, honestly conveyed cultural tradition makes identity formation more difficult. Indeed, I would suggest that the current obsession with identity is a sign not of growth, but of infantile regression. It matters far less whether you “feel” black, or feel like a woman in a man’s body, or whatever, but what your felt sense of being a human being living within a social field is.
I have no objections to opening up our ideas to differing notions of how to live, but my belief is that these are poor solutions to misdiagnosed problems, which are being used propagandistically by cynical lunatics to drive narratives which lead to general cultural destruction; and which are leading to the impossibility of true love, since that requires emotional maturation and healthy individuation, both of which are antithetical to the goals and methods of the Nanny State.