This is a commment I left in regard to this article, by Walter Williams. Normally I’m smart enough to realize that when there are zero comments, either they are being blocked, or the moderator is away on business, meaning it may never appear.
I will add, actually, that I have analyzed this situation many times; for the first time, here. Logically, if there are no internalized values, the values must be externalized. This makes them mutable, and ultimately eradicates the possibility of evil, by eradicating the possibility of any Good outside of conformity. The history of the 20th and 21st centuries makes this very clear. This is not theoretical: hundreds of millions of actual human beings have suffered horrific tortures as a result of these ideas. If at times the people offering them appear benign–Van Jones in his recent ad looks like he’s selling a retirement plan (he’s the uncle you can trust, don’t you know?)–that is only a facade. Anyone who surrenders their moral sensibilities to anyone else is infinitely corruptible. All that is needed is time and opportunity for this transformation to happen openly.
The core question that Leftists are unable to answer is: why is racism wrong? The reason they have a problem with this is they want to make some forms of racism wrong, but others acceptable. More: they want to make some forms of prejudice acceptable–for example by demonizing “rich” people, most of whom made many other people rich along the way–and others unacceptable. Always, we hear in these stentorian tones what and who we are to hate,and who we are to support.
This is moral myopia. There is no larger principle in place, making conformity tne only value, and putting any and all crimes–rape, murder, torture, genocide–on the table. Practically, all have happened often in the last century, always with the blessing of those who surrendered their moral autonomy to join this vicious cult.