Anger ends when the hurt ends, and I think the end of hurt is the same as forgiveness. Forgiveness is when the thought of someone, or something which hurt you, no longer brings out strong emotions. It is growth, though, which brings understanding. Forgiveness makes it no longer matter. Growth allows you to see.
I am still angry about a number of things, and I still hurt. For someone like me, being able to feel hurt in the first place is progress. I never knew what was being done to me, because I checked out early on.
You can of course choose to forgive someone, but it seems to me this is simply a decision to consistently alter your focus. This is likely helpful, likely healthy, and likely the only way to move on for some people. But until you heal the hurt, you are papering it over, and it never fully goes away.
When I finish my inventory, I don’t want anything left. What I want is consistently expressed creativity, focus, and pleasure in people and in work.